The Official iPod Thread!

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  • #17
javjaoll said:
You actually maed a thread about ipods lol

Maybe i shoud take your posts more serriously!

That's right ;)
*fanboy of apple here* i love my i pod just i hate paying for stuff, i love my mac...just hate paying for stuff....i love apple, its just so cool :D


also hate itunes if that helps
cant we discuss something besides ipods here for once?? cant we discuss zunes, iriver etc.. i love ipods but cmon we cant be fanboys im sure theres some zune fans leaving this board because they feel left out.... :aureola: :yesnod: :wink: :ciappa: :mad5: :cool:
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  • #21
bigcomicbookfan said:
cant we discuss something besides ipods here for once?? cant we discuss zunes, iriver etc.. i love ipods but cmon we cant be fanboys im sure theres some zune fans leaving this board because they feel left out.... :aureola: :yesnod: :wink: :ciappa: :mad5: :cool:

This is an iPod thread, thats why people are talking about iPods. If you don't like iPods, don't visit this thread.
If your so bothered about it then go ahead and make your Zune thread.
So stop complaining :yesnod:
haha i just sold my nano as i never used it, lol lee dont know why you mentiond NZ lol but oh well you drew in a few Kiwis! by the way like the sig lol!.
Thankyouu very much! I'll get it in September, maybe it'll go down by a few £s... not a necessity right now...
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  • #26
Celestial said:
Thankyouu very much! I'll get it in September, maybe it'll go down by a few £s... not a necessity right now...

No problem, anytime pal :thumbsup:

Oh and thanks almo :cool:
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Whose got IPL on thir ipod ( or rockbox)
I bought my nano from a guy named eric for 50 CAN, lol and hes probabl the mos popular kid in school, thats right im not the most poular maybe 5th or 6th most popular
Meh.. my ipod/itunes been a Muppet recently..

I've had to reinstall it about 3 times tonight..

Plus I've randomly lost about half of my songs, luckily all of them were from my CD's, so I'm doing them again now.

Grr... =[

But when you got to spend about 3 hours on a bus everyday it's kinda worth an hour of uploading songs :/

Ohh and I've got one of the old nanos, had it not x-mas just gone, but the one before that =]
Get IPl llol im so much of a linux fan i have it on my PC, soon to be my GC when i buy some of those little cds, My ipos, And as soon as wiili is in alpha its on my wii :lol:
Meh. Windows formatted iPods are **** and basically all other MP3 players suck besides the Zune.

The iPod video and Zune are both really great.

surfinrach90 said:
Meh.. my ipod/itunes been a Muppet recently..

I've had to reinstall it about 3 times tonight..

Plus I've randomly lost about half of my songs, luckily all of them were from my CD's, so I'm doing them again now.

Grr... =[

But when you got to spend about 3 hours on a bus everyday it's kinda worth an hour of uploading songs :/

Ohh and I've got one of the old nanos, had it not x-mas just gone, but the one before that =]

This is the downfall of iTunes on Windows. Usually files aren't copied and are deleted or get infected randomly. I had it on my old PC and this happened a lot. WinAMP and foobar5000 are both great for PC Windows XP users. Just to let you know.

It also might depend on what music downloader you use.
Anything along the lines of Limewire are usually infected.
Try SoulSeek if you're using Limewire or anything else.
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