The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Meh, rule is, if you must ask, you can't mod. except for me. :ahahhahahaaMEH.

75 messages for members. something like 100 for reg mods. and I think Jill is a special case who gets something like 500......

Chach..... meh, I'm not the one itching, now am I? :lol:
Its called colorful decoration, or at least thats what I like to explain it as
chach said:
Its called colorful decoration, or at least thats what I like to explain it as
That is the most disgusting spam I have ever read...
Cammy: You can also add "Rep me, I repped you" to that list. Oh, and of course, you didnt get repped for anything in particular, just in hope that you would rep them back.

Imo, there are more important things than rep. Its a nice feature, and I have been known to put "Rep if post is helpful/interesting" at the bottom of my posts, if I think they are rep-worthy, but in the end it doesnt prove much at all.
Like I pointed out somewhere...

If neg rep would be much more reliable.

As the system is now....most people with lots of rep (and those who don't) are known as the forum vets and are instantly recognizable to newbies.

Honestly...gray rep bars tell the most about someone. therefore, neg rep must be the n00bs!
Brawny said:
Like I pointed out somewhere...

If neg rep would be much more reliable.

As the system is now....most people with lots of rep (and those who don't) are known as the forum vets and are instantly recognizable to newbies.

Honestly...gray rep bars tell the most about someone. therefore, neg rep must be the n00bs!
Dude, if negative rep returns I am so gonna go on a Neg Attack. I'll be lurking in the bushes, and then, out of nowhere - BOOM!

I think that's the first time you've ever said "dude" in your entire wiichat career.... LMFAO

you don't know how fun it is... Nothing as sweet as Neg rep during the pokehead rush. Gahh, I miss the good ol' days.
^Lmfao, Now thats repping material if Ive ever seen it.



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