Sniper rifle only matches

Just thought of something... What happens if we end up in a map which isn't a good sniper map?
I don't use the silencer much anyways so no biggie for me, I mostly use thermal on everything since I have gotten used to it.

How does a Saturday or Sunday sound? I can be on anytime really.

I'm on west coast so I'm pacific time zone, Any where from 1:00pm-9:00pm is good for me.

Weekends are usually good for me.
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Just thought of something... What happens if we end up in a map which isn't a good sniper map?

Hip fire, or quick scope people. I'm not good at either of those techniques really, so this could be good practice.

Make it a level playing field, only the default sniper rifle can be used.

Ehh sounds kinda boring, I'm sure most of us that want in at least have the toros, and in my opinion its better then the rest of the sniper rifles to me.

This has happened before guys, check this guys channel games out:

Wow, yeah I'm not that skilled running around like that, but it should be fun.

I noticed in some moments players get close enough to melee, to me its kinda natural instinct sometimes to try and melee lol.

Melee or not??
Haha rell, I see you've found a magical solution to double posting... Is it as tedious as it looks? Id rather just DP but DP guy is getting kind of annoying... So...

I agree we should use whichever rifle we favor.

After seeing that video, I think Im f-ed in the a... Ive probably pulled off a dozen no scopes successfully but I hardly try. We can use our sidearm tho right?

This is going to be great practice and Im going to fail big :yesnod:

rell, this is your game so youre going to have to have the final say in this regard as well. Just make sure you post the rules before we do this thing.

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