The Rep (YOu Must Read)

demon in a little bit ill tell you on modcp who wrote that
Well, while your at it...mind telling me who asked me if I had pokemon games?

I would shoot myself if I was forced to play another one of those. Long live pokemon Yellow... Pearl and Diamond, go dieeee.

I assume you're on the psp?

Gymdawg said:
*Points at Brawny*
Large e-peen must compensate for small normal peen.
Do you drive a big truck as well, Brawny?

What do you expect? I'm asian....I don't grow much hair either if you want to know.....

Well, I got an expedition sometimes, mostly a '99 Grand am.

Now, I need your opinion, Gym, on what 8 bars of rep means on a woman. LMAO
LMAO..... joke.....

e-peens are the only ones that matter. At least until e-AIDS and e-herpes come along.....but then there's always e-valtrex. (lmao, only one person will get that :/)
Brawny said:
LMAO..... joke.....

e-peens are the only ones that matter. At least until e-AIDS and e-herpes come along.....but then there's always e-valtrex. (lmao, only one person will get that :/)


ya remember the noob that didnt want rep and was obsessed with his grey block. ya what a fag.
Brawny said:
LMAO..... joke.....

e-peens are the only ones that matter. At least until e-AIDS and e-herpes come along.....but then there's always e-valtrex. (lmao, only one person will get that :/)
I got it and now I'm really regretting that decision to visit Brawny's mom last night...
working on it right now. You guys are flooding the crap out of my measly 75.... now, if only I could get one the size of a mod's...... *ponders*
how many messages does that hold? and what do you gotta do to become a mod?
mine filled up the other day :O

brawny your e-shwarz is strong but will one day be cut down by a bigger one


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