The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

As posted in another thread that was closed im looking for anyone who has played against either snikmorder or goldenbullet. My most recent game was with 3 players that gave me a good challenge. Mr.f hightime( u kicked my a$$ in the jungle sniping) and lee... If u guys are on here good game. And if anyone has played before let me know.

I've played Lee.... a few different times. He's killed me a few times online, but I got a few shots in also, but he got me many more times than I got him.
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see my spoiler,it happened yesterday.

yesterday , i saw :
my entire team fliyng snipping the enemies

poker face
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GSA Defiance, thanks a bunch for host-quitting right at the end of the Black Box match you were hosting. Not. What's the matter, when you can't sit there with your Masty and blow up the black box, you have a hissy and rage quit? I'll be exiting any lobbies I see you in in the future.
Yeah, anti-kudos to all the losers who rage quit when I got to 29 kills in Conflict on Monday afternoon. Three times in a row with three different hosts. Then the game put me in 2 consecutive matches with *no* time remaining so I took 2 un-played losses. 3 wins changed into 2 losses is no way to go!
Lastnight was horrible 4 out of 5 conflict games had a host quit. So I move to TC and enters my first game Lee... Had fun with him he was also in a few conflict games where we went back and forth killing each other in outpost. He left while in TC but who shows up High Time another player who I seem to enjoy playing against we both placed 1st place on opposing teams. One player to stay away from is indy500 he stayed in one spot shooting at a gun on the floor or he would be invisible and you only see a floating gun shooting at nothing. I have a hacked wii but I actially play the game. This guy was just annoying I wish TC had friendly fire. So in short great games too Lee.... And High Time again.
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  • #325
Ugh, I suck after not playing after 2 weeks...
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  • #328
Second QUUUAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD on nightclub w/ RTM. I threw one up the stairs into the green room and BOOOM. quad kill.
Nice! I have no idea if I even have one quad kill. Will have to check my stats one of these days.
Good game goes out to "The Chef uk." We've played against each other numerous times before, but yesterday I don't think you knew it was me because I was playing on my new, only level 17, alt profile, "OhNoNotAgain." Nice to see that like myself, you are a pretty cool customer! You might remember:

I was working on my P99 (pea shooter) proficiency in Jungle level when we ran into each other a couple of times in the building on top of the hill with the sniper lookout on top. Obviously not meaning to tangle with your Strata at that point, I started a "silly friendly dance" in front of you, while shooting off the old pattern of "Ba-tata-ba ba. Ta ta" into the floor a couple of times. I think you got the idea, knowing I had the crap gun and meant no harm, as you returned the dance. Then we decided to part our separate ways at that point in opposite directions without engaging. Sorry you got sniped from the other side of the level by someone else as you departed.

So...from a Florida, USA player to someone who I think is on the "other side of the pond," GOOD GAME and NICE PLAYING!
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