The Many Holidays of Every Day

Absolutely, that's what spurred me to make that little tidbit about "evil" actually. However, notable in which light, is the question. We all know the history books love to twist things more than a taffy puller. And there's been some news as of late of nasty doings from the rebels, which some people have labeled as being signs of a "one dictator to the next" movement. I'm just sayin' that the book ain't closed on Libya just yet, who knows if things might somehow take a turn for the bad.

Well I'm no expert on the topic, but I am an expert on going off topic :yesnod: Gaddafi = pure evil. I kind of figured this was what you were talking about. Lets see... its been a bit since Ive read anything but last I heard they wanted Sharia... Seems to me if your going to go through all the trouble of overthrowing a GD oppressive & very brutal dictatorship why oh why would you want to adopt the oldest form of oppression known to man. Well... Its what they're use to I guess... I just don't understand how such an ancient civilization can be so ****ing backwards.
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Its hard to promote a film with a monster with no name.


Not too many people are gonna be interested in movies focusing on a monster called "the monster with no name". :lol:

I just don't understand how such an ancient civilization can be so ****ing backwards.

Civilization has almost always been ass backwards, and/or corrupt and unfair... Those with ambition are tainted by power, and those of tainted mind aim to gain the same power.
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October 30th​

Today, we've got a big seven holidays and two Birthdays.

Haunted Refrigerator Night
Candy Corn Day
Checklists Day
Create a Great Funeral Day
Devil's Night
Angel's Night
Reformation Sunday
John Adams' Birthday
Emily Post's Birthday

Haunted Refrigerator Night is scarier than ya might think; if you don't clean the fridge regularly, we all know what sort of Halloween-worthy brew can occur. Take a good look throughout the fridge and scream in horror at the assorted colors and shapes of fungi and bacteria that's resulted if you're as proactive about cleaning as the average American male! :D ... Or if you're not a moron and keep clean where you keep your food and drink, ignore this day. :lol:

Candy Corn Day is right before Halloween, what a surprise. ¬_¬ Blatant advertisement aside (Candy Corn gets 70%+ of it's yearly sales during Halloween, yet again no surprise), Candy Corn's got some surprising history. The candy's been around since 1880, and the recipe hasn't changed since the very start of the 20th century: Marshmallow, Sugar, and Corn Syrup. Even though I've got a fair sweet tooth, I'm no fan of the simple taste of sugar Candy Corn offers, but it's got plenty of fans. If you're one of 'em, dig in a day early.

Checklists Day is the day to appreciate checklists, whether your memory is godly or not (mine sure as hell isn't :lol: ). Checklists as a practical list of objectives, or a "to do" list, supposedly originated from accidents with terrible repercussions from improperly used heavy machinery such as factory-related things and large transportation like planes, as to make sure everything that was needed to be done, was done. Having a checklist for the day is hardly as important, but hey, some of us are just too busy to too memory-impaired to not use 'em. Not to mention they're still damn-important in modern times when it comes to, again, heavy machinery, science mumbo-jumbo and other such complicated jobs or practices.

Create a Great Funeral Day isn't as sadistic as you think. We all kick the bucket one day, so today's the day to think about how you want your funeral (or lack of one) once you do. Make it easier on the people who'll handle the funeral by deciding the details before death wants a hug, since they'l obviously have enough on their minds at the time. This is particularly important if say, your religion is different from a bulk of your family or relatives, and you want your death bed treated as such. As an example of my own, I don't intend to have a funeral at all; I'm goin' out the cheapest way possible at the time. Hell, I might "donate" myself to science, donating organs, whatever since I doubt that costs anything. Better than to dump my corpse to the hands of someone I wouldn't want dealing with such trouble. :lol:

Devil's Night is Halloween's Eve, Mischief Night, whatever you want to call it; it's the night to embrace our true sinister nature and cause as much trouble as possible. This isn't just trick without the treat, though; in some areas some people take this as an excuse for serious arson and unforgivable vandalism. I'll certainly be ****ing around after posting tomorrow night's post ( ;) ), but I don't intend on bringing a crowbar nor torch with me, I can assure ya that much. Feel free to join me in spirit, but don't join in on those who're truly crooked. For no reason other than my own soon-to-be amusement, this gets my holiday pick of the day.

In fact, Angel's Night was created in response to terrible amounts of arson on Devil's Night in Detroit, 1994. I myself have to be wary of this paired holiday, since I'm grouped in with the former deity on the 30th. :p Anywho, Angel's Night isn't just one night, and is generally all nights between the 29th and 31st. Many people sign up to guard their communities, patrol around, and report suspicious activity to the cops (who're on constant standby for any place that does support Angel's Night); and there're plenty of people who take the matters of catching scoundrels like me into their own hands, too. A little joke and TPing never hurt anyone, but they never know who's currently sneaking around might be the next pyromaniac. So whether you're being a mischievous demon or a guardian angel, make sure you're either not being the worst of the worst, or helping prevent those who are so from doing their sinister deeds... Or just celebrate Halloween like a normal person. :lol:

Reformation Sunday is a religious holiday regarding the religious Protestant Reformation movement in the 16th century, of whom Martin Luther was largely responsible for. And before anyone asks, NO, this ain't MLK. -_-; The reformation was one of the few good movements that has to do with making religion less grimy and decreasing how much power the church had in the pre-modern world.

The second president of the US, John Adams, certainly had a legacy to compete with. He really just kept Washington's policies as best he could, which was nothing short of the safe and smart thing to do. Some unfortunate happenings were going on in the world during his presidency, but he kept a stiff upper lip throughout it all. Not a bad president at the very least.

Emily Post was a writer who focused entirely on etiquette; being that she was of the snobby, rich sort of privileged up bringing, it certainly is fitting. Her books on mannerisms of one's expected social hierarchy behaviors are still well-noted to this very day.

So, who's got plans for the eve of Halloween? You all know mine. :p
Backwards? If anything, they're the future version of the most advanced countries.

?_? Sorry I do not understand your logic. In a thousand years us Americans will be beheading warring Xtian sects in the streets. Oppressing women... Public execution of homosexuals and chopping off the digits of thieves. Hard to imagine but anything is possible. Would make a great movie too.
?_? Sorry I do not understand your logic. In a thousand years us Americans will be beheading warring Xtian sects in the streets. Oppressing women... Public execution of homosexuals and chopping off the digits of thieves. Hard to imagine but anything is possible. Would make a great movie too.
History Lesson 101: History repeats itself.
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Wow i tottaly want to plan my death

That's the spirit! :D

I never said it only applied to the middle east.

Indeed. Assasin isn't saying history repeats itself to a T with laws and specific morals and the like, but rather the fact humans ain't gonna change. We'll always have wars of some kind, prejudice of some kind, and corruption of some kind. What a wonderful world. ~

Post of the day coming in a bit.
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October 31st​


Hallowe'en; a day all ages can celebrate. Whether children want to put holes in their teeth and far too much sugar into their energy reserves, or anyone older to bring out their inner scare or simply just use it as an excuse to party. It's a big holiday for a good reason.

Halloween certainly was not always a commercialized and "happy" holiday, however. Way back in the 16th century is where it's believed roots come from. It was a day for the farmers and stock owners to prepare for the winter ahead, as well as the belief that this time of year was when this world and the next were "closest" to each other, meaning that magicks and sinister spirits would be likely to arise, even the dead to "visit" the living. To ward off such evil, bonfires would be lit and prayers to the gods begging for protection. Such rituals sometimes even involved human sacrifice... Grim indeed. The roots of trick-or-treating and other such common Halloween practices have relatively old roots as well. Enjoy this dark day in whatever way you please, my friends. This is quite obviously, my holiday pick of the day.

The large holiday we all were expecting aside, today we have a surprisingly large eight holidays in addition to Halloween.

National Candy Apple Day
Books for Treats Day
Magic Day
National Knock-Knock Jokes Day
National UNICEF Day
Reformation Day
Admission Day

National Candy Apple Day is yet another unhealthy food celebrates only in the US; but it gets a pass from me since it's tied in with Halloween. :lol: A sugary glaze with the healthy food of an apple could certainly be worse on your dietary health than a lot of common treats on Halloween, so today ain't a bad day to eat one.

Books for Treats Day is something that every white collar, stereotypical housewife mother seems to join in on, and annoy whatever kids show up and her doorstep with books instead of candy. 99% of kids are gonna toss the book that could of gone to a DONATION fund for orphans or youngin's of poverty in general. This holiday gets a big GTFO since it not only pisses people off, but has a terrible direction that could be used for something much more worthwhile. GTFO!

Magic Day celebrates the greatest magician of all time, Harry Houdini, and to tie in with Halloween as well. Houdini's date of death was actually on the 31st of October, ironically. Magic Day is simple in that you're to celebrate modern magic and illusory tricks of magicians, whether you're to learn it and maybe even perform it yourself, or simply learn about it and it's history. Perhaps you'll even go and see a magician's show with friends. Knowing just a few card tricks is always interesting regardless, so it's a holiday to appreciate and participate in, indeed.

National Knock-Knock Jokes Day... Do not want. -_-; GTFO to you too.

National UNICEF Day celebrates and promotes that one organization for children's rights and such. They've got business on their agenda that ties into Halloween as well, so... yeah.

Reformation Day is exactly what you read in the last post; except the difference is, Reformation Sunday goes on the last October's Sunday in US Churches. Generally, Reformation Day is celebrated on the 31st regardless instead of that Sunday... Technical date details noone should care about, really.

Samhain is what replaces Halloween for multiple religions. I know little about it, so... here ya go.

Admission Day is the original name of "Nevada Day", and is logically named as such because Nevada officially became a state in 1864 of the same date. There's been a lot of commotion about the date(s) to celebrate this in the past decade, actually. At one point, it was extended to multiple days in hopes to up knowledge and notice for Nevada Day.

Plans for Halloween, anyone? I didn't receive a costume for no reason, so I'll be attending a party. And aside from that, do ya'll care at all for Halloween, and why or why not?
Think hunted fridge
Think this bit

I never said it only applied to the middle east.

Haahahahahahahahaha OMFG! hahahahaha :D Ok ok ok. I promise it was purely coincidental that I ended up on this website. Seriously, I somehow ended up on youtube watching this


and I read a comment telling me to google the Collins Elite...

tldr; There is actually a group that believes aliens are demons and in order to save the US we must adopt Old Testament style faith and law.
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