SSB Meets Wolf-Version Gandorf and Midna!!!

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Hmmm... I geuss diddy could ride dk himself XD

orc guy on boar (chaa duhhh)
Peach on Pink yoshi
Daisy (the yellow version of peach) on yellow yoshi
Kirby could ride on a star (kinda obvious there XD)
pikachu could ride on a ponyta or rapidash
Midna on wolf form link
Link on epona
Wolf form link could b dragged by midna (lol)
Snake (MGS) could ride a hummer or army like truck
captain falcon... well just take a geuss lol
Fox in a Ar Wing
Falco in ar wing
Slippy on an advanced looking ar wing
gannon could ride on a shadow horse or a boar

Quote the zelda on servant shoulder*
Zelda on the back with gannon on the shadow horse or
Zelda in a horse pulled cariage

thats my list of possible mounts for the race idea.

Also Chase and Fred what do u mean?

last but not least balrogs... I guess but Midna is a huge role in Twightlight princess and is rumoured to be a huge role in the next zelda game (or so ive heard on these Forums)
bryan7474 said:
Hmmm... I geuss diddy could ride dk himself XD

orc guy on boar (chaa duhhh)
Peach on Pink yoshi
Daisy (the yellow version of peach) on yellow yoshi
Kirby could ride on a star (kinda obvious there XD)
pikachu could ride on a ponyta or rapidash
Midna on wolf form link
Link on epona
Wolf form link could b dragged by midna (lol)
Snake (MGS) could ride a hummer or army like truck
captain falcon... well just take a geuss lol
Fox in a Ar Wing
Falco in ar wing
Slippy on an advanced looking ar wing
gannon could ride on a shadow horse or a boar

Quote the zelda on servant shoulder*
Zelda on the back with gannon on the shadow horse or
Zelda in a horse pulled cariage

thats my list of possible mounts for the race idea.

Also Chase and Fred what do u mean?

last but not least balrogs... I guess but Midna is a huge role in Twightlight princess and is rumoured to be a huge role in the next zelda game (or so ive heard on these Forums)
smash bro's isnt a racing game o.o if it was they would call it SUPER SMASH racing BROTHERS!! brawl >.> and what is the next zelda game? whats it called because last time i checked. the only real characters repeated in any zelda game was zelda ganon and link.
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thnx for backing me up, but wasnt talking about the one for DS

I cant find the interview, but when IGN interviewed the twighlight ppl the second time, they asked if theyd be thinking about making another Wii Zelda... they mentioned they are cooking a little something up surpass all other zelda games they've made so far...

Im not as much a nerd to serch ign for hours for an argument, so look urself =D

Also ppl were talkin bout it on the forums about a week ago, maybe 2 =P
Well I don't like being mean, but ultimately, this idea blows IMO...I agree with Balrogs on pretty much everything.

And I don't think Midna will be in the next one...remember the end of TP?
S.S. said:
Well I don't like being mean, but ultimately, this idea blows IMO...I agree with Balrogs on pretty much everything.

And I don't think Midna will be in the next one...remember the end of TP?

I don't think many people agree with the idea of Midna being a character.
Like I said, she could be an assist trophy.
But I don't think anyone agrees with Bryan with Midna being a character.
Oh I'm sure there are some people...I just don't happen to agree...sorry if I came across as being rude though. I was in a bad mood =P
AndThen? said:
I don't think many people agree with the idea of Midna being a character.
Like I said, she could be an assist trophy.
But I don't think anyone agrees with Bryan with Midna being a character.
i do ='(
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i agree with the idea of her being an assist trophy but i would like and rather her to be a character, mainly because she was my favourite character in Twighlight (agreed by many ppl whove played it) and alot of other ppl would like the idea of a full character.

I mean, say ur best character is Samus or Fox. What if someone out of the blue suggested (b4 ssb 64 was made) that u put Fox in? Ud all disagree mainly bcuz its a crappy game but yet now 1/2 the ppl who play use Fox or samus (exept for Melee, some ppl would rather younge link like me =D) but im just saying it would be way cooler than putting a faggy character like Snake or Meta Knight (sry knight lovers but i never liked the idea of a fat knight character =P and snake is 3rd person which made me a bit angry)

And Midna is being agreed with atm whilst if we were talking about snake b4 it was discovered EVERYONE would disagree, but ppl are learning to accept a PS1 and PS2 character instead of draging it on about how retarded it is and stuff.

all im saying is Midna was a cool character, almost everyone here agrees, and she deserved a bigger role than just a mentor in LOZ TP and that she also WOULD be a cool character/assist trophy and im not disagreeing with the trophy i love the idea.

But im just saying, who else agrees with the idea? obviously u dont but u dont have to say crap like I don't think anyone agrees with Bryan with Midna being a character and crap like that cuz its harsh... Its ur opinion but it doesnt mean u have to make me feel bad about it.

Last but not least like i said i dunno ANYTHING about the next zelda game, or even if there making it, but in the IGN interviews for Twighlight Princess the dude clearly asks "Are you thinking of making another Zelda for the wii?" and the Nintendo dude answers "Lets just say we're cooking up a new game to surpass all the other zeldas, and were hoping to bring back some old friends" (by that last part i was thinking midna, saria? maybe someone else? I dunno or care but i beleive it would be midna coming back"
I mean, say ur best character is Samus or Fox. What if someone out of the blue suggested (b4 ssb 64 was made) that u put Fox in? Ud all disagree mainly bcuz its a crappy game but yet now 1/2 the ppl who play use Fox or samus (exept for Melee, some ppl would rather younge link like me =D) but im just saying it would be way cooler than putting a faggy character like Snake or Meta Knight (sry knight lovers but i never liked the idea of a fat knight character =P and snake is 3rd person which made me a bit angry)
Um, if you think that was a crappy game, you fail. It was an AMAZING game as were it's predecessors. Nobody would disagree which is why Fox is in the games. He's popular. Midna is not. Not to mention she does not suit the Brawl STYLE...nothing about the game she's from or how funny she is, it's how she would be able to be used as a character in THIS game. I hope she is an assist trophy and highly doubt she'll be a character

EDIT: And FAT KNIGHT? Do you know anything about Meta Knight? Cuz he's cooler than Kirby. And he's not fat...Wario is fat. I am fat. Meta Knight is not fat.
i agree with bryan i'd like to see midna as at LEAST an assist trophy, and s.s: fox has only been in like 3 games that actually are about him, and they'd put midna in sooner than that fag luigi, he's just a mario rip-off, and who gives a damn about peach (sry peach and luigi lvrs) she can't even use magic or w/e like zelda and midna, and knuckle joe as an assist trophy who the ****, i'd never seen him b4, and devil WTF a ****ing character from a game that never made it to the US midna would be such a better character/trophy than any assists or snake, luigi or peach
If you're gonna complain about THAT much stuff maybe you shouldn't get the game o_O

Fox has starred in 5 games actually...Star Fox, Star Fox 64, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault, and Star Fox Command. He is also one of the most popular characters and has been in SSB from the very beginning.

Luigi has been around ALMOST as long as Mario and is, quite frankly, cooler. Peach has also been around for an incredibly long time...Mario, DK, and Peach were the first characters and Luigi came in the very next Mario games (Mario Bros. Arcade and Super Mario Bros.) He was also made into a very different character in Super Mario Bros. 2...the same game that Peach was first playable in.

Knuckle Joe is an enemy from the Kirby games...sorry you've never experienced the awesomeness that is the pink puffball...

Devil is in it because he makes an interesting addition and the game was apparently VERY popular in Japan and only abandoned the USA for it's religious connotations

Snake is easily one of THE most beloved third party characters (other than Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends) and is MUCH more bad-@$$ then Midna...and is also better suited for the fighting control scheme.

Midna would be a terrible character, but I NEVER argued with her being an Assist Trophy, in fact I think that would be a GREAT idea...

Research a bit and then maybe you can complain a little more =P
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ok, just btw ive played a bunch of kirby games, and almost no one wanted snake into brawl until he was announced he was in, i wouldn't mind midna as an assist trophy but she's too much of a main character in twilight princess, she's in the game 100 times more than zelda, and knuckle joe, hammer bros etc, are small side characters and not the main characters
Well then I'm not sure how you don't know who Knuckle Joe is...

Most people wanted Snake in. I'm sorry but that's just how it is.

Midna isn't even her real form. She's the Twilight Princess that you see once at the end. And Link Zelda and Ganondorf are the main characters.

Which just made me think, it would be cool if there were two that could turn into Sheik and one that could turn into Tetra...

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