Super Smash Bros. 4

Rosalina, playable? Never thought that'd be a thing.

... But if we do get another Mario character, it's essentially between Boozer Jr. and her. cant decide who id want moar bleh
Bowser Jr.

But Rosalina is alright too. As long as it's not Waluigi or Toad. Who I don't think have much of a chance. Maybe Waluigi.
Also, no character's move in the history of Smash can deal 50%.
Project M Ike's fully charged Quick Draw can deal 54%, IIRC. Not sure about his fully charged Eruption but that's a one-hit kill too.

Rosalina has a better chance of getting into Smash 4.
I still doubt she'll be in.

Bowser Jr.

But Rosalina is alright too. As long as it's not Waluigi or Toad. Who I don't think have much of a chance.

If Toad gets in as Peach's Neutral B, then it(?) will probably not be a separate character. And I'll facepalm if Waluigi makes it in.
They should just announce all the vets together and just keep us waiting on anymore newbies in 4.
... It deals that much damage? Bloody 'Karpin' hell.
When timed correctly, yes. Has MR not shown you yet? I must be the worst at approaching from far distances.....

Welcome to Project M's Easter Eggs. I'm pretty sure it will always OHKO once fully charged.

They should just announce all the vets together and just keep us waiting on anymore newbies in 4.
Sadly, Sakurai doesn't think logically.
Or he is into sadistically torturing the fans. That sicko.
They should just announce all the vets together and just keep us waiting on anymore newbies in 4.

No, that's bad PR. If they announced all veterans at once, it'd kill any discussion 'bout who's returning and who might not be. It keeps fans in suspense and thus, actively talkin' 'bout Smash. Furthermore, there ain't gonna be too many new characters. It'd murder the amount'a character announcements they could make... and thus limit their media output to things the casuals care less about.

That, and the suspense of what character will be announced next probably does generate at least some hype amongst certain individuals.
Mario Galaxy stage. I guess that's not surprising at all, is it now?


Happy they didn't go with Planet Mario. Though the Observatory would be fine.

Sadly, Sakurai doesn't think logically.
What Dirge said.
starship weegee > observatory > first planet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starship mario

Curious if the stage'l have any'a the camera mind****s Mario Galaxy did.

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