Graphics Sub-section Petition!

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  • #273
Brawny said:
O.......K....... You on something right now ty?

Adam is preferred for me I suppose
No, i'm just kind of happy. I just figured a HUGE way to improve my game...I would go in to detail but I would rather not a) spam a great thread/cause and b) bore you. :/

And you know i'm a Christian...
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  • #276
Brawny said:
We can't joke? :lol:



Lol, we all want it...I think i'm going to start on my "renderless" sig now...
Good luck with the "Let's bold our words and type in all caps to suggest yelling" campaign. I hope that does well for you...
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  • #278
Gymdawg said:
Good luck with the "Let's bold our words and type in all caps to suggest yelling" campaign. I hope that does well for you...

Not yelling, loud talking. Very different, it can mean the difference between humor and annoyance.
Gymdawg said:
Good luck with the "Let's bold our words and type in all caps to suggest yelling" campaign. I hope that does well for you...

Meh, this thread died a long time ago. The pm has already been sent, the section - already in (hopefully) the works.
If we that section is made and when it's ready, what would we do???

1. More contests???
2. More Tuts???
3. More GFX Shops???
4. More Sigs???
5. More Avys???
6. More Posts???
7. More Threads???

Last two are pretty obvious... :lol:
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  • #283
demonflair said:
If we that section is made and when it's ready, what would we do???

1. More contests???
2. More Tuts???
3. More GFX Shops???
4. More Sigs???
5. More Avys???
6. More Posts???
7. More Threads???

Last two are pretty obvious... :lol:
All of the above. A new GFX shop would be made, the "Signature Gallery" is a classic, so that'll be imported, the "Official Graphics Thread" will be imported...that's it probably. Everything else will be built from the ground up.

This thread will be deleted obviously, along with all the SOTW's. Tons of threads and activity will be going on there, I know a ton of members will join just because we have that section. :)
Gymdawg said:
Any idea of who will moderate it?
Jill told me i0n will decide on who he thinks is most fit. :)
Why would you delete all the old SOTWs? Just move them in and lock them.
In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a sub-forum just for SOTW.
Just my take on what it should look like...not saying you guys will agree..but just my opinion after seeing it done on another forum..


- GFX Resource/Discussion: Discuss anything related to photoshop etc. Section could be used to post tutorials, useful fonts, brushes, renders etc.

- Sig Of The Week - Enter in contests or vote for your favourite signature. If possible make it so that only the section moderators could post the threads and have members post their entries etc..

- General Graphics Showoff : Showoff your latest work..users only permitted to make 2threads/day to prevent spam and from users creating a new thread for every signature/design they make.

- Request/Pick up section: Request a signature from one of the GFX artists while following a certain guideline. Also would be an area to post pick ups/sigs made for other users.

The main part would be to ask questions or general gfx discussion. Could possibly include a request thread instead of creating a sub section for it.

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