The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

GG's to "[FKU]Woodie" and "Cobalt." Don't know who you guys are, but you two sure are tough SOBs! We went back and forth in games there for a while! Great playing! :thumbsup:

GG to "Slipery Pete" for our match in Outpost just now. Great playing! :thumbsup: Who are you anyway? I see you online a lot. If you are on this forum, let's exchange FC's!
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So either lag on my part or some hacker tomfoolery happened a while ago, but I join a lobby with only one map shown which happened to be facility the other side was blank, the game starts.......and i'm under the floor, so the lag and being unable to move or do anything got old and after getting killed a few times I leave. Then I try for another team conflict game, but this time, I puts me in outpost with the same people, and roughly the same amount of time left as the match I left earlier, but any way, Good games to the people who's names I can't even remember, hope to play with you all again soon.
Good games to the people who's names I can't even remember, hope to play with you all again soon.

HA! Too funny! Good statement to make up for the hatin' in the sentences before it. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of getting dropped into a game that is already 90% over, and with no chance to win. But that is how it goes sometimes! Let's you and I get a game? :thumbsup:

@ Querty-32-E7 and BlackOpp[E7: Nice playing with you guys on team conflict and heroes just now! (I was actually playing under the name "iSNEEZE uDIE" just for variety.) I am glad that we could get some games in! Fun times! :thumbsup:

...and GG's to SittingDuck for some fun conflict matches! Gotcha!
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...and GG's to SittingDuck for some fun conflict matches! Gotcha!

Hey TampaBondo! Was great seeing you in conflict again - been a while. Had to put away the sniper rifle after the Docks so I could fight man to man. Got lazy by the Club so the Masterson had to come out. Always one or two steps ahead of me every game. Still learning to fine tune my game and develop new strategies. Got you with the Hawksmen in the Outpost though eh?
Yeah, surprised me with that handgun kill! Nice. So anywayz...yeah, I noticed you brought out the Masterton at one point and I was like, "ohhhh so he wants to make it THAT kind of game now does he?! Well no more Mr. Single-shot shotgun nice guy." Then I decided to introduce you to my nasty lady friend, "Ms. Ivana Proxymore." She can be a real nasty B!TCH when she wants to be. :devil:
GG to "Squire" from the other day. We always seem to have very competitive matches when we run into each other! I still have no clue who you are, though. If you read this, PM me! :thumbsup:

GG to 56-Yosh! for our games just now. Always nice to have someone in the match who can really fight it out competitively! :thumbsup: Pity "Etphone home" host quit on us. Ah whatever - he was just a masty-spammer anywayz...
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Lol some really fun games. Lag and noobs everywhere (like that Masterton on Out Post XD) but really fun. That was my first time on Conflict too :D
Great playing with you GEGirl and TampaBondo! Able to get on early this evening and was a nice surprise to see you there. Would have stayed longer but the dinner bell rang. We were on a roll eh! We'll have to debrief on Heroes - need a few pointers as it was my first time playing that mode.
Luke: First time on Conflict... ever? Wow.

GG to everyone who I played with tonight. :)

Basically. I did Golden gun for a bit to do the WP, then I went on Conflict a long time ago but the Host quit so I never bothered again becuase my irl friend said they always do in that mode.
Who in bloody blue hell is "Dali Llama"??!! I've run into you a few times in the last couple days and I have to admit: You've really managed to infuriate the hell outta me in-game! Damn...nice playing! :thumbsup:

Also, gg's to SitnDuck[E7], Koopa[E7], and Xanax.[E7]! The four of us had some good games just now in team conflict!

Hey Duck - don't let me get in your way when you are sniping! lol
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Yeah, nice dance moves buddy! And thanks or the melees to keep me fresh. Way to go [E7]! Great team play. Would have liked to play all afternoon but had to get back to work.