The Search for the 3rd Party Characters! Who will they be?

seeing how grey fox made an assist, they might just add some sonic characterAT.
Hmm the only 3rd party i see fitting in perfectly is megaman. Oh well, i'll be happy with whatever is given to me.
wizkid0111 said:
Well, I'm with the majority that one of them will be Megaman but if there are 4 or 5, which I doubt, I hope it would be Ratchet from the Rachet and Clank series and The Prince from the Prince of Persia series.
Ratchet would be incredible, but impossible.

Viewtiful Joe, Knuckles, and/or Megaman would be nice.
ok megaman defs then banjo but really he hasnt been in a game for years and years his chances are slim to nothing... just megaman imo ... people like spyro and crash have no chance in hell of making it....
Sora, Megaman, Chrono, Isaac and a ninja. Does anyone know of any ninjas from Nintendo games? Only ones that come to mind are Shadow from FFVI and hotsuma from shinobi.
Crash and Spyro were released on PS1. That's like adding masterchief. Megaman. I feal it's likely on Knuckles aswell. If it's Megaman X he could be very original. Tails might be an assist. Unlikely on Banjo. They might possibly add Jack Bower too. Only time will tell and he pwns.
killik119 said:
Sora, Megaman, Chrono, Isaac and a ninja. Does anyone know of any ninjas from Nintendo games? Only ones that come to mind are Shadow from FFVI and hotsuma from shinobi.

The Ninja from Ninja Gaiden, maybe?
I mean, weren't the original 3 or 4 games on the NES?
And we have a new one coming for the DS soon.
He'd have a pretty easy move-set too.

Normal moves and smashes:Sword attacks
Special: Windmill Shuriken - Large (character sized) shuriken that boomerangs back.
Side-Special: Scroll - Throws a fireball
Up-Special: Double jump, clings to walls where applicable.
Down-Special: Fire Shield - Creates a temporary fire wheel around him that does damage to close foes.

I lean towards Mega-Man, and a Belmont from Castlevania.
I did full move-sets for both over in the Character Discussion thread a while back.

Here they are again:
Special: Buster shot - chargable
Up special: Foot jets
Side special: X Beam sword
Down special: Weapon Change
(Has 3? other weapon choices, from old games. My preferences, MM2 stuff. Metal Gear shot, Leaf Shield, Drill missile) Replaces Buster Shot, Color swap Megaman.
Alternate costumes: Modified models, Like Zero, Protoman, or Bass. Or Roll :p
Final Smash: Super Hadoken(like Marvel V Capcom)

Belmont (ANY)
Special - Whip, hold down and twitch controller to flip the whip around while out.
Up Special - Super jump
Side Special - Throw random secondary weapon (Cross, Dagger, Holy water)
Down Special - Bible (protective/damage shield)
Final Smash - Random Second weapon super (Rising Crosses, Hail of Dagger, Rain of Holy Water)
TiwazTyrsfist said:
The Ninja from Ninja Gaiden, maybe?
I mean, weren't the original 3 or 4 games on the NES?
And we have a new one coming for the DS soon.
He'd have a pretty easy move-set too.

Yeah he would be a pretty nice addition. Definitely a possibility too seeing as he has been in fighting games before.(dead or alive I think)

But my bets are on Tupac.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Belmont (ANY)
Special - Whip, hold down and twitch controller to flip the whip around while out.
Up Special - Super jump
Side Special - Throw random secondary weapon (Cross, Dagger, Holy water)
Down Special - Bible (protective/damage shield)
Final Smash - Random Second weapon super (Rising Crosses, Hail of Dagger, Rain of Holy Water)

Don't even considerate, as political as America can be, they would never add a religious character to the game. And Europe would be even worse. This character wouldn't be excepted very well.
wizkid0111 said:
Well, I'm with the majority that one of them will be Megaman but if there are 4 or 5, which I doubt, I hope it would be Ratchet from the Rachet and Clank series and The Prince from the Prince of Persia series.

lmao althugh i'd love it, ratchet would never make it becuase hes basically owned by sony.

i say megaman and viewtiful joe.
Mingus said:
Don't even considerate, as political as America can be, they would never add a religious character to the game. And Europe would be even worse. This character wouldn't be excepted very well.

I don't know why he wouldn't be accepted that well. I loved those old Castlevania games (and even that one that was out on N64, I think?) I'd lean toward the holy water attack set (they would basically be blue flames and most people may not think it's holy water)

My vote is for Belmont too.
Doubt it but hell i wish it soooo much, iv been saying this for months now

Hell yeah man

also, banjo and kazooie are coming back for a, Hold on a sec this knife in my back is itchy *ah yeah thats better* anyway where was i oh yes, a 360 exclusive
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Mingus said:
Don't even consider it, as political as America can be, they would never add a religious character to the game. And Europe would be even worse. This character wouldn't be accepted very well. Grammar Courtesy of Grammar-Nazi Inc.

The Castlevania games sell well in the US, so I doubt that would be a problem.
Particularly since he's not using Christian Icons because he's ultra-religious, but rather because he is a classic Bram Stoker's Dracula style vampire hunter.

It's not like I'm suggesting the inclusion of Pope John-Paul II or something. Though, as a former professional Rugby player he would probably whoop some A.
[A Joke]

So, that aside, who else would be good?
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Plazmis3 said:
i am super hoping its knuckles but if not they can atleast make him an assist trophy
Well yea that would be cool but why would they add Knuckles if they already have Sonic. I mean they didn't even have Luigi so I doubt that could happen...

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