Super Smash Bros. 4

^ is tru

I believe midnight for you is before mine
Unless they release them at the same time

Odds are I'll be asleep, or the moment I can get it will be the moment I want to count me some Whimsicott. :lol: A valid point indeed, but... what's t' stop you from practicing non-stop every wakin' moment? >_>
A valid point indeed, but... what's t' stop you from practicing non-stop every wakin' moment? >_>

Interesting read

This is the part that intrigued me the most
Sakurai said that the first time he saw the 3DS he realized he must make the next Smash Bros as a handheld experience too. Why? Sakurai explained that he’s always wanted to make Smash Bros into a more personal experience, one in which you can level up, gain new skills, and customize your character. But, this would take away from the quick, instant-play feeling of the Smash Bros series. But, with two versions of the game this dream of his can be done properly. Think of the Wii U version of Smash Bros as the public/online/HD-glitz/party game. And think of the 3DS version as a more personal experience. From all the research I’ve been doing, I have come to the conclusion that the 3DS version will be a single-player and co-op game (he said he wants skilled players to be able to assist less skilled players.) It will be a full-fledged fighting/adventure mode that lets you complete levels, beat bosses, and will feature some sort of storyline. The Subspace Emissary mode in Brawl was a very weak, diluted form of this concept and we know from the Kirby series and Kid Icarus: Uprising that Sakurai has the chops to traverse the single-player game territory as good as anyone can. On the 3DS you will be able to learn new skills, gain experience, earn rewards, and customize your character. Your character will be a product of your own blood and sweat, all your hard work. You will then be able to take that character and bring it to the Wii U version to square off in the public arena. Here you will be able to go online, duke it out with friends, check out your stats on the global learboards, and gather the family around the couch for some fun multiplayer battles.
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Very interesting read. So, the 3DS version will be a more personal experience? I may have to get both versions now. Hoping for a better story mode and stage builder.

Seriously, a possible holiday 2013 release? I was expecting 2014. I really hope that we get info at E3 this year....and that Sakurai does more blog updates like he did for Brawl. I swear I'm as hyped for info release as I am for the actual game.
This series is definitely Nintendo's trump card to any game coming out

They will most definitely use it strategically. So Holiday sounds accurate, but I don't know about this year.
I honestly want it to be soon. Though if it comes out later I guess it's likely to be higher quality.

Damn right it is, let there by hype! HYPE!!

There’s one area in particular that was mentioned by Sakurai: balance. ... This is what Sakurai wants Namco Bandai for over other companies. He wants them to help him make this a game that can equally be a fun party game among college roommates or a serious tournament-ready fighter, with detailed online stats and leaderboards. Namco Bandai will help bring out the best in Sakurai’s eccentric genius.


SSB4 will be what Melee lovers wanted in Brawl, without destroying the casual aspect (obviously). This is what lets a fighting game's community grow, just like Pokemon. Casual players love the game t' death but eventually want more challenge, more than just playin' with their bros. The competitive Smash community will feel rejuvinated; and it's not exactly slouching as is anyways. Melee still lives, Brawl as well despite it's lesser competitive viability. smash bros. 4 life

Sakurai explained that he’s always wanted to make Smash Bros into a more personal experience, one in which you can level up, gain new skills, and customize your character. But, this would take away from the quick, instant-play feeling of the Smash Bros series. But, with two versions of the game this dream of his can be done properly. Think of the Wii U version of Smash Bros as the public/online/HD-glitz/party game. And think of the 3DS version as a more personal experience.

On the 3DS you will be able to learn new skills, gain experience, earn rewards, and customize your character. Your character will be a product of your own blood and sweat, all your hard work. You will then be able to take that character and bring it to the Wii U version to square off in the public arena.


This is how ya release a game multiple times. No Capcom vs. Super Raging Ultimate the Remixed Remix, two wholly different games and experiences... AND, there's inter-connectivity between the games which is more than just extra characters or patches: which you'll get on top the other experience which will (hopefully) be worth that full price. Crapcom could learn a thing or two from King Sakurai.

Speakin' of, why haven't we made a Sakurai fanclub yet... ? tripping aint the end of da world stfu

This change will be the biggest revolution to the format of the game. But, what about the core fighting mechanics? Sakurai said that there was a lot of room for improvement even in Brawl. He will be making these improvements and fixing anything that he thought was “broken”. He also said that he will be making other changes so the fighting will be fresh and feel different from earlier games. Plus, Namco Bandai will be giving their input to make the game feel even tighter and more evenly balanced. You can trust it to be superbly “solid” and well-rounded as the gameplay nucleus that the rest of the game revolves around. However, on a whole, don’t expect the core fighting system to be bombastically different than anything you’ve seen before. This will still be Smash Bros, albeit with nuanced and subtle contrasts to previous games in the series. Sakurai even went out of his way to say that the game won’t suddenly become a game with complicated moves or utilize a 3D fighting space. Smash Bros will not mutate into “Super-Soul-Tekken-Smash-Calibur Bros.”

That's just what I wanted t' hear, plain 'n simple. YESZ!

The producer of Tales also asked his fans to beg Sakurai to include a Tales character.

Everyone get on that, pl0x. I sure as **** wouldn't mind more Tales games comin' overseas; would you? I think not.
I've been playing Tales of Vesperia with a couple buddies. Not much on the story, but the characters are alright and gameplay is fun. I wouldn't mind seeing more.

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