=SSBB Discussion= Dark Samus' Moveset in Brawl

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WiiChat Member
Nov 4, 2007
This is my idea of what her move set would look if she were to be included (Whether is she's a boss character or a playable character):

Normal Attacks:
A: Claw and Clobber [The sequence is: A quick jab, a quick hit with the arm cannon, and a hard swipe with claws]
Side A: Roundhouse Kick [Duh]
Up A: Arm Cannon Clobber [Hit upwards with your arm cannon]
Down A: Spin Kick [Same as Mario’s Down A attacks from SSB and SSBM]

Mid-Air Attacks (Facing Right):
Right A: Hook [Basically punch your foe with your arm cannon]
Left A: Back Elbow [Elbow whoever’s behind you]
Up A: Back-Flip Kick [Kick whoever’s above you and send them soaring upwards]
Down A: Pseudo ScrewAttack [ScrewAttack downwards, same concept as Bowser’s down A attack]

Special Attacks:
B: Hyper Beam [Shoot a long distance Phazon shot; Hold for Rapid Fire. 2 shots per second. Once your firing rapid shots, tilt control stick to aim your shots]
Side B: Boost Ball [Kinda like Fox's Side B, can be executed mid-air; Stuns foe for a 2 seconds. Once your enemy is unfrozen, he will be immune to stunning for 5 seconds]
Up B: Phazon Samus Spiral [Remember when Dark Samus turned into a phazon ghost and sucked up your corrupted allies after you defeated them? Well, my idea is that you can use this as your up B attack. How exactly? Well, when you execute the move, you immediately transform into Ghost and spiral upward. And if you tilt left or right while holding B {After maxing out your jump}, Dark Samus will glide towards that direction in her ghost form.]
Down B: Hyper Bomb [Turn into Morph ball and electrocute everyone in your range; can be performed in mid air]

Smash Attacks:
Up Smash: Phazon Tentacle Attack [http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Dark_Samus1_MP3.jpgIn this case, make Dark Samus execute this attack with her arm pointed upwards; Kinda like Mewtwo's Up Smash]
Side Smash: Super Phazon Missile [Remember Samus' PED suit in MP3? Remember when she entered hyper mode and used hyper missiles? Same idea.]
Down Smash: Phazon Crystal Barrier [Phazon Crystals come out of the ground and surround Dark Samus; They explode instantly. Range is only to Dark Samus' body. In otherwords, you have to be touching her in order to get damaged]

Final Smash Attack:
Phazon Exertion:
Remember when Samus defeated a boss in a Leviathan seed, a weird insect like head would pop up after? Remember when she would float up, spread her arms and legs and release all that Phazon, destroying the seed? I think this should be the FSA for Dark Samus. I think it should damage everyone in sight. Once the FSA is over, Dark Samus will clone herself. The clone will have 50% stamina and will attack whoever is in range. Everytime you perform an FSA, you will increase the number of clones created by 1 after finishing the FSA. But this is only if you don’t get KO’d. So, if you were to perform an FSA the second time without losing a life, you will create 2 clones. The max is to how many opponents there are. If you happen to fall off or get KO’d, you’ll have to start all over again. Also clones only do 3/4 damage that the real Dark Samus does. Also the clones have a slight contrast of blue-violet.

Please do discuss. :p
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A boss would make sense... As a playable character I think dark samus is a no go...
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amirreza said:
This is my idea of what her move set would look if she were to be included (Whether is she's a boss character or a playable character):

Just pointing things out:wink:
Yah I know, I saw that... I'm just saying I don't think that it would work as a playable character... Good job on the moveset though and sorry if I came across stupid or rude;)
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Oh no. Don't be sorry, you were polite in everyway. I thought you meant to say that the moveset wouldn't work if she were playable. :p
Please keep all discussion of SSBB Characters in the SSBB Character Discussion thread, thanks.
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