The Search for the 3rd Party Characters! Who will they be?

sorabrawl said:
all megaman is shoot lasers
at least samus can fire cannons and bombs as well

[In a big announcer voice] INCORRECT [/In a big announcer voice]
Megaman does all of the following
Fire a laser
Fire drill missles
Fire large blades
Fire exploding snakes
Stop Time
Pop up a Shield (made of leaves)
Fire a bladed boomerang
Throw Bombs
Throw Large Rocks
Use a Beam Sword (In an actual game, unlike Samus)

You lose...

Seriously though, Old-School Megaman
Down-Special, switching between weapons, which just switches his main Special.
Maybe six different weapons, with color change as appropriate.
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HADOOKEN!!! HAHAHAHA!!! That would be awesome.
But having a bunch of weapons like that would probably get complicated
In my opinion, if they do have Megaman, his moves might be:
A laser thing
Dash, then slice with a beam sword thing
His Up Special could be his little dog friend that helps him jump, (He is in one of the Megamans)
And . . . . um . . . . . . I really can't think of anything else.
The reason I'm not including a bunch of his OTHER moves, is because those are moves he learned from fighting dudes, not already learned.
Like for Sonic, he has some moves that he had before,
like the spin thing, the OTHER spin thing, and bouncy thingie.
They COULD have had moves like his electric ball addition, fireball, or waterball, but they didn't.
If they have megaman, they will probably do the same.
If theres 4-5 and we already have Sonic and Snake i think it would be

1.Megaman Who i would like:
2.Banjo-Kazooie 1.Master Cheif!!!
He's better than Sora or any other square-enix character.

Mega man is a cultural gaming icon much like Mario. He has a huge following.
his strong points have been noted already in previous posts so I won;t waste time re-hashing them.
Besides we need another arm cannon weiling character. God knows there's more than enough lame unoriginal sword weilders already. Why not give the same respect to projectile weapons or *gasp* melee combat?

1. ♥♪!? (A.K.A. Geno)
2. Leon S. Kennedy
4. Geno!
5. Toejam & Earl
6. Geno!
7. Trace
8. Geno!!
9. Noxus
10. Geno!!!
11. Tom Nook

And Geno!

B E S T . C H A R A C T E R . E V E R .

Half of them aren't 3rd party. I just needed more space to add Geno. What can I say?! The guy appeals to me! I really. Really want to play Geno.

Wait... Didn't Sakurai say he considered Geno 1st or 2nd party? There you go! He wouldn't even take up the final slot!
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Mr Money said:
Master Cheif (lol)
Albert Wesker
Leon Kennedy
Sam Fisher
Your own mii's - you can make custom moves!

(i do realise some are not 3rd party but who cares)

thats probably the most realistic list i've seen in a long time. actually a lot of the lists on here are probably almost 100% accurate. specially the ones with banjo and master chief. and also, i'll bet you geno has like two spaces on the roster. no difference, but i mean he's so great.
samXcor3 said:
thats probably the most realistic list i've seen in a long time. actually a lot of the lists on here are probably almost 100% accurate. specially the ones with banjo and master chief. and also, i'll bet you geno has like two spaces on the roster. no difference, but i mean he's so great.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
[In a big announcer voice] INCORRECT [/In a big announcer voice]
Megaman does all of the following
Fire a laser
Fire drill missles
Fire large blades
Fire exploding snakes
Stop Time
Pop up a Shield (made of leaves)
Fire a bladed boomerang
Throw Bombs
Throw Large Rocks
Use a Beam Sword (In an actual game, unlike Samus)

You lose...

Seriously though, Old-School Megaman
Down-Special, switching between weapons, which just switches his main Special.
Maybe six different weapons, with color change as appropriate.
yea, i want the old-school megamans in, not any Nt warrior or s*** like that. either the one from SNES or Marvel vs Capcom and im c00
you know what i think megaman will go in because there are lots of people who like tat

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