Sony: Wii is a "sub-element" of PS3

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BlenderWizard said:
That's funny... I love Star Wars, I'm married, and we have a kid!

Riddle me this: Why is it that I can't get anything above retail price for my unopened PS3 on eBay, but Wii's are selling like made for $100+ above retail on eBay?

Here's my last auction:

I think it's because too many people figured out that PS3's are junk. Forget WalMart in a box; they're crap in a box.

Ps3 pulled $3,000+ the day it was released. My friend waited in line for 38 hours and sold his for $3250. The guy made an immediate payment with paypal.

The wii sells higher now because there are too many 5-10 year old spoiled kids in ther world begging their parents for it for x-mas. Kids gotta have their kiddy games!

motherbrainrulez said:
I think the ps3 is total crap. For sony to try and say a wii is anything like ps3 is BS. Who copied the motion sensing of a wiimote? Sony.

*cough*2005 patent*cough*
Yeah, Kiddy games rock!

However, if I wanna play hundreds of shooter titles, I know just where to look. PS3 and Xbox360. However, I'm planning on the 360 anyways.

Deathmetalmaster said:
Playstation is weak. My PC owns a PS3 any day, and besides that, all people are doing is following the latest marketing trend. Blu ray dvds are just another way to sell to all the rich fools who have nothing to spend their money on besides a "Clearer Picture". Are you blind? or are you all so soul-less with you "big-bucks" jobs that you dont know what else to spend your money on?! I am happy with nintendo and I always have been. I dont need to pay 600 bucks for a system that is ultimately WEAK compared to a computer. My computer cant use a wii mote, so the wii stands alone.

IM not rich and I had no problem spending $500 on my ps3. Just because you and your parents are broke doesnt mean you can spread your poor persons mentality around.

Its funny you say your computer would own a ps3, but leave the specs or pics out. Also someone hacked a wiimote to work on a ps3. They are still working on the nunchuck.

u1caesar said:
Mr information...u r bs...wii pwns<fun game...
i bought twilight princess and its an excellent game BUT i downloaded from the vc the legend of zelda for nes and lately ive spent more time playing that one over the twilight princess...crappy graphics...awesome game...

what did u learn mr information? gamers are bs because all they care about is high def, but crappy games in hd are still crappy rather play donkey kong jr for nes...tons of fun with that one XD...:p...

I think its more fun to play rfom online in hd with people all across america, than playing a game with people that have no legs. Btw speak english, not internet lingo crap. It makes you look like a moron.

That zelda game is great. Ive always been a zelda fan, thats why i Bought the wii.
Remax Realtor said:
*cough*2005 patent*cough*


Check this out

So no, JS-306 Power Pad from Hamp was. It was also for Super Nintendo

hotpotato78 said:
Ya boy is a clown man............. Look not everybody have high definiton tv's so that was the reason nintendo did the graphics at 480p............. PS3 and 360 are mirror images of each other................ look nintendo is better even if it was at 1p................. so get ova it..... glowpasa just like sony more... but stupid agreement... soun like ur sayin the PS3 is better......

I spent $600 on my tv that runs my ps3 at 720p. You can get a high def tv for very little money. Its called open box, ebay, newspaper, black friday, or even some brand new ones. Microcenter sold a 32" lcd tv for $360 after rebates thats upports 1080i and 720p on black friday.

Btw what did you say? I cant understand jibberish.

BlenderWizard said:
Just don't forget (those of you who think Nintendo is closing the doors on the adult market) that the GC had ALL of the Resident Evil series, and COD3 and Red Steel aren't exactly aimed at toddlers...

I think we'll see our fair share of "adult" games on the Wii.

Red steel got great reviews :shocked: Both are terrible games on the wii, and the remote made it worse.
hotpotato78 said:
see blenderwizard, if the game isn't like grand theft auto they don't count it as adult games...... which is so dumb. those games you callare mature games for real. and dont for get true crime, with all that shootin and cursing on the game..... But we will see our far share tho. nintendo will never switch over to adult games because that was not how they started off....... Oh and what happen to games like rainbox 6 and ghost recon are they kiddy games. Nintendo isnt 100% kiddy and plenty of the kiddy games just as violent. I'm sure Blender wizard would agree with me........Metal gear solid was on the GC to. so there's enough proof that nintendo is lik 95% kiddy.

I corrected this for you

tomqman said:
Ps3 is trying to be an xbox but with blue ray.... i dont care for graphics but it is a nice bonus(as i play old/retro games all the time). all i want is a good game like many other people. i dont want a console because of the name and blueray/graphics or to play dvds ive got my pc and dvdplayer to do that so stop trying to be the best and focus on gameplay

Yeah they are trying to be like xbox, but with better games and graphics.

OldFartGamer said:
Oh, and I'm 40 and LIKE 'kiddy' games. They're a great escape from the 'bloodthirsty' shooters and depressing 'games' like GTA series and HORRIBLE DARK games like 'The Suffering'. I want to escape from the 'real' world, not play in it. And I KNOW I'm not alone in this....

If your real world is so dark, maybe you need a change???

BlenderWizard said:
Ok, you can stop with you're MBA from NYU BS...

Did you actually read my post? I made NO mention of demand. Sure, many people in Hondas wish they had that mercedes, but can't afford it. I didn't argue that.

There is definitely more demand than supply for PS3's. If you can't figure that out, I doubt you're out of high school yet.

The price difference in the Wii vs PS3 is a total deal breaker for me (we're the pretty standard middle classe American family). You can cite my above example from that.

And, since you turned this into a juvenile pissing contest, here ya go...

You got...


$250 is a deal breaker? Its called save your money a little, or get a new job. If you cant save an extra $250, then you need a class in managing money.
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