all this talk about this issue is making me scared to turn my 360 on LOL until I came to this site I never know this was such a wide spread issue wow
You're just hurting yourself like that.

I myself am not about to let RROD make me paranoid. As soon as it gets fixed im going back to playing my 360 just as much as I was.

Besides, I read this article somewhere that talked about how the amount you play your 360 really doesn't make that much of a difference. You could not use it for 6 months then turn it on one day and it has RROD.
I still play it as much as ever but I used to just slap the button and go do something else while she loads, NOT anymore i stare at that thing and make sure I see no red.

I had it like 2 years so im sure im stuck if she goes but ohh well as much as I play games (even at my age) its worth dropin a few bills to buy a new one
I'm thinking my current box is close to dying. Started making some funky noises last night. I want to send it in to get it fixed before it RRODs on me.
I doubt the would, but my current box doesn't work as well as it should. I'd like to get it fixed. It occasionally freezes and it won't read discs half the time on start up.
Actually I got my 360 box last night and there was a slip where you check off what the problem is. One of the problems was the console making odd noises when playing. Also freezing when starting up console. So maybe they would fix it :p

Also I saw some videos of people who get a new HDD when they send in their 360 for repair. So I may possibly get a new one and have atleast 40gigs of space ^_^

But I wonder if ill get the newer version of the 360 that uses a 65nm processing chip with HDMI output.
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When I got mine I thought ah won't worry about it I'm sure it's happened to a few people but I should be fine for quite a while I was wrong if you have a 360 you will get the RROD I still love that thing for the 7 seconds I can play it though.
Okay, my Xbox broke again... No RROD but disc drive error... I have to send it in AGAIN >.< I only had my xbox fixed for 9 days
360 "Elite"

9 months after opening got the RROD

Should have gotten a PS3 to compliment my Wii

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