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- Mar 25, 2007
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The Pokemon Trainer looks to be the most original and one of the most strategic brawlers in SSBB, and this is a thread dedicated to him and his Pokemon allys.
Many would argue Olimar is the most original of the new characters. Well, I would agree he's up there (And freaking awesome btw), but he's effectively chucking items. The Trainer has 3 complete move sets, plus he doesnt get less effective as he loses a Pokemon. True his Pokemon have stamina...but all good trainers use thier Pokemon equaly...right?:smilewinkgrin:
No way! The Pokémon Trainer has finally arrived. And it looks like he doesn’t do his fighting directly.
Instead, he uses the three Pokémon with him—Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard—to do the fighting for him.
Full Move Sets

A pint sized water brawler, Squirtle is small and quick on his feet. Great at ranking up the % quickly with speedy combos Squirtle is a good choice for fans of speed over power.
Number of jumps: 2
Wall Hop: No
Wall Cling: Yes
Gliding: No
Crawling: Yes
Weight: Light
Speed: Fast
Standard Special - Move Water Gun - Can be charged and held, it only does a small amount of damage (If any?) but its main strength is in pushing the other brawler away.

Side Special - Move Withdraw - Think of Yoshis egg roll, but faster. Again this can be charged, this time not held.

Up Special - Move Waterfall - Glides along a path of water and attacks the other player and Squirtles third jump.

Down Special Move - Pokémon Change - A move all three Pokemon share which is effectively not theirs. The Pokemon Trainer returns the current Pokemon to his Pokeball and sends out the next in line. This is an important move as Pokemon tire after two minutes of constant play.

Smash Attacks
Up Smash - Spins upside down in his shell and fires water from the shell holes upwards
Down Smash - Shoots a jet of water either side of his body
Forward Smash - Jump foward with shell and then returns to its starting position.

Brawls ownly four legged character, Ivysaur uses his vines and leaves to lay the smack down on players. As a grass type Pokemon he is fairly all around in skill although his air game needs some work!
Number of jumps: 2
Wall Hop: No
Wall Cling: No
Gliding: No
Crawling: Yes
Weight: Normal
Speed: Normal
Standard Special Move Bullet Seed - One of Ivysaurs amny grass attacks, bullet seed fires straight up and can be "spammed" to an extent. Great attack for people who are jumping down at you to try and make the most of Ivysaurs so-so air game.

Side Special Move Razor Leaf - Simular to Links boomerang, Ivysaur fires a sharp leaf at his foe at a decent speed.

Up Special Move Vine Whip - A teather recovery move as well as Ivysaurs last ditch attempt at returning to stage. Can also be used to attack foes that are above and infront, like a sort of whip.

Down Special Move - Pokémon Change - A move all three Pokemon share which is effectively not theirs. The Pokemon Trainer returns the current Pokemon to his Pokeball and sends out the next in line. This is an important move as Pokemon tire after two minutes of constant play.

Smash Attacks
Up Smash - Ivysaur charges up his bulb and unleashes an explosion from it above him
Down Smash -
Forward Smash - Puts his vines on the floor, pulls back and leaps forward, acts like a slingshot.

A fiece fighter and the Trainers secert heavy weight weapon, Charizard the fully evolved G1 fire starter is a beast both on the ground and in the air. Fairly slow, but his dash is suprisingly quick.
Number of jumps: 3
Wall Hop: No
Wall Cling: No
Gliding: Yes
Crawling: No
Weight: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Standard Special Move Flamethrower - A fan favorite Charizard move, Flamethrower is very simular to Bowsers flame breath, but stronger and it has the ablity to aim up and down.

Side Special Move Rock Smash - Charizard pulls a huge rock out and headbutts it into pieces. A very close range attack with a pretty big knock back, which is also hilarious.

Up Special Move Fly - Charizard spirals upwards engulfed in flames...in my opinion it seems more like firespin but whatever. This is Charizards fourth jump as well as one of his strongest moves.

Down Special Move - Pokémon Change - A move all three Pokemon share which is effectively not theirs. The Pokemon Trainer returns the current Pokemon to his Pokeball and sends out the next in line. This is an important move as Pokemon tire after two minutes of constant play.

Smash Attacks
Up Smash - Upwards bite. Charizard doesnt seem to jump for this attack, so is range is as long as his neck.
Down Smash -
Forward Smash - A massive firey headbutt with beastly knockback.
Final Smash
Triple Finish!!
Even the Pokemon Trainer can bend te rules in Brawl as he throws out all three fighters.

As he issues the command the Pokemon start up thier most powerfull attacks. Squirtle has hydro pump whioch gets bigger as it goes further, Ivysaur unleashes a thin solar beam and Charizard lets his fire blast rip. Also, it can be used in midair!

Pokemon Trainer Videos
Will Be Updated Later
I'll be posting a bunch ad marking spoilers so don't worry all of you who are holding out.
The Pokemon Trainer runs in from nowhere in the backround and tosses a Pokeball out, which opens to unveal the starting Pokemon.
General Trainer Tidbits
The Trainer is present in the backround for all the levels. Moving levels like Isle Defino he will waiting for the platform when it lands. Norfair he stands on a platform that rises as the lava hits.
He calls out the "Final Smash" as well as the Pokemons name as he sends it out.
He will follow the Pokemon to an extent. If a Pokemon runs to the left far enough, he will run to the left abit too etc.
The Pokemon Trainer's pokemon all get fatigued at about 2 minutes, even if you dont move them. They all show visible signs of fatigue: Charizard lowers his head and wings. Squirtle drops his front hands to the ground. Ivysaur's bulb withers. The Pokemon become much sloer when this happens.
Interestingly enough, as in the Pokemon games every Pokemon in the Trainers team has four special moves...three B specials and the moves they use in the final smash.
Winning Poses
When the match is over and the Trainer is the winner, he shouts the Pokemons name, not "Pokemon Trainer".
Squirtle -
Ivysaur -
Charizard -
(Images of each coming soon)
Losing Poses
Squirtle - Squirtle claps is hands together quickly while the Trainer stares at the ground with his hat over his face.
Ivysaur -
Charizard -
(Images of each coming soon)
1. Backflip, followed but sticking his hands in the air
2. Spins on his tail and sprays water in a circle
3. Goes back into his shell and spins and bounces around
1. Shakes his leafs around and makes the bulb really thin, a few random leafs float around too
2. Does a handstand on his front two legs and walks in a circle
3. Puts two on his vines in the air
1. Turns to the screen, swings back his head and roars, while flapping his wings
2. Again, flaps wings, a tamer roar this time with his head down
3. Two huge stomps and a growl
Starting Pokemon and Colours
The Pokemon trainer can choose his starting Pokemon while on the character select screen by clicking the Pokemons image.
(Video coming soon)
Colour 1

Colour 2

Colour 3

Colour 4

Colour 5

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