SSB Meets Wolf-Version Gandorf and Midna!!!

ok just to clearify this for you guys who don't know your animals ganondorf's beast form is a freaking boar!! why do u think the main evil enemies are things RIDING BOARS?! and yah that would be a cool FSA or move or something, and midna would be an awesome playable character (preferably in human/twili form) she would make a better character than luigi, dr.mario, young link or peach for gods sake....
bryan7474 said:
ok granted he does SORT of look like a pig (with the nose) but if u look closely he does sorta look like a wolf without the nose XD...

Anyway here is a list of b attacks Midna could use =D

B: Shoot shadow ball/shadow spell?
B Down: Turn invisible (sort of like the item in Super SMash Bros Melee)
B Up: Spin attack like link but just using her fists or something
B Left/Right: Twighlight Mirror (turns opponent into an animal that does no damage for 10 seconds then they transform back, sorta like World of Warcraft)

And maybe they could give her a sword and shield? Dark or Spell Enchanted maybe because Midnas first intentions were for her to use links towns weopons but then she mentioned that the humans were retards using such primitave weopons XD

Also for the Pig/Wolf form heres some attacks

B= Physical attack sort of like Marios coinage but it bites instaid
B left/right: Grab opponent like bowser (mushroom mario thnx u gave me the idea) but with fangs...
B down: Transform into gannondorf
B up: transform into Zelda form (or what ever the hell he was lol)

Zelda form moves:

Same as shiek eccept

B Down: Transform into Gannondorf
B: Instead of ninja star things just give her/him a sword and do special slash attack
B down does nothing. they can still see you. its not Wow its zelda. two of gannondorfs ability's were the same. . . and why would someone transform twice?
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god balrogs do u have it out for me man? jesus... anyway i like the Porting idea for Midna... hmmm and also I agree it is 1/2 boar but it has the same looks as wolf form link if u look closly...

I have a picture to clarify it, ill upload later and then last but not least the FSA attack idea is cool but the problem with that is the spider was bout 4 times the size of bowser rofl ud probably crash the game rofl still i like the idea... hmmmm

hmmmm btw the only reason all the enemies use boars is bcuz most humans transform into boars entering the twighlight zone, and never turn back (its explained in a small part if TP i beleive near the part where u meet zelda, or it was when u figure out the mirror is shattered, cant remember 4 sure... =P

Also: hmmmm brick throwing? meh ive heard of better but still i geuss that would b cool... mayb she could throw Shadow insects XD
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XD funny as that is dont spam or go off topic or im gonna lose my topic lol XD
I've been screaming at my screen "IT'S A BOAR!!!".

Link shouldn't summon Epona, at least not in VS. Mode.

Maybe in adventure mode.
weeeeeeeeeeeee they shud make a new mode, a racing mode where they race and hit each other with items an weapons.

mario ride yoshi, chuck fire
luigi ride red yoshi, chuck fire
bowser ride on a koopas shoulders , spit fire
link ride epona, slice sword
zelda ride on a servants shoulders in those portable throne things, chuck flowers at ppl
all pokemon run on a pokeball rolling it, using there special moves
gannon ride BOAR, use sword
and well come up with more

oh and yoshi shud ride mario, uses his tounge
dk roll on a barrel.
oh and they shud make diddy kong available

oh n midna cud ride wolf link
bryan7474 said:
Sry for double quote but also... The orc thing that keeps attacking u on the boar would b a cool character 2 (...hmmm boars in SSBB? Mounts!!! OMG THAT WOULD B SO COOL!!! CMON NINTENDO GET A REAL PERSON IN THE IDEA ROOM LOL THAT WOULD BE AWESOME) (...not me tho im not a real person im just some nerd on a computer lol)
That guy is already on the Eldin Bridge level.
i dont have it out for you. just midna doesnt deserve to become a character. she's in one game. and she would have barely any moves. assist trophy? def. and wolf/boar ganon will prob be ganondorf's fsa. thats why i dont think he's a playable character.

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