Sony: Wii is a "sub-element" of PS3

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hotpotato78 said:
You go be a nut and pay for something that isnt working............... lmao...... the fact is, people aren't tryin to buy a damn labtop. they want a game. let games be games... Because sony is a electronic company they will always try and fuse all of the products in one and call it a game. where as nintendo is a gaming company. The key word there is GAMING. So it will always be closer to being and game than 5 electronics devices in one......... and therefore as the years go on, sony games will start to become $1000 for one console when nintendo will be 500 or so..

When that time hits, the average household income will be $70k versus $45k. Another stupid post.

Deathmetalmaster said:
damn man. that was some major pwn-age

*hails to blenderwizard*

Personally, anyone who defends PS3 in a nintendo wii forum obviously has nothing better to do with their time :p

hail satan

Its 11:00 at night. I guess I could be playing the wii, but this is actually more fun.

Drifterwitnoname said:
Guaranteed to not get a woman because a person likes starwars? Are you absolutely joking? Im so sick of this targetted to kids, your all 12 blah blah. Your probably some jerkoff in his moms basement spewing about how mature the ps3 is, because it makes you feel somewhat of a man. Let me tell you something I can purchase these "big boy" systems as you call it at the drop of a dime, I choose not to. Sony has shown on numerous accounts they dont know that the hell they're doing. SWG anyone? The PS3 is not "bad" because it has more titles, it has better graphics or "Blu-****ing-ray" My computers graphics make your ps3 look like children are designing the games. The wii offers innovation and fun, I can live without the Ps3

Nope, i own my own home. Look at the wii games. Its targeted for kids between 10-12. Maybe younger. Since you play computer games and like star wars, your definitely not getting any tail anytime soon. I can see why dorks play computer games so much. Its easier to switch between porn and games on a computer.

BlenderWizard said:
He is a real estate agent; what did you expect?:hand:

Yep real estate sucks. I make my own hours, my own income, and I dont have a boss breathing down my neck. Next time when you have to request days off, or get that paycheck that will never increase unless your boss says so, just remember that I typically make about 5% per transaction with less than 15 hours of work. You do the math :hand:

XMT said:
the ps3 is a piece of crap... game wise at least, the ps3 is basicly just for show. when a person gets a ps3, they just show it off and rage about it till you cant take it! trust me, my freind has one. its just right now has horible games out. considering that zelda on wii got a 96.7 rating or somthin like that... it seems like nintendo and sony are switching places. like when the ps1 came out, it was the least powerful system but, it had great games. and then the n64 came out, it was the most POWERFUL system... but was not as great as the ps1. im almost seeing a pattern here. im cuncluding that the Wii will get a greater rateing then the ps3.

nintendo has zelda, sony has rfom. Those are the best games for the system right now. Every system has crappy games at launch. The gamecube failed because of all the kiddy games. If nintendo doesnt straighten out, they will lose the adult audience. Wiisports fun runs out quick, and thats what most adults are playing.

Master Foot said:
Sony hyped PS3 so much that they made it seem like it was capable of photo realistic graphics and physics. If the PS3 can synthesize Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children or Spirits Within in REAL TIME, then it would definitely be worth the cash. So far, I still see jaggies and trees look like they were put together with construction paper.

The PS3 is not sliced bread. Sony will forever go down as the company that steals ideas and follows industry leaders like Nintendo.

Vid quality sucks but you get the idea. This isnt even coming close to what the ps3 is capable of. Wait until metal gear solid comes out. That should use the ps3 to almost its full potential of graphics.

XMT said:
all of your friends and family should disown you and call you "crappy-butt" while they point and laugh. and to tell you! i have a wii with zelda, DA! so keep your mouth shut.

Crappy butt? Arent you a little young to be on the internet :nono:

Scuba Kid said:
Mister Real Estate, Sony is doing basically what you have to do when you're trying to sell a crappy, overpriced house: You hype up unecessary **** to make the deal seem somewhat decent, but when you break it down and really look, that **** isnt necessary and sometimes not even wanted in a house (gaming system, in case you're having trouble following along).

So why don't you run along now and and defeat some "monster crabs" on your awesome Blu Ray player and leave us real gamers to our incredible Wiis. I suggest a PS3 fanboy site to try and further boost your self esteem (you know, to escape your dreaded 'mom's basement' inhabitance) and to try and justify why you spent $500 on a lame-ass "Home entertainment system."

Haha thats pretty funny. I dont sell overpriced houses. I sell foreclosed houses. Most of them are dumps and need quite a bit of work. I get some gems once in a while though. Just because you dont own your own home like me, doesnt mean you need to throw the basement thing around. Good try though.

btw that was the worse attempt to insult me. You try to bring up something relating to my career, but make yourself look like an ass. Maybe I will make fun of you about scuba diving. Since im not gay I probably wont.
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zorrilla said:
well its obvious that sony its a bit envious about wii, they even copied the motion sensing feature to create their sixaxis controller, and it cant stand up against the wiimote.

I remember playing Warhawk on PS1 with a tilt sensor control in 1995, so Sony came up with it long before. But nonetheless, it's still pathetic compared to the Wii and Sony are last in the next-gen wars.

xbandaidx said:
This thread is pointless now. All I see is spam.

All I see in nonsense about how sub par system targeting 8 year old kids with 10 year old technology, is better than a system whos main screen graphics are better than zelda tp. In conclusion, if you want to play kids games get the wii. If you want a system that is actually an advance in technology, get the ps3.

LordOfPlague said:
I remember playing Warhawk on PS1 with a tilt sensor control in 1995, so Sony came up with it long before. But nonetheless, it's still pathetic compared to the Wii and Sony are last in the next-gen wars.

Nobody in their right mind would use a wii mote with a ps3. Its fun for kids, but gets old for adults petty fast.
I take it none of you saw my post, or is completely ignoring it. Super Nintendo had tilt first, go back to page 10 and find my post with the spoiler tag in it.
Remax Realtor said:
Your point is? Everybody says sony is copying the wii. I pointed out that the technology has been around for a long time.

ps3 graphics-

wii's graphics-

Thats just the beginning for the ps3.

Ok. Those graphical comparisons would silence any fanboy. The systems don't target similar markets though. Nintendo may have 2 systems on the market like the Gameboy and DS combo. Don't count Nintendo out on the HD gaming race yet.
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