the official mario galaxy help thread

HI Everyone,

ivery recently got SMG and have startd playing it when I find time. I am sooo enjoying this game and havinga lot of fun. I have finished thefrst observatory and going in to the2nd. Here is my concern. I have only 4 lifs left moving in to the 2nd observatory. I haveseen people post snap shots where they have 30 or even 70 lifes.

Seeing things like that I am scared now that I am moving to the 2nd observatory with only 4 lifes. I am worrid if I will ever get to move to different stages. Does any one know of other ways to get more lifes when you move into an observatory so that you have at least a little leverage in to that stage?

Thanks for all your time!
jollyguy23 said:
HI Everyone,

ivery recently got SMG and have startd playing it when I find time. I am sooo enjoying this game and havinga lot of fun. I have finished thefrst observatory and going in to the2nd. Here is my concern. I have only 4 lifs left moving in to the 2nd observatory. I haveseen people post snap shots where they have 30 or even 70 lifes.

Seeing things like that I am scared now that I am moving to the 2nd observatory with only 4 lifes. I am worrid if I will ever get to move to different stages. Does any one know of other ways to get more lifes when you move into an observatory so that you have at least a little leverage in to that stage?

Thanks for all your time!

well you ca:smilewinkgrin: nt get lives before you go in in a dome,the only way is when a toad gives you mail and it has 5 1ups in it. oh and dont worry!,i had 2 lives left on that dome and i won that dome!,so im sure you can do it!
in the 3rd observatory, on the galaxy called something beach i think, i beat the level called the scret underwater cavern or whatever it is, but i cant find the secret star(the level has that ? mark next to it) can someone tell me what to do?
kdewey21 said:
in the 3rd observatory, on the galaxy called something beach i think, i beat the level called the scret underwater cavern or whatever it is, but i cant find the secret star(the level has that ? mark next to it) can someone tell me what to do?

theyll be a treasure chest on the right side or left in the corner,youll see a teasure chest,get a shell from the sea and whack the treasure chest with it,then youll know what to do (if not ask me):smilewinkgrin:
I am so frustrated and need help. I know you guys gor this quick. BUT! The first galaxy I couldnt get to the spped race section to get Luigi. So I went to the Honey section and completed that and again! I complete the race section. What am I doing wrong!!! Please help
Charmin123 said:
I am so frustrated and need help. I know you guys gor this quick. BUT! The first galaxy I couldnt get to the spped race section to get Luigi. So I went to the Honey section and completed that and again! I complete the race section. What am I doing wrong!!! Please help

You need to wait to get a letter from luigi giving you a picture of where is his.
The speed race you will need to wait until the comet there or bribe the purple star thingi near the princess to move it until it is there.
Help! :(

Hey, i'm having a bit of trouble with the boo-racing level, a very spooky sprint. I just wondered if anyone could give me some tips on how to win?
lulu87 said:
Hey, i'm having a bit of trouble with the boo-racing level, a very spooky sprint. I just wondered if anyone could give me some tips on how to win?

i just kept going by clicking the blue stars and never stopping,and if that doesnt help theres a sling star somewhere that you can go on to go a bit further (and if your stuck on anything else in mario galaxy ask me!:smilewinkgrin: ,ill help as much as i can.
It's the bit with the blue stars in the globes, and then the mines afterwards thats getting me, i always get stuck there, or end up being blown up! :mad5:
lulu87 said:
It's the bit with the blue stars in the globes, and then the mines afterwards thats getting me, i always get stuck there, or end up being blown up! :mad5:
if you go to the right side with the mines its really easy
can someone tell me how to get the hidden star in the 3rd observatory on the level where you race the ghost using pullstars? i already beat the where you race the ghost i typed it wrong
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kdewey21 said:
can someone tell me how to get the star in the 3rd observatory on the level where you race the ghost using pullstars?

There is no real method, you just need to keep pulling through.
Avoid the Spiky things as best you can, and keep ahead of the ghost.
Plus the ghost doesn't go too fast, you just need to avoid crashing and what not.

Good luck.

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