5th Generation of Pokemon - New Starter Pokemon Suggestions

I would really like to see something fresh in the way of starters, I have been playing Pokemon for almost 15 years now and Ill be playing them as long as they keep making them but I would really like to see a mix on what the games start with.

Like why not
dark, psychic fighting.

Well balanced good single types. Seriously would that be so much to ask for? water grass and fire haven’t been a fair match since crystal and dual typing. I know we have a remake of emerald coming out after the 5th gen game Id sure would love a mix up on what pokemon I’m going to use.

I’m an electric trainer by nature but I know that I am not the only one out there that thinks tradition doesn’t mean degradation.

PS If your Listening bring back the PokeRadar!!!! please :)
i really like your idea on the different types, it be a complete change but pretty cool. i just really want them to NOT add 20 legendaries in the game. they keep adding WAY too much. ever since the r/s/e series they have way too many!
Tiny Squid PKMN
It is very small. It can zip through a Sharpedo's jaws faster than a Scyther.
Evolves into Bink at 16...

Bink (Bi-Ink)
Bionic Squid PKMN
After evolution, it was captured by a human who downloaded data into it, making it extremely fast.
Evolves into Inktrio at 40 or Swink at 45...

Giant Squid PKMN
Inktrio can shoot 3 jets of ink at an enemy at once!

Superfast Squid PKMN
It is twice as fast as Darkrai.It can also learn Ice Beam, and Blizzard.
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Small Cargo PKMN
It has an odd likeliness to Shellos. It can carry heavy loads of cargo.

Roaring Cargo PKMN
It has no likeliness to Gastrodon.It loves to roar so it can scare opponents away.

Frigid Dragon PKMN
Blizzavern is extremely powerful. It can whip up windstorms with over 100 mile per hour winds. The signature move is Draco Blizzard.

Oak Fighter PKMN
It can punch through steel, although it can get bruised badly.

Growth Karate PKMN
Grafluff has large fluffs of leaves around its wrists. It is only used to distract enemies.

Tree Brawler PKMN
Timberawl is very strong. One punch to the face and the victim runs the risk of being badly paralyzed.
Fern Bagon PKMN
Frondilo is almost a Grass type version of Bagon. It can dash really fast. Frondilo is also very agile.
Evolves into Vinepuncher at 15...

Vine Puncher PKMN
Vineapuncher has very fast actions. It can jump over 6 feet in 1 bound. It has vines on its elbows that it can shoot out by itself. They are replaced by leaves after evolution.
Evolves into Kwasanblade at 30...

Sequoia PKMN
Kwasanblade can slice 5 trees with 1 slash of its blades on the elbows.Its signature move is Sequoia Blast.
Hey Jeff25!

You have my support for sending ideas to Nintendo. I'll do my share by looking up Nintendo's email address. Or we can mail it to Japan.

Does Scylant evolve from something or does it evolves into something?

P.S. Excellent ideas


I found the email address for the Pokemon Company in America.

Its feedback@pokemon-usa.com!

I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree with Strype that you need to at least put where the Pokemon are located. Roles, move pools and abilities are crucial. Take a Gym Leader for example. You need to be able to match the Pokemon's strength with their movesets, like Mangezone. It has crazy high Sp. Attack, so you would normally teach it: Zap Cannon, Discharge, Magnet Bomb, and Charge Beam. Charge Beam is to boost its Sp. Attack, making the other 3 moves stronger.

I've got a whole Pokedex filled with info of 5th Generation Pokemon. I just need to find it.

Best of Luck
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Pokemon has started with Fire-Grass-Water in every generation. Why not try a new starter combo like Bug-Dark-Psycic or Flying-Electric-Ground.
How about they all go extinct by the 5th generation? like they should have from the beggining in generation 1.

I was thinking that the starters could be based on extinct animals like the velociraptor and it could evolve into a bigger member of its family like Deinonychus and it would become a fire, flying cause raptors eventually grew wings.

the water pokemon could be instead a small shark then evolve into one similar to a great white shark and then it could become something like a megalodon

and the grass...... i have no idea
Nice! I also have some ideas

Here's my ideas... (I drew pictures of these guys a while ago but I can't find them)

Name:Rootsa(Play on the word "Root")
Root Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Often mistaken for a simple flower, Rootsa travel in swarms and only open the petals on their head when they are near sunlight.
Height:06" Weight: 2 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 16

Evoles into...

Name:Vintsa(Play on the word "Vine")
Vine Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Vintsa's Razor-sharp claws are actually made of rock-hard leaves. Vintsa chase after their prey with their 3 root-like legs and crack them open with their claws.
Height:3' 02" Weight: 25 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 34

Evolves into...

Name:Rootox(Play on the word "Root" and "Toxic")
Strangle Root Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Now that its 3 legs have fused into one, Rootox cannot move well and relies on its Psychic powers to bring its prey to it.
Height:6" 10" Weight: 208 lbs.

Name:Furrex(Play on the word "Fur")
Bunny Pokemon
Pokedex Data: While in forests, Furrex turn off their firey tail and ears so as not to cause massive forest fires.
Height:1' Weight: 10 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 17

Evolves into...

Name:Furriflame(Play on the words "Fur" and "Flame")
Dark Jackrabbit Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Furriflame travel alone, and, as they are quick to fight, will often stomp on anything that moves with their massive feet.
Height:4' 02" Weight: 65 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 34

Evolves into...

Name:Firexhari(Play on the words "Fire" and "Hare")
Inferno Hare Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Although they appear extremely fierce, Firexhari often help other animals in need by breaking the traps that hold them. In battle, they, use their fully developed, diamond-hard feet to drain the life from foes.
Height:5' 8" Weight: 137 lbs.

Name:Bublin(Play on the word "Bubble")
Guppy Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Bublin are extremely light, and when they flap their fins hard enough, they can stay suspend in the air for minutes at a time.
Height:10" Weight: .5 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 17

Evolves into...

Name:Bubludraft(Play on the words "Bubble" and "Updraft")
Flying Fish Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Bubludraft store water in the sack on their lure and then take to the sky to spray their prey with WATER-type moves.
Height:3' 10" Weight: 20 lbs.
Evolves at: lvl. 32

Evolves into...

Name:Bubblord(Play on the words "Bubble" and "Lord")
Water Gyro Pokemon
Pokedex Data: Bubblord's unique ability to conduct water from anywhere works as a weapon when it conjures water while it is flying. Then, it spins its lure and tail in tandem to create giant whirlpools that can stretch up to a mile in legnth.
Height:7' 08"(When Tail is fully extended) Weight: 95 lbs.

What do you think?
Nice,I have some ideas.
Fire starter
Firarck (play off of spark and fire)
The Fire wolf pokemon,
Type: Fire
Height: 2.6 LBS: 53
Info: this shy pokemon has a hidden stomach where it store fire that is able to melt instantly the coolest steel.
Evolves at lvl: 15
Voltburn (Burn, Voltage)
The Werewolf pokemon
Type: Fire
Height: 4.7 LBS: 85
Info: When Firarcks evoles into this pokemon it's hind legs are now able to support it.
Evolves at lvl: 37
Shocano (Shock, Volcano)
The Heat Lightning pokemon
Type : Fire, Elec.
Height: 7.4
Info: During summer nights, this pokemon's howl causes the rare sight of lightning without a rainstorm.
2nd starter:Grass
Earthosaur (Earth, Dinosaur)
The Giant Lizard pokemon
Type: Grass
Height: 4.9 LBS: 95
Info: A previously extinct pokemon. Recent Fossil research has reinstated the population of the beast.
Evolves at lvl: 19
Brachioterra [Brachiosaur, Terra(Earth)]
The Huge Lizard Pokemon
Type: Grass, Earth
Height: 6.2, LBS: 254
Info: A giant pokemon, though peaceful when enraged can cause cities to be destroyed.
Evolves at lvl: 33
Apatoquacker (Apatosaur, earthquake)
The Behemoth Pokemon
Type: Grass, earth
Height: 8.9, LBS: 457
Info: This masive pokemon, was easly spotable from the sky, making it easy prey for Aerodactyl.
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Those are all awesome ideas!! As for ryanpkmn, ground types are completely immune to Electric types. Same goes with Flying types, as they are immune to Ground types.Keep trying, though! Strype had the right idea when he was explaining the rock-paper-scissors terminology.
Megahorn Kid PKMN
It can wreck a cargo boat with its horn
Evolves into Heracross at 30...
Name: Buzzly ( Buzz + Fly )
Annoying Fly Pokémon
Height: 5'07 Weight: 20 lbs
Dex Info: The buzz this Pokémon is heard up to 30 km away and can fall asleep or paralyze any opponent. This Pokémon lives at the foot of the villages or in the woods
Signature Move: Buzz Alert

Name: Lazko ( Lazy + Koala)
Lazy Pokémon
Type: Electric
Height : 1'05 Weight : 10lbs
Dex Info : This Pokemon is very lazy so spends his days lying down to sleep when it feels threatened boom shock wave to be able to hide quickly. This Pokemon is in forests or deserts
Evolve at : lv20

Evolves at...

Name: Alectric ( Koala + Electric )
Energectic Pokémon
Type: Electric
Height: 2'30 Weight: 27lbs
Dex Info: This Pokemon has a lot of energy accumulated in the body so it is very famous for being one of the Pokémon more electricity. This Pokémon lives in forests or deserts
Evolve at: lv 36

Evolves at...

Name: Gernetko ( Energectic + Koala )
Though Electric Pokémon
Type: Electric
Height : 3'50 Weight: 70lbs
Dex Info : This Pokemon is very big and strong, making it easy to win battles, has a layer of fat that allows it to gather energy from their opponents. It is very famous for its radius' Hyper Energy Ray. " This Pokémon lives in forests or deserts
Signature Move: ' Hyper Energy Ray'

Name: Groud ( Ground)
Timid Pokémon
Type: Ground
Height: 1'05 Weight: 7lbs
Dex Info:This Pokemon is very timid so when it detects motion hides underground. This Pokémon lives in the deserts
Evolves at lv 15

Name: Stelgo ( Steel + Ground )
Cheeky Pokémon
Type: Ground / Steel
Height: 2'14 Weight: 15lbs
Dex Info:This Pokemon is very cheeky, so do not afraid of anything. It is also well known for having a layer of iron on your skin making it difficult opponents make him get hurt. This Pokemon can be found in deserts or forests
Evolves at lv 30

Name: Dragoundo ( Dragon + Ground)
Angry Pokémon
Type: Ground / Dragon
Height: 4'05 Weight: 87lbs
Dex Info:This Pokemon when it feels threatened has a great rage that can destroy hundreds of kilometers. Has a layer of skin in the form of armor that is very strong. This Pokemon is very rare to find

Well do not already have many ideas so come back tomorrow for more ideas:wink:
