The Moranos Region

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  • #76
So I decided to sprite today, and it totalyl just kindles my love for sprites. Expect to see a lot more soon; I have a pretty good idea for a prehistoric Rock/Flying Pokemon.

Anyways, here we are:


This is actually Dal's original sprite. I recolored it so it would be more pleasing to the eye, as well as to make it a pure Dark type.


Here's my sprite-- the proposed evolution to Dal's sprite. So this would be a pure Dark chain-- any opinions?

I'll also work on the Crowndon evolution.
Guys, I have an RPG system at my forum. If you guys want, we could use that for Moranos at the mean time.
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  • #78
We can make a Moranos Outpost there, but this thread is still the Moranos HQ, even if it is inactive.
We can make a Moranos Outpost there, but this thread is still the Moranos HQ, even if it is inactive.

Yes, i know. :smilewinkgrin:

So, I'll give you the forum link. When you join, I'll make you the RPG Admin so you can customize everything in accordance to your taste.
So I decided to sprite today, and it totalyl just kindles my love for sprites. Expect to see a lot more soon; I have a pretty good idea for a prehistoric Rock/Flying Pokemon.

Anyways, here we are:


This is actually Dal's original sprite. I recolored it so it would be more pleasing to the eye, as well as to make it a pure Dark type.


Here's my sprite-- the proposed evolution to Dal's sprite. So this would be a pure Dark chain-- any opinions?

I'll also work on the Crowndon evolution.
Well, they're both good in my eyes, Phil. I just think that they should be a little darker and that the Evolution looks a little... blocky. But that's all.

Aaaaanyways, with some motivation from CJ, I have decided to reform the Gym Leaders so that they don't look like their original D/P sprites as much.

Here's the new Zak:
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  • #81
That's nice, Dal... I like it-- it seems more like your own sprite now.

As for my sprite, I'll consider making it darker, and perhaps shading the upper torso a bit more, but the front legs are intended to be like that.

Also, with any luck, Moranos shall migrate away from WiiChat... it's had a good run here, but now that its essentially used up its last wheels, it'll essentially disappear from here to a more active forum. I've already talked to Dal and CJ about it, as they're members of said forum.
Right, then.

Just don't forget to get rid of the broken links in your first post and add the new Zak AND Freeman:

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