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I added Aeneas and 2tekk4u, but you still haven't replied, plz do :)

EDIT: No, your Wii will never tell you if someone has added you. That's why we PM to let the other one know.
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Hey! If anyone wants to add me, message me,ok? I would post my number here..but, you got hackers out there...and well, you know. So, message me,ok? My po' wii need some fwendz! ^___^*:wink:
Essence said:
Hey! If anyone wants to add me, message me,ok? I would post my number here..but, you got hackers out there...and well, you know. So, message me,ok? My po' wii need some fwendz! ^___^*:wink:

Um.... dude, your wii number is under your profile on the far left side of the screen :p

I will add you though! .... when I have time 9.9
Say who?

:wtf: Wha? You can see it? Oh...well, I did say I was new. LOL! Hahahah! Im still learning this place, Give me time! lol! hahah! Well, add me and I will surely add you! Heheh!

I think my intelligence just went down 30pts.
Indeed your IQ went down a lil. First, i don't really know how you could get your Wii hacked with a bunch of 16 numbers. :scared:

:yesnod: I can send you the link on how its done. But, its possible. It reeeally is. lol!
Bram wii number 6143-5420-7111-1473
send me your number and i will add u
im always on wii play so add me and we can play sum games
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My Wii Number: 7757 6389 6503 8015

Add me and I will add you - just let me know you have done so! :cool:
Hey,guys! I will add you in just a few minutes! Its been fun getting messages from people and seeing their miis. Everyone is so creative! Hehe!
Post what link? lol? My wii number? Its under my name that what you mean?
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