The Many Holidays of Every Day

iPod Day can kiss my ass. Apple doesn't need any extra ****ing profits from a day of celebration, nor does it need any sort of extra awareness. Not to mention I personally don't buy iPods, they're just expensive MP3 players. -_- GTFO!

All jobs did well was marketing and branding and bad grammar (lower case letters dont go at the start of a name).

On the other hand Dennis Ritchie died recently and he was part of making Unix and the C programming language.(google it a lot of games are made using it)

No fan fare for him.
Its always the ones that dont get "Front page news" that do the most good.
(Les Paul, Ronnie Barker, Jeremy Beadle)
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  • #78
On the other hand Dennis Ritchie died recently and he was part of making Unix and the C programming language.(google it a lot of games are made using it)

No fan fare for him.
Its always the ones that dont get "Front page news" that do the most good.
(Les Paul, Ronnie Barker, Jeremy Beadle)

Hence why 90% of all widely recognized birthdays or person-related holidays are utter ****.
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  • #79
I just realized I put "23rd" as "23th". HERPADERP

October 24th

Today, we've got four (much more mention-worthy) holidays.

United Nations Day
UN World Development Information Day
Independence Day (Zambia)
Labour Day (New Zealand)

United Nations Day is exactly what you think it is: a day to commemorate and make known the many accomplishments that came to fruition thanks to the UN. An actually justified holiday that isn't religious certainly is a rare one...

World Development Information Day is a day of awareness for development and modernization issues third-world countries and many rural territories experience, as well as for the need to strengthen international cooperation so that development issues can be easier tackled. This day is intentionally held on UN Day so it has more publicity, which is a good thing. Undeveloped countries are the ones most stricken with poverty (outside of our **** economy, anywho...) and lagging behind the modern times, so getting countries up to speed and better equipped to move forward hits quite a few birds with one stone. Promoting good international relationships is icing on top of the political cake, too. For that reason, this gets my holiday pick of the day.

With all this UN greatness, the calender finds a way to be all-too ironic with Zambia's Independence Day. It celebrates the date of October 24th, 1964 when Zambia earned it's independence from the UN. Seeing all these independence days, I'm curious which one was the first... Or the first day to be called so, at least.

New Zealand's Labour Day commemorates the date of October 24th, 1840 when the eight-hour working day resolution was passed. We all know how common the eight-hour work day is today, so back when it was non-existent, you can bet hard workers were damn-well happy about it.

So, about my pick today.

... ... ...

... Uh, international peace and cooperation ftw.
United Nations Day is exactly what you think it is: a day to commemorate and make known the many accomplishments that came to fruition thanks to the UN. An actually justified holiday that isn't religious certainly is a rare one...

World Development Information Day is a day of awareness for development and modernization issues third-world countries and many rural territories experience, as well as for the need to strengthen international cooperation so that development issues can be easier tackled. This day is intentionally held on UN Day so it has more publicity, which is a good thing. Undeveloped countries are the ones most stricken with poverty (outside of our **** economy, anywho...) and lagging behind the modern times, so getting countries up to speed and better equipped to move forward hits quite a few birds with one stone. Promoting good international relationships is icing on top of the political cake, too. For that reason, this gets my holiday pick of the day.

With all this UN greatness, the calender finds a way to be all-too ironic with Zambia's Independence Day. It celebrates the date of October 24th, 1964 when Zambia earned it's independence from the UN. Seeing all these independence days, I'm curious which one was the first... Or the first day to be called so, at least.
Oh come now, you of all people should know. UN is a joke. UN info day is just as you said. Publicity.
I'll let the link do the talking in this case.
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  • #82
^ Corrupted politics talk... ? In MY thread?! GTFO

Anyone who thinks a single province, territorial, country or otherwise large-society-ruling government in the entire world isn't corrupt or isn't deserving of much ill repute, is stupid and/or ignorant. That said, any following debate or mention of politics and bigots can read this paragraph that summarizes the suits of the world, and indeed, gtfo.

Alice Cooper month and it ends with the day he loves

That is all

Widely recognized, as in a household known and celebrated holidays. Nor is Halloween the day for Cooper. :p
Political, religious, and ethical questions will continue to arise as long as the subjects are holidays. And I shall continue exploiting them :D
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  • #84

Anyone who thinks a single province, territorial, country or otherwise large-society-ruling government in the entire world isn't corrupt or isn't deserving of much ill repute, is stupid and/or ignorant. That said, any following debate or mention of politics and bigots can read this paragraph that summarizes the suits of the world, and indeed, gtfo.

Rinse and repeat. :lol:
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  • #85
October 25th(...the day after)

Today (yesterday), we've got a nice 5 holidays.

World Pasta Day
Saint Crispin's Day
Sourest Day
Retrocession Day (Taiwan)
Pablo Picasso's Birthday

World Pasta Day is a day of delicious we all should be able to celebrate. Unless you're allergic to wheat (I know someone... poor fellow), there must be some kind of delicious pasta you enjoy, be it "lot'sa spaghetti!!", or lasagna. I'm a man who loves his Italian cuisine, that's for sure. Since an example of my love for pasta is I'll be having lasagna for dinner, this clearly wins my holiday pick of the day. ;)

Saint Crispin's Day is a feast day for the Christians Crispin and Crispinian who were martyred. Another feast day, another "meh".

Sourest Day is National Grouch Day, but not sesame street sponsored; and thus, more legitimate. This day recognizes that without sour, we wouldn't half sweet. A half glass full philosophy with much truth. In the same vein, can't have happiness without sadness somewhere along the line. So, if you were pissed off on the 25th or just-plain salty, you celebrated this without even knowing! Congratulations... I think?

Taiwan's Retrocession Day celebrates the date of October 25th, 1945. On this day, after Japan had to sign an instrument of surrender in WWII, their control over Taiwan was released. Taiwan returned back to the governing of the Republic of China, and has remained as such since then.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a very famous painter who's masterful artistry and skill is certainly well deserved; his innovation is nothing to scoff at either. Pablo was effectively the co-founder of the Cubist art movement, which was certainly a huge step in the art community making it's way to modern art. If ya ask me, his most notable skill, however, was his art evolving. A great artist paints with class and skill. A master of the arts changes and continues to develop new techniques and styles one after the other. After every decade or so, his skill would increase, and his style would begin to shift. He certainly is deserving of the surname Picasso.

Oh, and here's a funfact for ya's: his full, FULL name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. I **** you not, lmao. You've gotta wonder if he even remembered all that...

So, yeah... My apologies for being a whole day late, everyone. I done 'n ****ed up, plain and simple. =(
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  • #86
October 26th

Today, we've got a good five holidays.

National Day (Austria)
Mule Day
Perigean Spring Tides
Hillary Rodham Clinton's Birthday

Diwali, or Deepavali, also known as the "festival of lights", is celebrated by two religions for different reasons, something I've never actually heard of. I REALLY don't want to butcher two religions in one paragraph, so... here ya go. >_>;

Austria's National Day commemorates the date of October 26th, 1955 when a provision regarding Austria announcing their independence as a sovereign state; but more importantly, the provision also detailed how Austria would be entirely neutral in regards to military alliances and other military-related campaigns. A National Day to be proud of, I'd say.

Mule Day isn't as stupid as you might think. In particular, Mule Day celebrates the day King Charles III imported countless Mules (Spanish jacks in particular) to the new world, in 1785. It also celebrates how handy the mule was back in the day. Mules can do just about everything a horse can do besides pull a stagecoach; which is to say, their size is their only limit. As much of an ass as a mule can be (/failpun), they're very manageable animals, and aren't utterly stupid. They cost (much) less to purchase, raise, and feed than a horse and were simply more common. Just as the Wild West wouldn't have expanded as it did without horses, the New World wouldn't of developed and built as quick as it doubt without their trusty mules. Oh, and the celebrations involve food and the like. Call me crazy, but this is my holiday pick of the day.

Perigean Spring Tides is the day that the moon is closest to the earth during spring tides; and no, spring isn't referring to the season. The moon's gravitational pull in relation to the earth is what causes tides to change, and thus, the tides can come up pretty fiercely 'round this time. Certainly nothing to celebrate, but an interesting scientific tidbit none the less.

Hillary Clinton's Birthday... Yeah. Meh. If it was Bill's, I'd jump for joy, spread word 'bout how it's the economy stupid, and celebrate my favorite modern president. She certainly doesn't seem like an idiot and might be a fine first female president, BUT, she's a republican. And if any of you know about politics, you know damn well I fall towards being a democrat. Many of her policies make me want to spray her with a ****ing uzi.

Oh, speaking of uzis...


Yeah, she doesn't know what the **** she's talkin' about. Why else is she talking about an issue with a predetermined speech she sure as **** didn't write? Why else does she compare games to booze? Why else wouldn't she also call out violent movies and TV shows? Why is she describing just GTA? That speech, and many more with a topic she probably doesn't even care about are simply tools to gain votes.

I ****ing hate politics... -_-

Er, anywho, who here gives so much as a fraction of a flying **** about mules? Ever seen or been with one IRL?

... I have, and they're surprisingly cool.

EDIT: ****!! I just realized I never posted the 25th's holidays... I was 100% sure I posted it... Why did I think that?! Dx It was only a matter of time before I had a derpaherp memory lapse and I made an epic fail with the thread... =/ Sorry everyone. The 25th will be right before this post.

EDIT2: Post is up.
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BUT, she's a republican. And if any of you know about politics, you know damn well I fall towards being a democrat. Many of her policies make me want to spray her with a ****ing uzi.
Your bias suprises me. Never thought I would see such strong hate from a democrat. I hate both parties for various logical reasons, but you must try to see things from everyone's point of view.

SSBfreakCK said:
Er, anywho, who here gives so much as a fraction of a flying **** about mules? Ever seen or been with one IRL?

... I have, and they're surprisingly cool.
They're very efficient animals. The serenity of a donkey with the power of a work horse. Raised quite of few of them.
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  • #88
Your bias suprises me. Never thought I would see such strong hate from a democrat. I hate both parties for various logical reasons, but you must try to see things from everyone's point of view.

I'm not a democrat, I simply lean more towards their active policies. Since I'm only well immersed in insulting politicians and complaining about what they do wrong, it wouldn't make sense to for me to declare being one or the other. :lol:

Also, the hatred is towards ignorance, mah boi. As once said by a famous philosopher indeed, "there is only one good; knowledge. And only one evil; ignorance." I can't say I approve of someone who constantly talks out of their ass being president. Lack of knowledge is certainly not a point of view.

They're very efficient animals. The serenity of a donkey with the power of a work horse. Raised quite of few of them.

waitwut. You got a breeder or a farm in the family?
Also, the hatred is towards ignorance, mah boi. As once said by a famous philosopher indeed, "there is only one good; knowledge. And only one evil; ignorance." I can't say I approve of someone who constantly talks out of their ass being president. Lack of knowledge is certainly not a point of view.
You know what is a point of view? Your opinion.

SSBfreakCK said:
waitwut. You got a breeder or a farm in the family?
Childhood past.