Is The Wii Really An Impulse Buy?

Verb 1. impulse-buy - buy on impulse without proper reflection

Wanting and planning to get a wii does not necessarily make it a a non impulse buy. In my case it was an impulsive buy because even though I wanted it and planned to get one in the future I did not have the cash for it at the time, and it was an impulsive buy because I took out a line of credit just to get one because if I didn't I would not find one for months.

The very nature of console shortages make them an impluse buy if you want one during the high demand.
Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesperson Dave Karraker recently commented: "Wii could be considered an impulse buy more than anything else,"

…there's the simple answer.
No it's not an impulse buy. The conscience decision time is too long to be classified as an impulse purchase. An impulse buy is widely accepted as a decision made in the time that it takes for an original transaction to be completed. e.g. if you were out buying a magazine and as you were paying for it you decided to purchase some gum that was displayed on the counter.

As the Wii is classified as a purchase that is made with disposable income rather than every day cash, it is not possible to see it as an impulse purchase.

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