the official mario galaxy help thread

To DSCHILL: I tried the purple coins in Toy Time over and over, building up 40 to 50 lives at a time before going in and then blowing through them in just a few minutes. Most tries, I died in between 5 to 15 seconds. Just couldn't do those several long jumps in a row required in the back corner. I estimate I tried this star about 600 times before finally winning it. Before that I did win it once but then I didn't make it back to the star. That was very disappointing. I must hold the record for most tires before succeeding, lol.
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Luigi's Purple Coins

I have 119 stars, this is my last Star I cannot pass this level can anyone tell me how to pass this level I have tried and Given up. Need help?
Hi Nerlin,

I was in the same boat as you and had played this level dont know how many times before I got through. All i say is hang in there.

To be honest I have watched a lot of videos of how many people played this level on youtube. Then i found something that helped me. All the coins are placed diagonally on the plarforms. So use that to your advantage and that makes collecting the stars much easier. Also to the right side of where you start you need to do 2 long jumps to collect a series of coins.

Watching youtube videos will definitely help but in the end you are the one that needs to do the jumps but watching the video will atleast give you a plan to work on. I know it did for me and now I have 62 stars with Luigi. :)
Luigi's Toy time purple coins

Ok! I think I have figured out my path for getting the coins If it works I'll be so happy, but my question is has anybody had time issues with this level or is the 3 Minutes plenty of time.
Maybe I'm just a little jumpy on this question???
When is "Luigi Under the Saucer" available?
I'm currently sitting at 84 Stars, but haven't seen that available...yet.

When you get to 60 can go rescue your "special one", or whatever. That won't "beat" the game, will it? I haven't gone yet because I want to get all 121 Stars.

...Hmmm...maybe, just maybe, these two questions go together?
I've beaten the game as Mario AND the Special Character

If you're really stuck, purchase the Prima Game Guide for Galaxy, it's REALLY helpful. The guide tells you where to get all the 1-up mushrooms, how to obtain all 120 stars, and more!
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Yeah...I'm no longer stuck, actually never was. I was trying to find out if I did beat Bowser, the game would be over...and I wouldn't be able to get all 120 stars.

Now, I'm currently at 100 stars with the special character. 20 to go!!! And the best thing about it, I BEAT LUIGI'S PURPLE COINS IN 2 TRIES!!! Actually the star I'm fearing now is one of the races...I forget the name, but it seems that the races are harder the second time around.

Anyway, I read somewhere that your not a true gamer unless you can get all 121 stars with both characters...looks like I'll be a true gamer in the next day or two!!! :thumbsup:
Dude for real I'm stuck there and I don't have the time or patience to sit there and fling myself off of what looks like a wad of reproductive fluid haha.

Any tips?
So let me get this straight....

I have 119 stars now.

When I get 120, in order to officially BEAT the game, I have to go back through, as LUIGI, and get ANOTHER 120 stars???????????????
no such thing as a double long jump. But, ( you might know this) there is a special ground pound that targets enemies. spin right before ground pounding.

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