The Search for the 3rd Party Characters! Who will they be?

The perfect 3rd party char for brawl is Ryu. i mean really, why not take a guy from another fighting game and put him in there? he would have a perfect moveset

Over-B:Spin kick thingy (what is it called?)
Up-B:Shoryuken (this is perfect cause he rises into the air)
Down-B:maybe that little slidy thing akuma does

and all of his other moves from marvel vs capcom can fill in the A moves. his back grab would well, be his back grab from MvC. his down grab would be the grab he does when he slams them into the ground. and his final smash; "SHINKU..HADOKEN!!" he's just too perfect for the game. ryu in brawl would be pretty epic.

and my 2nd most wanted person is Sora. i really dont have to explain special moves for him, since you all know he has plenty of hack-and-slash moves and spells.

Up-B:Air Dash (That air thing he does where you press O a second time and he does that little spin thrust thing)
Down-B:Gravity (anyone right by him gets hurt, but he could also have thunder as his down-B, though it would be one single bolt and work like pikachu's)

final smash is easy. he would turn into his Final Form (lol) he would be able to glide around and unleash crazy masterful combos just like he does in kingdom hearts

so yea, sora and ryu would be perfect for brawl
^^ Agreed, sora+ryu (both Street fighter and the Ninja Gaiden Ryus) would be awesome. And Sora can glide... right? So that's in there.

I would also consider the following:
Isaac- Golden Sun
Ray01- Custom Robo
Clavat or another race from FF:CC
Black Mage- Final Fantasy
All these are possible candidates.
Smileface said:
Around September, Sakurai(creator of Brawl) had said that he wanted about 3 3rd Party characters. Currently, there are 2, Snake and Sonic.
Then, around December, a rumor around the internet had said that the reason for the pushed back release date was because Sakurai wanted more than 3.
The original release date was Dec. 3, but was pushed back to Feb. 10, which is 2 months later. That is only enough time to make about 1 or 2 new characters, so if you do the math, in all there will be about 4 or 5 3rd Party characters. With 2 down already, who do you think the others will be?

Just my opinion, but I seriously doubt it is Naruto or Leon Kennedy.
I'm sorry, but this is horrible logic.
I'd love a bunch of Sonic characters to match up with the Mario charaters.
Sonic - Mario
Tails - Luigi/Yoshi
Knuckles - Yoshi/Wario
Amy - Peach
Rouge - I don't know

I know Amy and Rouge would probably never happen but a 2 vs 2 Sonic, Mario match would be awesome IMO, like someone said before.
killik119 said:
^^ Agreed, sora+ryu (both Street fighter and the Ninja Gaiden Ryus) would be awesome. And Sora can glide... right? So that's in there.

I would also consider the following:
Isaac- Golden Sun
Ray01- Custom Robo
Clavat or another race from FF:CC
Black Mage- Final Fantasy
All these are possible candidates.

Isaac isn't third party....Golden Sun is made by camelot (mario golf, tennis)

as for third party characters, this is what i'm actually hoping for

Knuckles(or tails)



Zero(although, i would perfer the original megaman, all the other robots from the series suck)


Oh, I didn't know Isaac was Nintendo-ish... sweet.

Raiden! That would be awesome. MGS:2 Sons of Liberty, was probably the best of the entire series. I played that for hours. His moveset would be based around stealth and what not. Too bad he's got zero chance of appearing. Snake was the star of the series, and I doubt the Konami guy would ask for two of his characters to appear in Brawl.

I agree Sora and Rikku would be awesome. It seems that Roxas has a much larger fan base than rikku and almost sora. But he hasn't been in it from the start like rikku has.

ray01? We needs a robot people!
and when he wins, it should play the ever famous megaman II title screen music.

banjo - he would be awesome.

knuckles - he has big knuckles, for PUNCHING, meaning hes a good fighter
alot of people thin megaman? i dont care who they add i just super duper duper hope they put knuckles in. it would make me want the game 10x more!
Jafoob said:
and when he wins, it should play the ever famous megaman II title screen music.

banjo - he would be awesome.

knuckles - he has big knuckles, for PUNCHING, meaning hes a good fighter
it dependa which megaman they put in. to me, the only one that would it in is the marvel vs capcom one, but any others just wouldnt cut it. i mean, even in the flash smash bros all megaman does is shoot
all megaman is shoot lasers
at least samus can fire cannons and bombs as well

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