SSB Meets Wolf-Version Gandorf and Midna!!!

Mingus said:
Well I wouldn't consider the shop keeper argument legitiment. They are a different character base. Link is a main character, along with Zelda and Ganondorf. Then you have your supporting characters, Zant, Midna. and then your have your background people to fill in scenes. Supporting characters play a much larger role in game, movies then background characters. So it is much more reasonable to conceive the idea of Midna over the shop keeper.
Ok, so it was a bad example but an example's obvious you understood my point so I'll just leave it at that =P

Cpt. McCloud said:
StarFox 2 got pulled before release.

There is one or two screens out there.
Oh =/ that would explain why I've never heard of it...thanks for the info though Captain ;D

Sovieto said:
bryan7474 said:
Ok if noone else here thinks this is a good idea then go throw out ur Twighlight princess right now =)
Yeah, I totally missed that comment...that post totally fails bryan. You can have an opinion about midna being in the game, but throw out TP if you don't agree? :wtf:

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