the ps3 40 gig is garbage

I remember during X-mas parents were buying PS3's. The clerk didn't tell them the 40gb can't play PS1-2 games! So I told them to hunt for a 20gb or 60gb or don't buy them at all. The parents turned around and wanted a Wii. They were sold out. I laughed at the irony.
kronau said:
80% of game companies predicted that the ps3 will become console of choice in 2008. This will probly happen due to the 360 now cost like 3 times more then the ps3 if u get everything u need for the 360 like: wifi online hd dvd(blu ray for ps3) and more. when thats all free for the ps3 in other words u buy a ps3 u dont need 500 diffrent add ons that cost 150$ each.

I believe this as well, and it's one of the reasons I went with a PS3 when my 2nd 360 bit the dust. Well, OK, I got a little tired of having problems with it too, loved the game line up though.

But really. The 40GB to me is a STEAL considering the built in Blu-Ray, wireless etc. It's cheaper than even the cheapest 360 if you take even those two things into account.

Lastly, on the BC, there are, as hard as it probably is to believe, LOL, people like myself who don't care about it at all. I've got one too many games to play already with THIS gen stuff, and everything coming out over the next year to worry about playing anything last gen. Heck, I've traded anything I own that's been played to death by this point anyway.
T3kNi9e said:
Btw, all of Xbox 360 have backward compatability...
They can't claim full BC, though.
The PS3's, sans the 60/40gb, all use the same technology that the 360 does.
Though, their BC library is bigger than the PS3's, the 360 still can not play all old XBox games.

They have enough of BC, to where you probably couldn't find a great game that wouldn't work on it. The same could be said for the PS3. It's obscure titles that you'll have a hard time finding compatibility.
solidkirby said:
They can't claim full BC, though.
The PS3's, sans the 60/40gb, all use the same technology that the 360 does.
Though, their BC library is bigger than the PS3's, the 360 still can not play all old XBox games.

They have enough of BC, to where you probably couldn't find a great game that wouldn't work on it. The same could be said for the PS3. It's obscure titles that you'll have a hard time finding compatibility.

isnt' that how ps2 was also though? some obscure PS1 games didn't work. Off topic i know, i just remember something about this but i'm not sure.
AoWFraggit said:
ps3 is simply a large black box of phail.

as far as i'm concerned, the wii and 360 are the only two real next-gen consoles out there.
LOL, yeah the wii is truely next gen. the technology in it is currently seven years old. as for the xbox 360, yeah its next gen but without HD-DVD drive built in, no internet browser support, and lacking any other unique features such as remote play, how can you honestly consider it next gen? it does everything the xbox did with better graphics and a different interface.

the ps3 is truely next gen. your what i like to call a fanboy. open your eyes.

Anyways, it can play your PS1 games and besides, you dont buy a PS3 to play PS2 games. you buy it for PS3 games and awesome free online (similar to live despite what m$ fanboys will tell you) and blu-ray.

before anybody calls me a fanboy i own a 360 and PS3 and i had a Wii at one point.

T3kNi9e said:
They are no longer making the 60gig version either :p When they started the 40gig they stopped the 60gig.

There's 40gig for $400 and 80gig for $500
99% of people are aware of this. when they say "get the 60gb version" they mean get it off ebay, or check stores in your area because some still have them new. they are discontinued, not impossible to find. the 20gb version though, good luck with that. i hear their near impossible to get. but im happy with my 40gb version. i cant think of one good PS2 game i want that i havent already beaten several times on one of my many PS2 consoles. i chose to sell my PS2 for a reason. i dont need BC on my PS3.
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SensesFail said:
LOL, yeah the wii is truely next gen. the technology in it is currently seven years old. as for the xbox 360, yeah its next gen but without HD-DVD drive built in, no internet browser support, and lacking any other unique features such as remote play, how can you honestly consider it next gen? it does everything the xbox did with better graphics and a different interface.

the ps3 is truely next gen. your what i like to call a fanboy. open your eyes.

Anyways, it can play your PS1 games and besides, you dont buy a PS3 to play PS2 games. you buy it for PS3 games and awesome free online (similar to live despite what m$ fanboys will tell you) and blu-ray.

before anybody calls me sonys *****, or a fanboy or suggests i go suck sonys dick i own a 360 and PS3 and i had a Wii at one point.

i actually agree. sony actually made probably the best console of the 3, and it isn't really arguable that it is the best deal of all 3 consoles if you go by the technology inside. Sony may have failed so far as sales numbers go, but they actually did release a great product.
Nintendo put out a revolutionary product with the motion controls and whatnot. But Xbox 360 is basically just Xbox 2.0, all it is is an impoved original, nothing overly special. Similar to PS2 vs PS, PS2 was just a (way) better version of the same thing, where as PS3 also incorporates (limited) motion control.

SensesFail said:
the 20gb version though, good luck with that. i hear their near impossible to get.

Had they known in advance how many would've been produced they would've just named the 20gig the Sony Unicorn
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They should cancel the 40gb, relaunch the 20gb and put BC back in! They are playing the nickel and dime game with a $400 console. Imagine Nintendo taking out VC to save $12 on each console? Over 115 million people own a PS2. Explain the logic in giving those people the middle finger?

The PS3 hard drive is detachable. Let the consumer worry about space later. Focus on getting sales, not saving dollars on production costs. They made the turkey, now keep the body as it is. Don't rip off body parts in an insane attempt to reduce cooking time.
Senses, most people dont care if a console is just a 2.0 of the last version. That doesn't mean its not next-generation. I bought the consoles for the games not for anything else. The only thing I do on my consoles is play games, play online and download demos.
Uh what does the PS3 have to offer??

Some great games of all genres
Awesome graphics
Blu-ray Player
Free Online Play
Good Online Play
Game Downloads
Motion Sensing Controller
Honestly, I'm not a Playstation fan at all, I truely hate it. Yet, the truth is the PS3 started off bad and I think it will comeback and become a great console.
manufan15 said:
Uh what does the PS3 have to offer??

Some great games of all genres (360 has this and more of it right now)
Awesome graphics (360 has this)
Blu-ray Player (360 has HD-DVD which plays the same, but its seperate)
Free Online Play (Yes this is nice and all, but 360's XBL is worth $4/month)
Good Online Play (XBL is still better)
Home (This isnt even out yet, it isnt due until spring, unless its delayed)
Game Downloads (360 has this, and ALOT more of it)
Motion Sensing Controller (You seriously mentioned this one? This is barely used and its the reason why PS3 has no rumble)

Even though PS3 games use Blu-ray format, no game has yet come close to filling it. It costs too much money to fill it up right now. In the future when graphics are more complex it will fill easier. Even if they did fill it, who cares? All Xbox has to do is make the game with more than 1 disk (Lost Odyssey uses 4 disk's). All 360 users will have to do is install it into their HD and be done. As a DVD player, I dont waste $25-$30 on HD movies. Its a waste of money. So far 90% or maybe even 95% of people still use normal DVD's over HD movies.

Free online is great dont get me wrong, but Live is still better. Besides, even a poor man can afford to pay $4 a month. But even then, its actually only $3.85 a month. Seriously ANYONE can afford that. People waste more than that on damn fast food restaurants that are killing their health.

Home, this has the possibility of being cool, but seriously I didnt buy a console for this.

Game Downloads, PS3 barely has anything compared to XBL

Motion Sensors, wow... This is like a rip off of Wii's motion sensor but pathetic. Its barely used and its usually involves you shaking the damn remote. Also I read that the reason why PS3 lacks rumble is because it could damage the Six Axis. I choose rumble over this trash anyday.

Now before you criticize me. I do have a PS3... I like my PS3, but the fact is its lacking. Just like my Wii is lacking so does PS3. PS3 will get better games this year, but thats it. It still wont fix the rest of PS3's short comings. Nothing wrong with buying a PS3 but dont make it seem like its God Almighty because its not.
brigipson said:
This is my opinion but i was at game stop today talking to my buddy, (note: my buddy works at gamestop) about super smash bros brawl when the subject of the ps3 40 gig came up. Well he said to me the 40 gig does not play ps or ps2 games, I was like it doesn't, wtf. So whatever little interest i had, and i mean very little in ps3 is now crushed to dust by this lol so besides blue ray what does ps3 offer? Well i dont care i love my wii anyway and it kinda sucks for the 40 gig ps3 owner.
it can play ps1 games

what dose wii have to offer, most of the games suck, it has no movie playback, the online is crap (FC:wtf: )

heck making a thread about this is pointless we all know what ps3 offers theirs no point of making a thread about it when the answer is right under your nose

some people cant afford a 80 gig so they pay for a cheaper one and hell if your dumb enough to buy a product without checking is specs then its like througin your money to some hobo

and as for the bolded part whats the name of the product again, oh yeah its PLAYSTATION 3 and seeing the lineup of games for it,its gonnabe a interesting year for blu-ray and ps3

again i cant say enough how pointless this thread is

now im not saying that ps3 is awesome cause both ps3 and 360 have a different types of advantages

360 has live

ps3 has blu-ray

now if someone says 360 has all the games ps3 has has your a moron, you obviously dont know the meaning multiplat.

as for the games they both have a good collection though im not a fps fan thats why i like to keep away from 360

oh and to go on to blu-ray alittle more, bluray right now is winning end of sentence

and again the live is better then PSN though i see no reason of it not to improve, after HOME releases were probably gonna see some changes on to the psn.

and as for the space of the bluray

its 25 GB

uncharted is close to 24GB, now look at MGS4, it has more then 200 workers, lets see how much that fills up

lol its always t3kni9e i see posting stuff like this
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