So What Now?


WiiChat Member
Nov 7, 2007
So after beating the game and doing the below, what else really is there to do in SMG? Just shick it on the shelf? What have you guys done to get more replay value out of the game?

121 Stars - Luigi (With nifty pic mailed to my Wii) Its Luigi, Rosaline, and Shrooms
121 Stars - Mario (With nifty pic mailed to my Wii... Dif then the Luigi pic) Its Mario, Peach and 3 stars, Yellow, Green, Red.
Surfing - Times just shy of breaking 1minute (no desire to try for under a min tho)
Mario i took my time and checked everything out, Luigi i just did speed runs through everything.
Gone back and just tried to see how fast i can complete some levels (like the balancing ball ones, or sweet galaxy, etc)

Not sure if this is intended, but you can do the final bowser fight without ever setting foot past the bedroom hub. So your effectively 1 Large star short of completing the ground diagram
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adam1111 said:
get guitar hero or a life

So... you should have guitar hero then... so, the one who needs to get a life, it's you.
Do not harass Pnuts or other users...

Pnuts... I just have 1 star with Luigi, and 120 with Mario. However, you can raise the star bits amount, just for fun.

You can also simulate a Daredevil on every stage and every boss, try to beat all without getting toached (you can hurt yourself two times at the beginning of the stage, and reset the stage if you die -to avoid checkpoints-)

Also, you can try to do a Daredevil + Speed comet. Do the same that above, and with a stop alarm watch, set "4 mins" and try to beat the stage in that time.

You may have fun... I hope you like my idea. You can masterpiece yourself with SMG

I hope my idea works for you :thumbsup:
Chicagoan said:
You can also simulate a Daredevil on every stage and every boss, try to beat all without getting toached (you can hurt yourself two times at the beginning of the stage, and reset the stage if you die -to avoid checkpoints-)

Also, you can try to do a Daredevil + Speed comet. Do the same that above, and with a stop alarm watch, set "4 mins" and try to beat the stage in that time.

Beating the game with luigi would be more fun than that. Nerd
fredes99 said:
Beating the game with luigi would be more fun than that. Nerd

Read the first post tard.

To the OP, theres nothing else you can do besides trying to best yourself. I understand your dissapointment though... games like these are too rarely released nowadays.
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KyleForMe said:
Read the first post tard.

To the OP, theres nothing else you can do besides trying to best yourself. I understand your dissapointment though... games like these are too rarely released nowadays.

I figured as much, but you never know... So i had to ask. Heck, i dug Mario 64 out of the attic a few days before SMG was released just to play through the 120 stars as a refresher cause it had been a few years.

On the shelf it goes untill some use is found i guess.
Pnuts said:
So after beating the game and doing the below, what else really is there to do in SMG? Just shick it on the shelf? What have you guys done to get more replay value out of the game?

It's pretty much dead at that point, unless Nintendo releases new downloadable levels, or a level editor.

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