the official mario galaxy help thread

I also find by aiming for pull stars which are a little farther away you can get a bit more speed up. when you are approaching the star you have clicked on click on the next that way you don't lose forward momentum. You just whip your way through!! :D said:
i need help, i have 119 stars and i cannot find the Sand Spiral Galaxy. can anyone tell me where that stupid star man is so i can beat the game with mario?

Look outside for a hungry Luma to feed. Oh and there are 121 stars as mario. Nope not kidding. Post back if you need help finding it
hey on the 3rd observatory, mansion galaxy, and 2nd level wheres the hidden star,(level where you race ghost)?
I beat the game with 66 stars and then it brought me back to the observatory and infront of mama, on the ground it said 54.. I know that means i need 54 more stars but does this happen with everyone else who beats it without getting all 120 stars?
ok, i have spent over an hour tryin to find the grand finale galaxy. it said it is unlocked, but i have no idea where it is.
arogeek said:
talk to mama,ravelbone

i need help on Luigi's purple coins.any tips???

look down
5 more lol (not!)
to beat luigis purple coins u...ummm...
the next one!
u try ur best...
this is it!!!!....not...
arogeek said:
talk to mama,ravelbone

i need help on Luigi's purple coins.any tips???

In the begining get the coin on the right side only and jump kick ur across to the next set of green pads, skipping the yellow pads in the begining.

From there u follow the area clockwise and once u get all 100 coins, continue clockwise and jump kick ur way to the untouched yellowpads and follow onto the untouched green pads and viola! u got the star.

Just make sure u keep going and dont take any stupid risks.

NOTE: when ur doing the long jumps that seem almost impossible, jump kick and before u hit the sludge in front, or air, do a spin and you'll spin up and onto the pad.

Pretty much it's just you running around clockwise and not falling through the pads.
Does anyone know if the old 100 coin star is in galaxy? what happens if you collect 100 coins?
Ditto I can't find that star???

kdewey21 said:
hey on the 3rd observatory, mansion galaxy, and 2nd level wheres the hidden star,(level where you race ghost)?

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