Super Smash Bros. 4

I regret nothing. At the time, Jr. did seem more likely due to Rosalina being only in 2.5 games (counting her Mario Kart Wii appearance as half a game since it doesn't mean too much). Now that she's playable in a major Mario game, a 3D one at that, I think she's about on the same level as Jr.
And you guys thought way back when Rosalina had less of a chance than BJ

But for good reason, as Squidface said (though I wouldn't count a Mario Kart cameo as even half a game). Bein' playable in the new Mario game literally changes everythin'. Not only has Rosalina now appeared in more than one mainstay game, she's a playable character. She could easily make the roster, even without fan demand, if Sakurai deems her worthy of a roster slot.
You guys initially understated Rosalina's importance to one of the greatest Mario Series ever.
And apparently now she has more importance to the the rest of the main series.
Although being a staple to an improvident part of the main series makes her a necessary component to the main series.
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Random point I feel like bringin' up. Toon Link is returning in all his not-a-clone-but-people-will-still-cry-"clone!" glory. As such, I really wouldn't be surprised if Ganon won't be changed much... or Falco, and other such characters.

Ganon still Brawlin' fists only makes me sadfaec, as well as worried for his usability in competitivenessess.


ganondrof is back in ssb4

Metaknight is back in ssb4

Wario is back in ssb4

zero samus suit is back in ssb4

Obviously not, but I'm assumin' he'll return. Can ya imagine how many casuals would rage if the King of Evil was cut?
Obviously not, but I'm assumin' he'll return. Can ya imagine how many casuals would rage if the King of Evil was cut?
I hate you. The competitive people would rage louder.
Ganon still Brawlin' fists only makes me sadfaec, as well as worried for his usability in competitivenessess.
They already made Boozer faster. Why not Ganon?

but i do hate ganondorf in ssb because he was a clone of captain falcon but stronger, i rather prefer they made ganondorf in ssb with moves from zelda games
Spoken like a true person who disregards 2 games. I like Ganon the way he is. With his EPIC PUNCH. Or you can give him the Sword that he DESPISES (not talking about Ghirahim). That sword in Brawl was his executioner's weapon.
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