OOC: Crap....I missed a lot. Glad to see its back, through.
Nak casually walked into the town, not appearing to notice the outrage. Some Pokemon were looking at him, and he felt weird. He walked into a building, narrowly avoiding a fight between three Pokemon. He noticed the building was filled with items.
*Hmm....I believe this is called a store.....I want to get something.
He walked up to the counter and talked to the cashier, who was a Kecleon.
"Can I have this?" He said, holding a Potion.
"Sure" said the cashier. "That will be....300 Poke."
"Poke?...whats that?" Nak had never heard of money.
"Im....Im sorry, you need money to buy that."
"SCREW YOU THeN!" Yelled Nak, and he threw the Potion right at the Kecleons face. He walked out before it could respond.
*What a retard. Some people are jerks.
He kept walking, not daring to enter another building. He eventually came to Sprout Tower, and finally noticed what was going on.
*What the...what....why....fighting?....
He got over it and observed the giant structure.
"What a cool tower! Its quite big.....I wonder what its called?"
He began walking again, but he only moved a few more feet before he bumped into something.
"Hey! Watch it shrimp!" said a Hariyama, looking down at Nak.
"DoNT CALL ME A SHRIMP!!" Yelled Nak, who did obviously not enjoy this giants comment.
"Slash!" He screamed. Drawing power into his claws, he slashed violently at Hariyamas belly, hurting it.
"So you want it like that, huh? Well, take this! Arm Thrust!" The giant hit Nak twice with his long arms, sending him flying into a cart of fruit.
*Owww....hey...I havnt fought anyone for years....Am I still...of course! Im the best in the WORLD at fighting!...he....
"Force Palm!" Nak opened his eyes to see Hariyama over him, about to unleash an attack.
Nak quickly got up and jumped out of the way, a millisecond before he hit him. The fruit cart and its fruit exploded into pieces.
"Nice hit. But this one will be better! Aqua Tail!" Like he did with the Kricketune, Nak whipped his tail out at Hariyama.
"Vital Throw!" Hariyama dashed towards Nak and grabbed him. He charged up power and hurled Nak into a brick wall.
*Ahh....must...not....give...UP..oww...the pain.....Never! I cant give up!
Nak survived the hit and got up again to continue the fight.
"Ice Fang!" Nak leaped towards Hariyama and sunk his icy teeth into his flesh, tearing at it. It would be bleeding, but the blood was freezing. It managed to knock Nak off with his arm, ripping off more of its own flesh in the process.
"..un...uncle...." It barely managed to say before falling over.
A few tough Pokemon were looking at Nak angerly, slowly approaching him. They must have not liked him hurting their friend.
"Gah!" Nak yelled before running into Sprout Tower to hide.
OOC: Im assuming Poke is the currency.....

Nak casually walked into the town, not appearing to notice the outrage. Some Pokemon were looking at him, and he felt weird. He walked into a building, narrowly avoiding a fight between three Pokemon. He noticed the building was filled with items.
*Hmm....I believe this is called a store.....I want to get something.
He walked up to the counter and talked to the cashier, who was a Kecleon.
"Can I have this?" He said, holding a Potion.
"Sure" said the cashier. "That will be....300 Poke."
"Poke?...whats that?" Nak had never heard of money.
"Im....Im sorry, you need money to buy that."
"SCREW YOU THeN!" Yelled Nak, and he threw the Potion right at the Kecleons face. He walked out before it could respond.
*What a retard. Some people are jerks.
He kept walking, not daring to enter another building. He eventually came to Sprout Tower, and finally noticed what was going on.
*What the...what....why....fighting?....
He got over it and observed the giant structure.
"What a cool tower! Its quite big.....I wonder what its called?"
He began walking again, but he only moved a few more feet before he bumped into something.
"Hey! Watch it shrimp!" said a Hariyama, looking down at Nak.
"DoNT CALL ME A SHRIMP!!" Yelled Nak, who did obviously not enjoy this giants comment.
"Slash!" He screamed. Drawing power into his claws, he slashed violently at Hariyamas belly, hurting it.
"So you want it like that, huh? Well, take this! Arm Thrust!" The giant hit Nak twice with his long arms, sending him flying into a cart of fruit.
*Owww....hey...I havnt fought anyone for years....Am I still...of course! Im the best in the WORLD at fighting!...he....
"Force Palm!" Nak opened his eyes to see Hariyama over him, about to unleash an attack.
Nak quickly got up and jumped out of the way, a millisecond before he hit him. The fruit cart and its fruit exploded into pieces.
"Nice hit. But this one will be better! Aqua Tail!" Like he did with the Kricketune, Nak whipped his tail out at Hariyama.
"Vital Throw!" Hariyama dashed towards Nak and grabbed him. He charged up power and hurled Nak into a brick wall.
*Ahh....must...not....give...UP..oww...the pain.....Never! I cant give up!
Nak survived the hit and got up again to continue the fight.
"Ice Fang!" Nak leaped towards Hariyama and sunk his icy teeth into his flesh, tearing at it. It would be bleeding, but the blood was freezing. It managed to knock Nak off with his arm, ripping off more of its own flesh in the process.
"..un...uncle...." It barely managed to say before falling over.
A few tough Pokemon were looking at Nak angerly, slowly approaching him. They must have not liked him hurting their friend.
"Gah!" Nak yelled before running into Sprout Tower to hide.
OOC: Im assuming Poke is the currency.....
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