Is The Wii Really An Impulse Buy?

For me it was an impulsive buy. As I haven´t heard of the machine until about 10 days before launchday (9th of december in Spain). I bought a gameMagazine, which had a DEMO-DVD of the Wii. Seeing what it could do, I thought it would be nice. I knew about the X360 or the PS3.
ButI thought it would be fun having such a machine which my family could enjoy also. And you could play old games and surf the net. What more do yu want.
No since the day I bought it (I was the first and only customer that morning standing in row), I haven´nt regret it. Not even thinking buying a PS3, even if some Banks offer them for half price, if you become their client.
So if you could say I bought it impulsive.... well I am happy I did! It is a GREAT buy...... BE IMPULSIVE and BUY a Wii :)
The Wii is kind of an bad buy for now because there is no internet gaming, and since the friend codes issue, the online will stick to stupid 1 on 1 with friends or random ffas and other things. Ps3 and xbox have the online smarts right now and if nintendo decides to rape the system with Friend Codes for their games. The wii will lose its momentum.
i impulsively bought a wii on the spot after a few friends with me at the time said they were awesome.... and well... i have to agree with them. :)
It was for me. I got mine Dec 26th at 11:20am. That's when the UPS guy arrived at the Ebgames in my area. Even though I'm 36, I was given $100 worth of Ebgames gift cards.

Actually I'd have to say it was an impulse for my wife. Xmas night, I was talking about buying a few PC games with my cards and she said "why don't you buy one of those Wii's?" I was stunned that she said that, especially since we had an agreement that after spending a ton for xmas, neither of us would buy anything pricey for at least a month.

Anyways, I showed up at ebgames at 9am sharp (didn't know they'd been open since 7am) and asked if they had any Wii's. I was told no, but they expected a couple on the truck. One guy was already waiting. I looked around for a bit, didn't find a PC game I wanted and decided to wait for the truck. It took longer than they thought to get there. Since I was second in line, and only two were delivered, I got one.

I also got Excite Truck, Far Cry and an extra wiimote/nunchuck.

So that was an impulse buy for me. If they weren't getting any in a few hours, I wouldn't likely have bought it.

However, I've bought 5 games since then and love playing the dang thing. I've played it more than my PC.
Wii is good for now, but PS3 will be ideal for Christmas 08.

The Wii is good for now, but it will be out-dated by Christmas 2008. The graphics and processing power is just not good enough for todays next gen games. I plan to upgrade to a PS3... By then the price will have dropped and there will be plenty of games in the market for the PS3. Hopefully all the bugs will be gone, and game developers will be able to utilize the full potential of the PS3. Plus, I will like an HD video player, so hopefully the format war will have ended. If not, Sony should make a "Total HD" drive for its PS3.
I agree

markmanuel18 said:
I agree with you hopefully it will get better

I've been gaming for a while as well, and I can tell you that once the hype dies down, Nintendo will suffer. That is why they are milking the shortage hype.
The Wii needs a killer app quickly. Something with slightly better graphics than Halo 1 would do it for now. How about a GoldenEye Sequel!
Wiiaretheworld said:
I've been gaming for a while as well, and I can tell you that once the hype dies down, Nintendo will suffer. That is why they are milking the shortage hype.
The Wii needs a killer app quickly. Something with slightly better graphics than Halo 1 would do it for now. How about a GoldenEye Sequel!

Thats exactly how I feel right now. I like the wii but its only surviving on hype most people have not even had a chance to play a wii since most stores only have a non playable demo setup where you can only watch a video being played. The controls are innovative but that does not mean squat if the games suck because developers are too lazy to take to perfect there controls and in game graphics.

To make matters worse every title that would help boost the wii hype and keep people interested have a ? 2007-2008release date. This system has been out almost 6 months now and we are still getting nothing but junk ports that are horrible. Its bad when the best game your looking forward to is a port of Resident Evil 4.
Impulse buy? Give me a break. The only way you're going to get ahold of a Wii is if you PLAN around it. The chances of someone just happening across one and buying it are just about nil. Most places who get them in stock already have them spoken for, there's a large line, or they're kept secret and only given out to people who specifically ask if they have any.

There's absolutely NOTHING impulse buy about the Wii.
Haywire said:
Thats exactly how I feel right now. I like the wii but its only surviving on hype most people have not even had a chance to play a wii since most stores only have a non playable demo setup where you can only watch a video being played. The controls are innovative but that does not mean squat if the games suck because developers are too lazy to take to perfect there controls and in game graphics.

To make matters worse every title that would help boost the wii hype and keep people interested have a ? 2007-2008release date. This system has been out almost 6 months now and we are still getting nothing but junk ports that are horrible. Its bad when the best game your looking forward to is a port of Resident Evil 4.

This really all depends on what you're looking for though and the audience that is being catered to. For tons of people, Wii Sports, Raving Rabbits, and Wario ARE killer apps and they're the only games they're going to buy for a long time. You have to realize that the Wii is appealing to a FAR broader audience than any console EVER has and a lot of people are more than happy with minigames and things of that nature. That's what they WANTED in the first place and that's what they're GETTING right now.

It's worth noting that *I* don't really fall into that category, but I'd venture a guess that MOST of the people with Wiis DO. I REALLY enjoy that type of game and it's very likely to keep me occupied until something else shows up that's a "true/traditional" killer app.

A Goldeneye following would, of course, be a no brainer. That and Starfox all-but MADE the N64 (subject to debate of course). SSBB is coming out this year as well, and that is going to throw sales absolutely through the roof.
I'm not knocking your view just commenting on it so nothing is meant against you. With that said I'm not sure many people would agree on warioware or rayman being killer apps, yes the wii is garnered to a large casual base but even casual gamers are going to get sick of minigames. So far we have Warioware, Wiisports, Wiiplay and Rayman Raving Rabids and coming soon we have Mario Party and not to mention every game is full of minigames like Monkey ball and Sonic. They have absolutely flooded the minigame market but have held off on their killer apps that appeal to the same audience such Smash Brothers and Mario Galaxy.

Besides all the numerous minisgames we have great titles that appeal mainly to children like Open season, Chicken Little, Ant Bully, Avatar, Ice Age 2, Meet the Robinsons, Grim Adventures, Rampage, Happy Feet, Barnyard, and Cars. Then we have a few more adult orientated games like Red steel, Farcry, SC:DA, COD3, MOHV while still fun they each have serious problems ranging from controls to graphics. Lastly most of the other games not covered yet have according to reviews just been plain bad such as Cooking Momma and Wing Island.

I do enjoy the wii I really do like Zelda, Excite Truck, Monkey Ball (single player only), Trauma Center, DBZ the most out of my collection of games but I do have fun with Red Steel and Far Cry even though they are seriuosly flawed. But most of my other Games Likes Warioware, Rayman, Chicken Little, Wiisports, Wiiplay, and Sonic are just family diversions.
One last thing I like the wii but if it doesn't get some orignal IP's and better games this system is basically going to crash on its own hype.

I do understand what you're saying. I guess I'm referring to a PER PERSON basis. There are loads of people who buy Wiis just for those games and the few games like them. Because of how HUGE the market is (45yr old soccer moms, to grandparents, to 6 year olds) those are EXACTLY the kind of games that sell the system for many (if not MOST) people.

You don't find soccer moms, grandparents, or 6 year olds pining away about SSBB or some other "killer app" simply because what they can do with their console IS their killer app and IS the whole reason they bought the thing. They want to flick it on and play bowling, tennis, or a Rayman minigame when they have company over, not break out pokemon or SSBB.

From an OVERALL standpoint I do agree that they need some original IPs and killer apps. I was just talking on a "personal" level regarding what a lot of buyers are REALLY interested in. Had there been nothing but teenage boys lined up to get wiis, i'd totally agree with you, but there were plenty of middleaged moms standing outside of stores buying for THEMSELVES when this thing launched. That is something NOBODY can say about their console but Nintendo.
Hickeroar said:

I do understand what you're saying. I guess I'm referring to a PER PERSON basis. There are loads of people who buy Wiis just for those games and the few games like them. Because of how HUGE the market is (45yr old soccer moms, to grandparents, to 6 year olds) those are EXACTLY the kind of games that sell the system for many (if not MOST) people.

You don't find soccer moms, grandparents, or 6 year olds pining away about SSBB or some other "killer app" simply because what they can do with their console IS their killer app and IS the whole reason they bought the thing. They want to flick it on and play bowling, tennis, or a Rayman minigame when they have company over, not break out pokemon or SSBB.

From an OVERALL standpoint I do agree that they need some original IPs and killer apps. I was just talking on a "personal" level regarding what a lot of buyers are REALLY interested in. Had there been nothing but teenage boys lined up to get wiis, i'd totally agree with you, but there were plenty of middleaged moms standing outside of stores buying for THEMSELVES when this thing launched. That is something NOBODY can say about their console but Nintendo.

I also agree with your points its just my defintition of killer app is very different then yours. To me a killer app are titles like Halo, Gears of War, God of War, Gran Tourismo, Metal Gear, and Mario games that are just outstanding, sell a million copies, push the fans expectations and increas econsole sales and interest. Zelda is the only game out so far that I would consider a killer app the others are great since it is drawing in new players with there casual play but even casual players will get bored with them if every game is full of the same minigames.
Hickeroar said:
Impulse buy? Give me a break. The only way you're going to get ahold of a Wii is if you PLAN around it. The chances of someone just happening across one and buying it are just about nil. Most places who get them in stock already have them spoken for, there's a large line, or they're kept secret and only given out to people who specifically ask if they have any.

There's absolutely NOTHING impulse buy about the Wii.

Actually many people have just been lucky enough to be there at the right time to get a wii. Thats what happened to me one morning after taking my son to the dr's I went to a Best Buy and was lucky enough to grab the last one. It came down to a decision to buy it now which is impulsive or risk not getting one for months I had to reopen a Best Buy account just to even purchase it and I'm a person who hates using credit cards.
Haywire said:
Actually many people have just been lucky enough to be there at the right time to get a wii. Thats what happened to me one morning after taking my son to the dr's I went to a Best Buy and was lucky enough to grab the last one. It came down to a decision to buy it now which is impulsive or risk not getting one for months I had to reopen a Best Buy account just to even purchase it and I'm a person who hates using credit cards.

Impulse buy implies you weren't really planning on getting one in the first place, you see it, and then decide it might be cool. Impulse buys are when you snag a candy bar from the shopping line. Most, or all, people who make that instant decision regarding the wii were already planning on buying one and are just waiting to happen across one, or totally planning around it. Nobody says "oh, that looks cool! I might like it!" and then buys the thing.

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