The Scrubbiest of Hunters
don't take it to serious.

Don't take it seriously... ? DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY?!?! You conniving, unruly NOOBTUBER!! The rules are all I have in my ocean-less life... and you tell me, your superior, t' not take them seriously? You don't deserve to be banned, ya deserve t' be hunted down by a mob of angry fish and drowned in the body of water nearest to your home.
Me, serious... :lol: Jokes (in poor taste) aside, you're tellin' me how to do my job when you've only 7 posts? I think you're the one who shouldn't take one minor edit so seriously, good sir. I didn't even send ya a warning over it, as I'm quite the understanding mod. I don't go 'round permabanning newbies the moment they break a single rule. But instead of allowin' me to just look past this minor instance of rule-breakin', here you are, complaining 'bout me doin' my job.
So 'ey, here's a protip for ya, my friend. It's one minor edit bro, relax. Don't take it too serious.