The Official iPod Thread!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i hate you Lee!

I'm actually thinking on getting a ipod now, like the original ones!!!!! But my sister was planning on getting one but i could jst sell her my ipod nano (old one) and get a new one........

But IF i get one should i get the 30gb or 80 i think the other one is???
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  • #34
javjaoll said:
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i hate you Lee!

I'm actually thinking on getting a ipod now, like the original ones!!!!! But my sister was planning on getting one but i could jst sell her my ipod nano (old one) and get a new one........

But IF i get one should i get the 30gb or 80 i think the other one is???

You should get the 30gb one as you will never fill it up, i have a few movies, 2 seasons of my fave show, a thousand or so songs, around 10 games and it hasn't half the memory toook up yet. Besides, the 80gb ipod is a tiny bit more bigger, and more expensive.

To above poster, if you have some WMA files, drag and drop the items into the musid folder onn itunes and it will automatically convert the files into a suitable filke type. same goes with most files, the music will automatically sync to your ipod.
Hope this helps :)
okay figured that out
but now i have a another problem!!!!!!!
alright i have a document on my ipod i awnt to get off(i just dragged it in through "my computer"
but everytime i connect my ipod itunes pops, i see "brents ipod' on "my computer" for a little bit, but than itunes says my ipod is updated and to disconnect it, and it dissapears from "my computer"
You have set update songs automatically or something like that on.

You need to connect your ipod, then in itunes on your ipod setting bit tick the box that says manage music manually, or something like that.
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  • #37
spin the botlr was soooo funny man! 3 i hadd\ to! jes left me coz of it. IM SORRY!111
lee.jarratt said:
spin the botlr was soooo funny man! 3 i hadd\ to! jes left me coz of it. IM SORRY!111

What are you actaully talking bout??

Anyways, am off tonight, c ya tomorrow:D, happy drinking.
ive had bad experiences with my iPod mini, and best buy.

i got like 1 hour of charge and they ran a battery test and said it got like 5 hours and that it wasnt low enough for them to pay to get it fixed (i got the $50 warranty).

then i brought it in again because it wouldnt turn on (it had 3/4 charge according to the battery bar when i plugged it in) and when i brought it in the guy went back and accidentally dropped it on the floor and then it worked. (and he put a little scratch on it)

now it works fine, but i will never buy a warranty from best buy ever again. i learned my lesson.
Right instead of double posting, i got the 80g black ipod for just under £200 and its fine.

But im wondering if anyone has the games and which ones are good.
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  • #41
lee.jarratt said:
spin the botlr was soooo funny man! 3 i hadd\ to! jes left me coz of it. IM SORRY!111

I guess this was a post from the night when I was badly drunk.. :shocked:
What's the cheapest you could get a 30GB Video iPod?

Just wondering. Not planning on buying one, just need it for price comparison.
£150 is possible, not seen one cheaper when i was looking for one a few weeks ago.
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  • #44
Sent my ipod for repair or replacement as the front facial was lifting up, and eventually the whole front would come off. Good job im still in warranty but a whole 2 weeks without it is driving me insane! And I only sent it in last night :(
Can you use the usb port on the wii to charge an ipod shuffle? It plugs in but the light blinks orange. It's my girlfriends and was wanting to test it. Thanks!

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