X reasons to buy Wii than PS3

vagrant said:
It is a wide fact that the Wii is super efficient and uses an very low amount of electricity. Yes, even being connected to the internet...as if that would increase your electricity in some way. If you want a source, I'll let you use the magical search feature on this forum that most seem to ignore.

The wii on standby uses 10W, 17W when playing.

Ff you use each system, on average, more than 80 minutes per day, the 360 will use more power for the day. If you use them both, on average, less than 80 minutes each day, the Wii will use more power.

So really, it all depends how much use the consoles are getting. Casual gamers are probably more likely to consume more power with the Wii than they would with a 360 due to the fact that they play games less overall.
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vagrant said:
The 360 uses 10 times the amount of wattage that the wii uses.

yes i know, thats when your playing a game, however on standby the wii uses 5x the amount the 360 does on standby, so if you play your wii for 80 mins or less a day, it uses more power overall than the 360 (for 80mins a day), its quite simple mate :nonod:
rockkybox said:
yes i know, thats when your playing a game, however on standby the wii uses 5x the amount the 360 does on standby, so if you play your wii for 80 mins or less a day, it uses more power overall than the 360 (for 80mins a day), its quite simple mate :nonod:

....Um no? You don't need to leave the wii on standby, you can turn it off. And most people don't leave there 360's on standby either....
if you dont unplug them they go on standby when you turn them off, your wii is using power all the time its plugged in, there is no hard off swich on the wii or the 360, for example the ps2 had a swich on the back that turned it off completely, or you could press the power button on the front to put it into standby
rockkybox said:
if you dont unplug them they go on standby when you turn them off, your wii is using power all the time its plugged in, there is no hard off swich on the wii or the 360, for example the ps2 had a swich on the back that turned it off completely, or you could press the power button on the front to put it into standby

So you agree, it doesn't have to be on standby.
Anytime a wii is plugged in it is on standby! you can turn it on from the wiimote, its on standby waiting for that signal, you have 2 options

1. have wiiconnect24 ON which is standby

2.Have wiiconnect 24 OFF, which is still standby, as you can turn it on from the wiimote therefore is it using up electricity waiting for that signal

Are you not a networks engineer? isnt this kinda stuff second nature to you? or are u just so petty you cant admit your wrong?
Although I agree that the ps3 is an overpriced paperweight I'll be buying one for my desk as soon as Final Fantasy XIII nears release :]

To me as is the general concensus here since it IS a nintendo forum nintendo does have all of the famous characters, however I do enjoy my share of a few sony games or games featured on the console. I owned an xbox360, flashed its firmware, played it for about a month and traded it for my Wii + Zelda. Extremely fair trade and I'm really glad I did it.
vagrant said:
*whisper* you don't have to leave it plugged in.

oh cheers for that, but again, because you've embarrassed yourself, this is the only way you can try and cover it up, shall i get a quote from you from earlier in this thread?

'It takes like 15 seconds to turn off wiiconnect25, and that is all you have to do to prevent it from going to standby'

So are you backtracking now? Was that a typo? did you write 'turn off wiiconnect25' by mistake instead of 'unplug it'?

I hope that all other 1,800 posts arent as ill-informed and childish, here's an idea for the new year, why don't you halve the amount of posts you make (trust me no-one will mind) but make them all intelligent?
rockkybox said:
oh cheers for that, but again, because you've embarrassed yourself, this is the only way you can try and cover it up, shall i get a quote from you from earlier in this thread?

'It takes like 15 seconds to turn off wiiconnect25, and that is all you have to do to prevent it from going to standby'

So are you backtracking now? Was that a typo? did you write 'turn off wiiconnect25' by mistake instead of 'unplug it'?

I hope that all other 1,800 posts arent as ill-informed and childish, here's an idea for the new year, why don't you halve the amount of posts you make (trust me no-one will mind) but make them all intelligent?

Actually no, that post was made in mistake forgetting that it would just go to a red light. This being because i haven't had my wii for over a month now.

And I wasn't trying to cover anything up. The whole thing was me just building it up, making you try to explain yourself, so I could just ultimately make your point null with a simple phrase. That being that you don't need to leave the wii plugged in. Because, you don't How can you make a justification that the wii will use more electricity than the 360 because the wii uses like 8 more watts of electricity when on standby. When you don't need to leave the consoles on standby.

And to correct you once again, my posts didn't get ill-informed and childish until around the 1,200 mark.

I'm sorry you came to a nintendo forum and it wasn't all fairies and fantasy like you had imagined.