The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

My user name is dtb.

I was playing a guy named [Go] Legend a night or so back, I know I ticked him off like crazy. Wondering if anyone else has had the unfortunate luck of gaming with me.

I would like to thank the randoms I played with today for helping me get to lv 56. Especially the Host "True Grit", even though you quit when I was 300 points away from leveling up, you and your team were worth very valuable exp to me when every other game I played ended in a host quit.

TRUE GRIT does that all the time!
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Had fun aswell.
I need to figure out a way to not be the host though.
That Dom dude killed me several times because he teleported from the left to the right of my screen a few times :frown5:.

Only about 40k left till 00 status.
Then i only need about 400k to do the same with my other profile.
So much left t do till i can properly enjoy the ivana
I finally reached lvl 56. I almost feel a bit of pride since i did do it legitimately.
But then i remember classic Diablo (not that worthless LoD) and the pain of trying to getting lvl 99 in version 1.9/10?

First of all,i still think activision should have given the ivana sooner. I mean 11 whole lvl after the strata...
But after playing for the whole of 3 games i must say it really is even better than the strata.

Or at least it seems to suit my playing style more. i got me a score of 19-1 in my first game
and a score of 30-2 in my second game with it . They just seemed to drop dead even faster. So i'm liking it instantly.

From the limited amount of time played with it i can't help but wonder why everyone chooses the silent ivana. Sure it's good, but i (so far) like the lasered ivana even more.

I wish i could enjoy playing with it from now, but i'm the kind of morron who wants to have his other profile at lvl 56 as well... Damn me.

It really has been long since i played other modes. Whereas Team Conflict, Heroes and even Black Box are somewhat doable, i'm getting owned in conflict. from what i gather i need to find ways where i got walls behind me, so i can only by shot by people in my viewpoint. The running lanes are so different in conflict.
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I've been playing with ly lvl 50 profile (barring 1 game with the ivana in which i went 38-4 (that gun is a monster). And i was baffled at how bad it is at the other modes besides Goldeneye.I mean i thought there where a lot of host quitters in that mode, boy was i wrong.Wether it's heroes, black box, team conflict you'e lucky if 1 in 2 games reaches the end. It seems to be a common occurance that when the host is not winning he just quits... . And it's even worse in conflict. If i can end 1 in 4 conflict games i was happy. By the end i was well and truly irritated. So much exp down the drain. Is it really that hard to take the freaking loss? It's not like any1 will care about his stats a years from now. Thank god i'm not fully used to the other modes yet. If i ever get good in the other modes there will hardly be a host left.
Mod edit: Wrong thread for that.

I've been playing with ly lvl 50 profile (barring 1 game with the ivana in which i went 38-4 (that gun is a monster). And i was baffled at how bad it is at the other modes besides Goldeneye.I mean i thought there where a lot of host quitters in that mode, boy was i wrong.Wether it's heroes, black box, team conflict you'e lucky if 1 in 2 games reaches the end. It seems to be a common occurance that when the host is not winning he just quits... . And it's even worse in conflict. If i can end 1 in 4 conflict games i was happy. By the end i was well and truly irritated. So much exp down the drain. Is it really that hard to take the freaking loss? It's not like any1 will care about his stats a years from now. Thank god i'm not fully used to the other modes yet. If i ever get good in the other modes there will hardly be a host left.

Dude, I know what you mean. I'm only at lvl 35 but I cannot get through a whole game. I'm sure I'm not nearly as good as you are, but I try.
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It's always fun to come up against a lvl 56 player named YOU ALL SUC-K and then see them ragequit upon you.
First off, [to RedCrow] I play as "THE EVIL ONE," and I NEVER host quit. I remember how long it took me to earn my 56 ranking the old fashioned way. Especially getting from 50 to 56 - takes a WHILE. I think it is just downright rude to quit on 7 other people that actually care...

Secondly, the ivana is my go-to weapon of choice in most of the non-close-quarters levels. IMHO it is best when silenced, as this cuts down on the muzzle action...smooth as butter.

And third, big props to "GermanBadger" and "IrishSTEVE." I played with both of you guys in the last 48 hrs and you both gave me a great game!