The "good times" thread

Well this is a nice one.

me and my friends kierin and sean went to the cinema to go see happy feet on janury 3rd
anyways so we had to jump by about 20 rows of people and got a seat right in the middle of the row.I watched the film but then my m8 kierin says "I canT get my pop corn open(Its one of those tubs with the crazy seal) "Thats weird you usually just squeeze ..............BANG!
Ihad squeezed the tub it had opened all-right but the pop-corn had flew into the air and onto peoples heads,juice,sweets and even on a kids nose.
and then i turned around and said to kierin"I got the popcorn open"me and my friends were in total hysterics for the rest of the film and everytime we go to the pictures he asks sean instead of me to open the popcorn

Thats a good story. I remember when I went with my mates. We each bought a big back of M&M's yeah?

So we sat at the back flicking them at random civilians below us [You know being proper rebels]. When some Chavs threw one at us. Btw they were on the other side of the cinema and we hadn't touched them with an M&M

A war kinda broke out. M&M's everywhere. Even the odd giant shadow of a M&M coming onto the screen :)

When the Security guard came. We just ducked our head and the Chavs got kicked out. The guard came over to us and asked us if we had any M&M's. My mates shoved like 1/2 pack in their mouths and I shoved mine in my pocket. Only I could speak due to the other mouths being full. I just said 'No they just started throwing M&Ms at us' the Security guard goes 'Bah ok' and walks off. 10 seconds later my mates [Unable to swallow such a big amount of M&M's] just release them all over the floor

LMAO it was so funny. They were all over the seats next to us. It was funny though lol
This one time, at band camp, I shoved a... ah no I didn't, but one day I whispered to some mates in my welsh class seeing if any one would throw a rubber at the teacher, my mate said she would so she got out a rubber, but instead of cutting a little piece off like I thought she would she flung the whole thing at the back of her head and smacked her REALLY hard lol, twas funny.

I was messing around with the drill one day in woodwork when I broke the actuall driling thing, me and two friends just looked at each other in shock and ran to the other side of the class, as we were running the teacher turned around and saw us lol, luckily he let us of ^-^

Oh and another time my teacher was RIGHT up in my face giving me a row and I couldn't stop laughing so I looked away, but then she'd scream 'LOOK AT ME' so I'd look back at her but when I looked I could see my friend in the corner of my eye pulling faces so that would make me laugh even more, and the teacher was getting angryer and I was in tears in the end so she just gave up with trying to give me a row

That's all for now lol, got plenty more though
and this one time at band camp......

ok no seriously oh man you want stories? i can write a novel! im going to type on the happend the other day.

i was sitting at work being a desk jockey (due to my ankle theyve sat me behind the damn desk for a month!) at my precinct. i was actually sitting on my laptop here since i brought it to work, checking out this site and posting my normal replies.

all of a sudden someone comes into the precinct and throws a sh*t storm! this woman was CRAZY as a bedbug! all she did was scream that her son was killed by cops and that we should all go to hell. we tried to calm her down but she was scratching and flipping out. she later took a mayonase jar and splashed this mysterious liquid on one of the officers that i work with's face! later realizing that it was a "watery liquid" it smelt alot like.....PEE! lady then started to laugh and say "I HAVE NO SON I WANTED TO WATCH YOU PIGS DROWN IN MY PISS!"

i swear to god that had to be one of the most craziest moments of my life. she was later in our custody and i think she has yet to be released!

why am i a cop again???????? :sick:
Heheh ^-^

And omg that woman lol! Sounds crazy! Wouldn't have liked to be the police officer to get that pee over his face >.<
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Good one here folks!!!!Right,when were in school once we were doing religion right?And im in primary school ok,and theres a few tables round the class with a couple of people at each one.So at my table there were two girls,laura and shauna,and two boys,me and my friend Aidan.So laura was reading the religion,and i kept whispering to her,"Dont mess up laura" and "Whats that,i cant hear you!" and then she started gigglin while she was readin,and then the teach goes "whats so funny?" and she just laughed.She got in trouble,it was SO funny!
I walked into my RE class once, wasn't late, didn't say ANYTHING, just went over to where I usually sat and started to get my book out, then the teacher sees me and screams GET OUT, I was like.. what? She was just screaming GET OUT OF MY CLASS! So I just walked out confused lol, I had a dope leaf on my necklace and my lips were slightly blue due to a lolly pop I ate before I walked into class. That was it lol. She told me to 'wipe that blue off your lips'. Stupid woman..she looked like Harry Potter...
My friend phoned me up telling me the Best Buy is getting Wii's in stock the following Monday in the morning. (It was Saturday) I had school that day. Monday came and I made a decision to skip school that day. (Had perfect attendance..I could miss one day) Drove over in the morning (8-9am) while driving my cousin to school. I told him I wasn't going cause I wanted to go buy a Wii. He wanted to come so I let him come along. Turned out it was closed till 10-11am. We decided to go eat and check a nearby Wal-Mart if they had any. They didn't have any so we went back to my car. All of a sudden my car wouldnt start. (It was -35C) We read the manuals and tried everything to see if we could fix it. No luck. Called a towtruck and towed it to my mechanic. The starter was shot. Had to pay about 60 bucks to fix it + 40 for the tow trucks services. By the time my car was working it was 1pm. Called up Best Buy to see if they had Wii's in stock still. Nope. :( The next day my friend called me, waking me up and said "Get you ass down to Wal-Mart they got 8 in." I sped down every street and finally got one! Good times.. lol
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