iPod and iTunes help - exporting library



Hey fellow iPod owners,
I need your help, I have sent my iPod for repair but before I did that, I tried exporting my iPod music library to my desktop. The thing is, I don't know if it has worked (I deleted all the songs on my computer music library to free space and to stop computer slow down).
What I did was selected all the songs on my iPod by ctrl + A , once selected, i clicked 'file' then 'export library', then I saved the file onto the desktop but the file is like under a megabite which is weird.
I can't see if this has worked as my iPod is getting repaired so could someone tell me if this works, if i have done something wrong, or could you test this out for me please as I had so many songs on my iPod and I don't want to convert all my songs again.
Remember, this is not 'music library' its the music from my actual iPod.
Thanks alot,
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what happend to the orginal wiichat fool?

anyways you should be able to find the file if you screach your pc/mac for a file called "Itunes" i would copy paste that file (or dublicate on mac) to where ever you want it.
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ganton said:
what happend to the orginal wiichat fool?

anyways you should be able to find the file if you screach your pc/mac for a file called "Itunes" i would copy paste that file (or dublicate on mac) to where ever you want it.

- I got rid of the name -

And, I need to get all the files and just simply drag it into my ipod music folder. So if i drag the file 'itunes', it would do it?
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ganton said:
50 50 chance i would just drag all the file at once on to it ;)

Thanks for the help mate, I've managed to get all my songs back :)
rep for you!

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