Signature Gallery (Show us your work)

Wii17 said:
ya wiired would you like those 209 brushes and 1700 filters too, already sent them to redan499. all i ask for is credit for time finding and uploading them all :) (only if you use them of course lol)
Sure :) whether I'll be able to download them or not is another question, because torrents always freezes my laptop :prr: but yeah, would appreciate it :)

im on a sig making rampage. trying lighting, first time. also using some brushes Wii17 sent and a tut that Wiired sent [using pen tool underneath text]
Redan499 said:

im on a sig making rampage. trying lighting, first time. also using some brushes Wii17 sent and a tut that Wiired sent [using pen tool underneath text]
Lmao. Sounds kinda violent :p and verrry nice sig :) I like it all. Can't figure out whether it'll look better with a border or not :crazy:

Wii17 said:
well i can stop seeding it and send it to your gmail if you want me to, plus the brushes arent a torrent. got them on rapidshare

Brushes was the main thing I wanted :p if you could PM me them? Thanks a bunch buddy :D:D
Anyone want a sig? Finished this one a little while ago and i dont think im going to use it. PM me if you want it and instead of NAME HERE your name will take the place of it. It wont be exactly like that font, i simply put it there for no ripping purposes.
KCBlack said:
Good taste in music to start with :D But yeah I love the 'Interstate' and '40' in the background, only thing I don't really like it the writing/font. Wee bit too much IMO, especially all cramped together :) and I noticed you did the random number thing :p but otherwise yeah it's good :D
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made a new sig for SOTW for another site. ...I had to attach the image since photobucket is down right now.


  • famoussupercopybc2.png
    81.7 KB · Views: 114
Mario Famous said:
made a new sig for SOTW for another site. ...I had to attach the image since photobucket is down right now.
Love it. Not so sure about the writing (difficult to read) and I'm not sure as I like the rectangular parts of Mario you've put in the top left corner, but the rest of it is great! I love the way you use line (maybe line brush?) down the bottom on your sigs, sort of like your personal touch, and works well :) I also like the outline which I just noticed, looks good :)
Sorry for double post, but made another new sig today :) same style as my last, but this time using Beyonce (couldn't figure out who to do :))
I originally did this (just to try out the writing brush):

But afterwards I changed it to this, which I think is better:

I'm starting to love this style :D (some brushes are props to Wii17, who sent me a whole giant pack of them :) thanks dude.)