Signature Gallery (Show us your work)


Still working on it, still missing something IMO :) and wanna sort out the font animation etc.. that's just temporary while I figure out a good way to use a font etc. for this sig and just so it has my name on it before I finish it :) doubt I'll use the animation - mucks up quality anyway. But what you guys think so far? I was pleased with it considering it's the first time I've worked on this kinda style.
Thats really cool Wiired, love the style. Still trying to figure it out for myself.
the pack is compatible with 7,8,cs2 and cs3 but for the latter two you will need a couple of dll files and i cant post a link its against forum rules ummm email address? and you will need a program like utorent
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Thats an awsome stick fighting gif, it should be your avatar instead of your sig.

Pretty good Wiired, I would add a back/ white gradient map to make it a bit darker though.

Hmmm I make all of my animations in photoshop, I really need flash because in photoshop you cant edit the animation speed that well.
Mario Famous said:
Thats an awsome stick fighting gif, it should be your avatar instead of your sig.

Pretty good Wiired, I would add a back/ white gradient map to make it a bit darker though.

Hmmm I make all of my animations in photoshop, I really need flash because in photoshop you cant edit the animation speed that well.

It Said It Won't Fit...:mad2:
Mario Famous said:
Hmmm I make all of my animations in photoshop, I really need flash because in photoshop you cant edit the animation speed that well.
I have Flash MX 2004, and I love it. It's kind of pointless for sigs though, because none of the forums I go to let you use .swf files in your signature.
Yeah but then you can just screendump the flash animation as it appears on the screen and copy it into a paint program

--- or ---

U go to export --> save as GIF in export window

--- or ---

Publish the swf file under a different format such as GIF, HTML, EXE etc
Mario Famous said:
Pretty good Wiired, I would add a back/ white gradient map to make it a bit darker though.
Exactly what i was going to say. =/
Mario Famous said:
Hmmm I make all of my animations in photoshop, I really need flash because in photoshop you cant edit the animation speed that well.
AGREED. I hate that about IR, it pisses me off, cuz' I love to do animation. :frown2:
Could I make a request? I want Mario in it, the High def one, if you could, please. With my name, of course.