The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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Just a quick update on everything:

My team:
Leavanny - Level 46
Durant - Level 42
Galvantula - Level 38
Larvesta - Level 31

Currently in Dragon Spiral tower, so I shouldn't be too far from completion.. right? I have 7 badges.
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  • #289
Blue Update 2

Since I got the Silph Scope from Giovanni, ran off to the Pokemon tower in Lavender and utterly destroyed my rival (was supposed to fight 'em when I got there; I ignored 'em :p). Murdered an already dead Marowak and got the Poke Flute.

Murdered a Snorlax and bike'd down Cycling Road. Mad dash to the Safari Zone, used repels in the safari zone for the first time ever, and got Surf. Delivered the man his dentures and got Strength; taught C both. Proceeded to own Koga and get badge 5.

Fly to Celadon, off to Silph Co. to teach Blastoise Earthquake via TM 26 and destroy Giovanni. Lulz at the fact my rival is better than Giovanni. Skip out on the Masterball and go own Sabrina.

Fly to Pallet, surf to Cinnabar, get Secret Key and Blizzard. Pwn Blaine, fly to Viridian, pwn Giovanni. Fight rival semi-last time, lose C to a crit... WAIT WHAT?!

Rematch (to save time, since when I switched to my Spearow to revive Blastoise, the asshat's Alakazam kept using reflect and recover... lost like two minutes because of derp =/), no crit this time, win. Saved there; not anticipating the Fissure abuse I'll need to do to beat the E4 without level grinding... ;_;

This session's results:


C: Lv. 50. Surf, Blizzard, Earthquake, Mega Kick
Spearow: Still a fly slave.
Paras: Still doesn't know flash.
Clefairy: Still rotting in my PC.

Badges: 8

Playtime: 2:38

All the interesting stuff happened before the Pokemon Tower. :lol: Also becoming very lax on the small things that add up. I'm already 40~ minutes over the best legit playthrough time, and not even done yet.

Hello!I was looking up pokemon challenges that weren't nuzleaf (tried it already) since I just picked up White again. I just joined the forum for the sole reason of writing this post. Not sure how active people are but why not, right? Haha. Getting to the point, I just restarted my game to do a combo challenge: monotype and unevolved. My type is normal (boring and cliche, I know, but I haven't touched pokemon in months). I also believe I saw a challenge along the lines of battling every trainer there is to battle. I'm on an older itouch that has the speed of a windows 97 so my patience to relook is nonexistent haha. Regardless, I will add that in because, again, why not!If anyones interested, I can provide updates so you know I'm not going to fall in the abyss or if you're a actually curious of my progress!
yo ck i have a question on my pokemon black challenge, the thing is can I redo my challenge on a emulator,
due to some accident both of my ds is dead.
yo ck i have a question on my pokemon black challenge, the thing is can I redo my challenge on a emulator,
due to some accident both of my ds is dead.

Don't speak of the forbidden e-word. Not trying to be rude, but it's against the rules to discuss piracy on here. But that'd be fine, as long as you didn't cheat, I suppose.

After defeating Ghetis or Ghestis or whatever his name is, will my challenge be considered complete?
Don't speak of the forbidden e-word. Not trying to be rude, but it's against the rules to discuss piracy on here. But that'd be fine, as long as you didn't cheat, I suppose.

After defeating Ghetis or Ghestis or whatever his name is, will my challenge be considered complete?

Yes, I'd say so.
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  • #297
Er... I've forgotten 'bout my Blue speed run. :lol: Better get back on that. All I've got left it to find an Ether or two and get through Victory Road 'n murder the E4's Pokes.

Hello!I was looking up pokemon challenges that weren't nuzleaf (tried it already) since I just picked up White again. I just joined the forum for the sole reason of writing this post. Not sure how active people are but why not, right? Haha. Getting to the point, I just restarted my game to do a combo challenge: monotype and unevolved. My type is normal (boring and cliche, I know, but I haven't touched pokemon in months). I also believe I saw a challenge along the lines of battling every trainer there is to battle. I'm on an older itouch that has the speed of a windows 97 so my patience to relook is nonexistent haha. Regardless, I will add that in because, again, why not!If anyones interested, I can provide updates so you know I'm not going to fall in the abyss or if you're a actually curious of my progress!

Welcome to Wiichat (or the Pokemon forum at least :lol: ), BadWolfe. =)

Challenge accepted!

You're supposed to give updates, but ya really don't have to; particularly if you don't want to. Just make sure you come back with the results of the challenge when you're done so you can get in the records. :thumbsup:

yo ck i have a question on my pokemon black challenge, the thing is can I redo my challenge on a emulator,
due to some accident both of my ds is dead.

Well, ****. Sorry to hear that man. =( Quite a few people have been unable to complete their challenges because of serious junk like this lately...

But yeah, an emu-run would be fine.

After defeating Ghetis or Ghestis or whatever his name is, will my challenge be considered complete?


But that'd be fine, as long as you didn't cheat, I suppose.

You don't have the authority to issue that. -______- Only I can call the shots on rule exceptions.
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Well, you can get over it :lol:. If it was something huge, I'd let you handle it. But there's no reason he wouldn't be allowed to when he has reasonable cause to have to use something other than a DS and cartridge.
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  • #299
It's the point, not the context. I can't have people attempting to read my mind and passing judgements that're to be left up to me, no?

So don't do it again. ¬_¬
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Someone is a little angry up there^.

ANYWHO- I completed my White Monotype Scramble challenge. The finishing team:
Leavanny - Level 52
Durant - Level 51
Galvantula - Level 42
Larvesta - Level 50

Larvesta received no battle time what so ever, and was stuck on Exp Share. Galvantula took a hit for me on occasion and Electrowebbed fast Pokemon to help out with my two sweepers.
Leavanny and Durant were the best things I could have asked for. I had to revive Durant a total of about 9 times over my two battles with Ghetsis in order to claim my victory. Frikin' Hydreigon didn't want to miss.
But it came down to 1/2 HP Durant vs. 1/3 HP Bisharp. It was a tough decision, I could either:
A. Place my fate in Durant (who's ability is Hustle) Stab X-Scissor + Hustle would DEFINITELY kill it.
B. Use a revive on Leavanny, and hope STAB X-Scissor would win it for me.

Not trusting Leavanny, I went with option A. Needless to say, my Titanic ant pulled through victorious, and now I claim victory over Ghetsis, and Pokemon White.
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