RPers! Vote for the next big RP! >=D

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  • #46
A new nomination has been added. It was a fun idea to play with that I feel could make one hell of an RP.

If there are no more post I'll assume it's the Zelda RP and make an SU thread. Any exeptions?
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i'm cool with that but i'd personally wait a bit. i mean we've got WMBQs RP going on and Realms 2(IF PEOPLE WOULD POST DAMNIT!)
so i don't think people want to run 3 RPs essentially
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  • #48
Yes, but waiting is what killed Seekers. I'm not risking it.
yea, but running three RPs at once will kill one of them, which is stupid.
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  • #50
The way I see it, it'll be mine that dies so I'm screwed either way, so I might aswell go for it. Besides, it was suppose to be started already but I held off because of Ultimatum.
Sorry man, but I want to have to try to stick with one RP at a time.
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  • #52
Adding short previews of each RP. And I guess I'll hold off.

Just read through Seekers again, God that RP was bound for greatness. Trying to add more previews of RPs, but laziness is kicking in. :p

Also, I had this one idea come over me today. How would you guys feel about a Tron RP? A bit retro I know but I was contimplating some bits of it in my head at work and started making something epic. I know most of you don't know much about Tron but I could give a crash-coarse in the RP thread. Might post a Tron vid I found last year that was awsome later.


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  • #53
New nomination up for my Tron idea. I feel it really doesn't do my idea justice but hopefully will be enough to catch intrigue since it has become my favorite idea.
the only tron i know is from Kingdom Hearts 2. sorry to say it but i'm almost positive that every one else is in the same boat as me.
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  • #55
I was afraid of that. That's why I'm prepared to tell the whole story to tron if I have to.
um what about wiininja's all welcome RP yes it does get off topic but its about ANYTHING i mean you got Nintendo games Microsoft games Apple- wait no i lied apple sucks

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