The Future of the Ps3: Possible Gamecube Failure?

I'm not trying to get into the arguing here, but what stops M$ from making the HD-DVD capable of playing games?
jledesma said:
I'm not trying to get into the arguing here, but what stops M$ from making the HD-DVD capable of playing games?

The fact that their HD-DVD drive is an addon that costs $200. So basically your xbox can have two dvd roms, one external. This puts the price at the same level as the PS3, and developers will not rely on their games only being playable with the idea that everyone will go out and buy a second dvd rom drive just to play the games.

Microsoft would have been wise to include the HDvd-Drive like Sony includes blueray. Right now, xbox games are being pirated like crazy. All it takes is one simple dvd.
Shiftfallout said:
The fact that their HD-DVD drive is an addon that costs $200. So basically your xbox can have two dvd roms, one external. This puts the price at the same level as the PS3, and developers will not rely on their games only being playable with the idea that everyone will go out and buy a second dvd rom drive just to play the games.

Microsoft would have been wise to include the HDvd-Drive like Sony includes blueray. Right now, xbox games are being pirated like crazy. All it takes is one simple dvd.

Good point. Sill, from a bussiness point of view, by doing this you could make users want than add-on (read force users to buy).

I guess my question should have been clarified by asking: TECHNICALLY what stops M$ from making the HD-DVD able to play games?
jledesma said:
I guess my question should have been clarified by asking: TECHNICALLY what stops M$ from making the HD-DVD able to play games?

They are capable of doing it, just the problem is they are not.
Hmm quite an interesting thread.

I think anyone who believes that Sony put the Blueray in to advance games is deluding themselves. They put it in just to push their Blueray format and Sony's formats mostly have had a notoriously poor success rate.

Most games are multi platform as that increases sales, except for exclusive games which is something that the PS3 appears to be losing rapidly. Will developers really think about adding 10 times the content to a PS3 game over a 360 game? Of course they won't as the average 360/PS3 game already comes in at over the $8 million mark to produce, with some possibly going as high as $30 million. They will think of the easiest and cheapest way to get their game out on all the systems and most will probably just use duplicate code on the Blueray to cut down the slow loading times. No 3rd party publisher will consider probably doubling the development costs just for PS3 as it dosen't yet have a large enough user base for it to be profitable, they need to sell over 500000 copies of a game to make any kind of profit at all so i wouldn't expect to see any 50GB games appearing any time soon. Unless of course Sony themselves produce them. Sadly the PS3 may need 360 ports just to be able to survive.

If Sony had offered the Blueray as an add on like the 360 HD drive then it could have retailed for around the same price as the 360 and i think then it would have been the winner easily due to the huge PS2 fan base. As it is, it kind of reminds me of the 3DO more than the Gamecube and if Sony dosen't smarten up then it could go the same way as the Matsuhisa machine did (and they were a bigger company than Sony too).

The PS3 really is a great machine with some cutting edge technology but i think ultimately it may be too far ahead of its time and the price point too high for the average gamer who dosen't even have a HDTV yet.
raisinghelen said:
Hmm quite an interesting thread.

I think anyone who believes that Sony put the Blueray in to advance games is deluding themselves. They put it in just to push their Blueray format and Sony's formats mostly have had a notoriously poor success rate.

Most games are multi platform as that increases sales, except for exclusive games which is something that the PS3 appears to be losing rapidly. Will developers really think about adding 10 times the content to a PS3 game over a 360 game? Of course they won't as the average 360/PS3 game already comes in at over the $8 million mark to produce, with some possibly going as high as $30 million. They will think of the easiest and cheapest way to get their game out on all the systems and most will probably just use duplicate code on the Blueray to cut down the slow loading times. No 3rd party publisher will consider probably doubling the development costs just for PS3 as it dosen't yet have a large enough user base for it to be profitable, they need to sell over 500000 copies of a game to make any kind of profit at all so i wouldn't expect to see any 50GB games appearing any time soon. Unless of course Sony themselves produce them. Sadly the PS3 may need 360 ports just to be able to survive.

If Sony had offered the Blueray as an add on like the 360 HD drive then it could have retailed for around the same price as the 360 and i think then it would have been the winner easily due to the huge PS2 fan base. As it is, it kind of reminds me of the 3DO more than the Gamecube and if Sony dosen't smarten up then it could go the same way as the Matsuhisa machine did (and they were a bigger company than Sony too).

The PS3 really is a great machine with some cutting edge technology but i think ultimately it may be too far ahead of its time and the price point too high for the average gamer who dosen't even have a HDTV yet.

Actually, I would have to full heartly agree with you here, at the moment there are only about 5 games that take up more space then then the normal dvd 9 gig's.

It does make more buisness sence to make Multi platform games for a higher profit. Here is where Sony is shooting themselfs in the foot atm, and us customers. The base units are only around 3.5 mill atm, alot of people are waiting for more games, game developers are waiting for more base units before making games. It's a catch 22.

Look at the sells of Halo. They sold over 4 million copies of that game, and thats on a Normal 9 gig DVD. Alot of X-box owners got the system just for this game. ( not all or 1/2, but alot ) Just think, if Sony was willing to take a gamble like they did just making the PS3, at a loss for 1.3 Billion last year, They could make a game that would show the real power of the ps3, take up all 50 gig's of space on the PS3 Blu Ray at a cost of maybe 100 mill, that would be the all the new rave for gamers, and help sells of both the game, and the envy to some developers.

If it just sold 3 million copies at 60 bucks a pop, thats 180 mill, 80 mill profit. Build the game, they will come. And alot of developers would follow suit.

But that is my pipe dream =p

Also X-box can't make games on the HD Drive, they are forced at the moment to only produce games that the CORE system can handle, thus the normal DVD drive. That's why alot of PS3 Owners are upset with PORTS from the X-box.

In our eye's why should we settle for a less with Sony's promise of Next Gen consoul? We have the cell processer, and a Blu Ray Drive. Tho hopefully we will see these games come out in the next year or two. I am not so unrealistic to realize that these types of games take years to make, even more so to do with the arcitect and new dev kit needed to have and learn to make such games possable. So I am waiting, and hoping.

EQDruid said:
It does make more buisness sence to make Multi platform games for a higher profit. Here is where Sony is shooting themselfs in the foot atm, and us customers. The base units are only around 3.5 mill atm, alot of people are waiting for more games, game developers are waiting for more base units before making games. It's a catch 22.

If it just sold 3 million copies at 60 bucks a pop, thats 180 mill, 80 mill profit. Build the game, they will come. And alot of developers would follow suit.

But that is my pipe dream =p

Yes thats the real problem the PS3 has right now, hopefully for the PS3 and their owners sake Sony will come up with something to turn it around.

I think they were masterfull at promoting the PS1. I remember seeing them in clubs and bars and it brought it to everyones attention. The people who went to bars had previously seen game consoles as kids toys but the PS1 made it seem cool to play games again, i'm sure that was why a lot of early PS1 games had dance style soundtracks too to hook in the older teens and 20' somethings in. The PS2 was easy to sell after that as Sony had built up its fan base and the machine was so much better than PS1.

I think their promotion of PS3 has been terrible though. They made really stupid statements before its launch and then had weird non discript advertisments which just totally confused a lot of the buying public. Nintendo got it right this gen with a cheaper console plus advertisments that show a wide range of people actually playing the games and having fun. The only PS3 advert that really makes it look impressive right now (imho) is Motorstorm.

Like you said its a catch 22 situation for the PS3 at the moment and i can't see a solution other than Sony going all out on a killer ap that everyone will want badly enough to buy a PS3.

I guess if i did have a different solution i'd actually be working at Sony though rather than lamenting about it on this message board , although i should actually really be cooking dinner right now.:blush2:

Oh and just incase anyone thinks that i'm a Sony or Nintendo 'fanboy' (or should that be fangirl?) i'm not even though i only own a Wii (and have got really caught up in it). Like many people i am waiting for PS3 to pick up before i decide to buy one or go for the 360 instead.
I heard that the new Final fantasy coming out is not going to be exclusive. If thats true the Ps3 is going to have a hard time making people want a system for 600 bucks with only a select few games that are good.
Final Fantasy is still an exculsive... In fact, it's MS thats loosing some multi platform games, that are heading only to the PS3.

