The O-effin-fficial, Tennis Thread

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King Wiired

Aug 8, 2006
United Kingdom Status : Stunnin'
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Well, me, Tyler, and Ricardo were spamming up threads talking about Tennis, so thought I'd make a thread about it :]
Tennis is les nuts, and I play it as much as I can, usually in the Summer (soon :D) down the free courts.
Tennis is currently on the TV in the front room, and it's Mauresmo vs. Safarova - lovely bita female tennis :]
Anyone else like Tennis/watching it/playing it right now?
Safarova?? What is wrong with you Mike?? :lol:
It's Sharapova :)

I like this thread :]

Tennis players I like the most:

Nadal, Federer, Hewit, Roddick, Sharapova, Blake, and a lot more...
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SOMEONE NEEDS TO SORT THEIR LIFE OUT BEFORE CONTRADICTING ME :mad:@@@@@ haha, just kidding. there is a player called Safarova my friend :p Lucie Safarova:

powned buddy :]
Also I actually love playing all racquet sports.. I used to play Squash quite a bit, and I play ol Badders on holiday :cool: can't think of any others
Wiired said:
SOMEONE NEEDS TO SORT THEIR LIFE OUT BEFORE CONTRADICTING ME :mad:@@@@@ haha, just kidding. there is a player called Safarova my friend :p Lucie Safarova:

powned buddy :]
Also I actually love playing all racquet sports.. I used to play Squash quite a bit, and I play ol Badders on holiday :cool: can't think of any others

Oh that I didn't knew :)

Apologizes to you Mike :wink:

Yeah I like to play it sometimes, but just for fun... meh, I'm no good at it :D
I really like tennis to! I play for me local club and all, really like watching it. During the Summer I watch a match in the Australian Open every day. ;)
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demonflair said:
Oh that I didn't knew :)

Apologizes to you Mike :wink:

Yeah I like to play it sometimes, but just for fun... meh, I'm no good at it :D
Haha no prob, you probably got your attention to much on Sharapova to care about anyone else :]
I really wanted to join a Tennis club, but there's none near by :/ so I just play with my friends :]
Also wowzers at Tyler saying he's top 'some amount' in his state, good job man.

Edit: OHMYGOSH! As Tyler just pointed out, this threads already been made :eek:
Sorry buddy :(
I shall now, report my own thread.
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Yeah this should get merged with the other tennis thread.

And yes, I guess you could say I'm a tennis fan, except that I only follow the big tournaments, ie Aus, US, French Open and Wimbledon. :D
tennis rules!!! i love playing it n watching it 2, i didea badminton aswell but prefer tennis so i stopped
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