The Many Holidays of Every Day

... lolwut? :lol:

You really want to know? OK it is pretty complex. Where to start...

Many fundamentalist Xtians despise the possibility of extraterrestrial life, esp intelligent life because it tends to lead people away from their faith. If there is other life it kind of makes us a little less special and kind of makes God a giant dick for having a whole other family... in another town... I always thought they had decided that if there is other intelligent life "God did it" now they've found a scapegoat Satan.

Normally a NASFWGTD situation... However these folk appear to be Evangelical... Evangelical Xtians are the ones who believe Harry Potter is the devil. Evangelicals deny evolution, climate change, dinosaurs... They are very politically active and control a huge voting bloc and one could argue that they are responsible for Bush Jr being elected 2xs.

Anyway I just found it too funny to not share. Sorry for going this far off topic...

My friend, this is the lounge. There is no off topic. :lol:

Any group that can pull a presidential election out of their hat should be feared IMO. I know I'm making a bit too much of it but preachers shouldn't be telling their congregations how to vote. These people literally worshiped Bush... I know a Evangelical who still has a photo of Bush on her fridge and prays for him everyday.

Now watch this video and be afraid and lol simultaneously

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: NOTHING good comes from religion camps.

The only thing to fear is how stupid and blind people can be...
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Apparently no one had anything to do on Halloween... ¬_¬

November 1st

Today, we've got a large eight holidays.

National Deep Fried Clams Day
All Saints' Day
Dias De Los Muertos
National Authors' Day
National Cook For Your Pets Day
Independence Day (Antigua & Barbuda)
Liberty Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (Algeria)

National Deep Fried Clams Day is for all the seafood lovers like myself; although, since this is US only, I have to yet again complain about how fat we are. Does it have to be fried? ;_;

All Saints' Day is a religious holiday I honestly can't make heads or tails of, since I'm just plain uninterested...

Dia De Los Muertos, translated as Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday focusing on praying for friends and family who've passed away. It takes place on November 1st and 2nd, actually. It's also the very opposite of grim; Dia De Los Muertos' two days are days of celebration. Since death is an unavoidable and welcome part of life, I'd say it's all quite justified. Not to mention for all those believing in an after life, only the selfish would want us to lament their death at our expenses. So yeah, death and partying; easily the holiday pick of the day.

National Authors' Day is a day of recognition for all the Americans that contributed to literature. Just Americans. Considering we were a few... I don't know, MILLENIA late in contributing to writing, this holiday gets a big GTFO.

National Cook For Your Pets Day supposedly focuses on a day to feed our pets healthy dishes, but for one day this hardly makes any difference in diet and could even be a bad idea for certain animals that don't like diet shifts. Everyone celebrating this is just gonna feed their animals our food, which completely goes against my ideals towards feeding a pet; and considering this is celebrated in America, you know people'll be feeding their dogs fried chicken and their cats turkey 'n gravy, or some crazy **** like that. Another GTFO is awarded.

Antigua and Barbuda's Independence Day is another day celebrating independence gained from the UN, 1981 in this case. These two islands are part of the same twin-island nation, so they celebrate it on the same day.

Virgin Islands' Liberty Day celebrates David Hamilton Jackson and his efforts to make Freedom of Press a valid right in the Virign Islands. The date itself comes from the day he published the first free newspaper, "the Herald". He played an important part in getting other rights passed and the like as well.

Algeria's Revolution Day commemorates the day Algeria's first successful attacks against their rulers the french in the name of revolution, in 1954... Couldn't they of just picked the day they successfully were liberated and became independent? >_>;
Apparently no one had anything to do on Halloween... ¬_¬

:sick: Yeah I didn't do a damn thing.

National Deep Fried Clams Day is for all the seafood lovers like myself; although, since this is US only, I have to yet again complain about how fat we are. Does it have to be fried? ;_;

Yum! Never had deep fried clams tho.

Everyone celebrating this is just gonna feed their animals our food, which completely goes against my ideals towards feeding a pet; and considering this is celebrated in America, you know people'll be feeding their dogs fried chicken and their cats turkey 'n gravy, or some crazy **** like that. Another GTFO is awarded.

Agreed. Pets can live considerably longer and much healthier lives if fed only pet food in proper proportions. I hate seeing obese animals. esp towards the end of their lives. Its the saddest ****in thing in the world. Dogs esp when they cant even get up and walk anymore...
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  • #146
November 2nd

Today, we've got six holidays and a larger than normal four birthday.

Deviled Eggs Day
Cookie Monster Day
All Souls' Day
National Traffic Directors Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day
Admission Day (North & South Dakota)
Warren Harding's Birthday
James Polk's Birthday
Daniel Boone's Birthday
Burt Lancaster's Birthday

Deviled Eggs Day; go eat some deviled eggs. They're pretty damn good so long as you balance the yolk mixes properly.

I highly doubt anyone cares about the Cookie Monster, none the less Cookie Monster Day, but you might as well grab your favorite cookie in honor of the delicious desert itself. >_>

All Souls' Day follows All Saints' Day to "commemorate" the departed. Basically, it's Dia De Los Muertos on a single day, and a hell of a lot more depressing. Lighten up, Catholics. Party, dance, celebrate!

National Traffic Directors Day isn't a day for honoring the vehicular kind of traffic directors, actually. It's for the people who do all the scheduling and directing of radio and TV-related programs. I've no idea what the job entails, but I doubt it's a very tough or demanding one...

Plan Your Epitaph Day is just like plan a great funeral day, but much easier. Since you don't want that one relative you hate making your gravestone a joke (if you're to be buried, anywho), or something stupid in general. Or be a sadistic bastard like I plan to be and DO make it a joke. :lol: You'd be surprised what lulz you can find from some epitaphs. Holiday pick of the day, since death and laughter clearly go hand in hand. :p

North & South Dakota's Admission Day celebrates the date of their admission into the US, so... yeah.

Warren Gamaliel Harding was the USA's 29th President, was a man with great ideals for his presidency, but **** luck. Those policies gained him the highest national vote percentage to this day; 60%. Unfortunately, many scandals and issues with his cabinet that are due to many men he gave high-powered positions in the government completely overshadowed his successes. You can't always judge a man by the company he keeps, but unfortunately, the US thinks so. He's ranked as one of the worst US presidents, usually in the worst ten...

James Knox Polk was the 11th president of the US, and a man with an agenda. Not too many presidents promise to run just one turn and especially keep it; all of his worthwhile policies and endeavors he advertised during elections were to be done in a single term. And amazingly enough, he certainly got the job done. He consistently ranks around being the 10th favored president. The only problem is that he was a plantation owner... ... ... Yeah. Morals aside, he was still a boss president; a man who kept promises to his people, and fulfilled them with all-due haste.

Daniel Boone is a legendary frontiersman of the 18th century who has a wide array of books and movies about 'em. He certainly is the ideal frontiersman, though. He was an excellent hunter, a man who could certainly build (he made a fort at one point during his settling of the frontier), and even a capable man of war (defending that same fort from a 10-day British and Native American siege). His frontier exploits are quality and many, from creating widely traveled roads and settling areas west of the thirteen Colonies' border (such as the entirety of Kentucky). His skills as a man of the wilderness were so recognized, he was "adopted" into the Shawnee Native Americans for some time, although when he learned of their planned siege on the fort mentioned above, there was no hesitation to abandon them and protect the livelihood he carved out for many. The definition of a folk hero, indeed.

Burt Lancaster is a famous 20th century actor ranked very highly among his generation of actors. His characters were the same old same old for some time, but he pursued more complex roles as he became a seasoned actor. He's won plenty of awards and the like, so... yeah. Famous actor and the like.

Some tombstones really do have some ****ing hilarious epitaphs, look 'em up for some laughs. Particularly during the Wild West era of the late 1800s and the real early 1900s. Nothin' like cracking jokes 'bout a criminal no one missed who had a quick trigger finger, but a ****-slow draw. :lol:
I'm assuming you mean obese pets.
There's nothing like having a fat pig or chicken. Makes for an excellent feast.

:sick: Obesity is a sad condition for any animal, humans and farm animals included. Industrialized farming, while necessary, is a pretty sickening approach. Just because these animals are destined to harvest in their prime doesn't mean that they shouldn't be healthy and happy. In fact, the fact that we are using them in such a manner they ought to be given our greatest respects.
Industrialized farming, while necessary, is a pretty sickening approach. Just because these animals are destined to harvest in their prime doesn't mean that they shouldn't be healthy and happy. In fact, the fact that we are using them in such a manner they ought to be given our greatest respects.
Who said anything about industrialized farming?
To put into perspective: Would you rather have a starved animal, or an animal who lived life to the max?
Who said anything about industrialized farming?
To put into perspective: Would you rather have a starved animal, or an animal who lived life to the max?

Well considering you live in America Id guess, unless you shop for it, the majority of your meat comes from some pretty horrid places. These animals are not living life to the max my friend. Unless to the max you mean living in their own feces, not moving, some not even seeing the sun their entire lives. Hell we treat prisoners on death row better than we treat our own food...

"To put into perspective: Would you rather have a starved animal, or an animal who lived life to the max?"

No I try, although it isn't easy, to consume naturally raised meat. These are animals that are raised free range, cage free, fed a proper healthy diet and live under traditional husbandry and god forbid, processed by the very same people who raised them...
No I try, although it isn't easy, to consume naturally raised meat. These are animals that are raised free range, cage free, fed a proper healthy diet and live under traditional husbandry and god forbid, processed by the very same people who raised them...
I seriously doubt you've ever raised your own food. It is as naturally raised as it gets.

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