The Many Holidays of Every Day

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Not surprised someone combined the two memes at all.
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October 27th

Today we've got a small four holidays today, and two birthdays.

American Beer Day
Cranky Co-Workers Day
Navy Day
Theodore Roosevelt's Birthday
New York City's Subway's Anniversary
Independence Day (Turkmenistan)
Roy Lichtenstein's Birthday

American Beer Day; grab some booze and get wasted, simple as that. If you're not a drinker, keep it that way and forget 'bout this day. If ya are, I envy you and would join ya with a Sam Adams of my own if I didn't belong to the former nowadays... Not that any American beer is anything special, IMHO. I doubt there's an American Beer Day outside of America. :lol:

Cranky Co-Workers Day is the day to get more pissed off than usual at those asshats who can't be just a tiny bit nicer, or are simply indecent human beings who make you cranky. Today's that special day to get back at 'em quietly, give them a taste of their own medicine, and plot as much as you possibly can to do things to piss them off without doing so actively. Much as you'd love to tell your boss your reason for beating the **** out of someone was this special day, you want to keep your job (... hopefully). If they're already your enemy for being such a jerk, why not return the favor and become theirs! =D Be it anonymously for a day, or until they rage quit life.

Navy Day was mentioned some posts ago, but I didn't go into detail; it's purpose is obvious enough, though. It's a day of recognition multiple countries celebrate for their own Navy. The 27th of October is the US' Navy Day, coinciding with president Roosevelt's birthday, as well as his involvement of the Navy. So, speaking of which...

Today is Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt's birthday, who was born in 1858. I won't mention much about his presidency aside from the fact he paved the way for many modern rights and helpful acts, and was indeed a great president. What I will describe is his interesting history and personality; did you know Roosevelt was a legitimate cowboy? He hunted his own food, built his own ranch, and even captured thieves who had stolen his boat, and then defended them from being hanged. But he wasn't just a cowboy, he was also a sheriff's deputy; a true shootist. He captured his fair share of thieves and degenerates back when the west was indeed, wild. I wouldn't doubt he inspired some Western classics.

Did you know in his youth, he was a boxer? How many rulers in the history of man were both educated intellectuals of gentleman disposition, AND were professional fighters? Did you know prior to one of his speeches that he was shot, and believing it was just a flesh wound (seriously), continued to give his speech afterwards, which lasted for 90 minutes? And yes, he sure as was **** bleeding throughout the entire speech.

Charisma, intelligence, and incredible grit. A unique and gifted president without a doubt, and probably one of my favorites both in accomplishment, and being surprisingly awesome. It ain't no holiday, but it's still my pick of the day in honor of this epic dude.

NYC Subway's anniversary is today, but I don't really care... It was a truly major accomplishment back in the day, but anyone who's ever been on a crowded subway train knows how unpleasant it can be. Especially New York City's. If it wasn't such an important transportation implementation of US history, it'd get my GTFO award.

Turkmenistan's Independence Day is one of many days countries celebrate and rejoice the day those USSR commie bastards relinquished control over their territory. In 1991, Turkmenistan declared it's independence from said commies; it took only until December 8th for it to be officially recognized.

Roy Lichtenstein was a famous artist from the Pop Art movement. He was particularly well known for comic book strips and humorous art in general, although he dropped his comic strips style in the '60s almost completely. He also did sculptures, as well as the kind of modern art that makes you cock your head in confusion, and think something along the lines of "I don't get what the **** people see in modern art...". I'm no exception. :lol:

I won't deny that I'm a man who loves his Wild West stuff, so Teddy certainly gets some bias points out of me. :lol:
American Beer Day; grab some booze and get wasted, simple as that. If you're not a drinker, keep it that way and forget 'bout this day. If ya are, I envy you and would join ya with a Sam Adams of my own if I didn't belong to the former nowadays... Not that any American beer is anything special, IMHO. I doubt there's an American Beer Day outside of America. :lol:

Cranky Co-Workers Day is the day to get more pissed off than usual at those asshats who can't be just a tiny bit nicer, or are simply indecent human beings who make you cranky. Today's that special day to get back at 'em quietly, give them a taste of their own medicine, and plot as much as you possibly can to do things to piss them off without doing so actively. Much as you'd love to tell your boss your reason for beating the **** out of someone was this special day, you want to keep your job (... hopefully). If they're already your enemy for being such a jerk, why not return the favor and become theirs! =D Be it anonymously for a day, or until they rage quit life.
You can celebrate these 2 holidays at the same time for added effect.

SSBfreakCK said:
I won't deny that I'm a man who loves his Wild West stuff, so Teddy certainly gets some bias points out of me. :lol:
And then there's the sour part.
"The only good Indians I ever saw were dead".
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  • #101
Personally, none.

In reputation, ... none. :lol:

The world's population ain't much better than it used to be when it comes to morals, although prejudism is a tad less common I'd think.
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  • #103
I disagree with that, but this ain't really something you can debate on...
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Never said it wasn't. Racism's gonna exist so long as humans are sentient, plain and simple. Haters gonna hate.

It really isn't something you can debate over. There're no absolute facts or data. We can throw opinions at eachother, but that ain't gonna go anywhere fast since there aren't any statistic to back it. Just ain't a way to prove who's right or wrong.