RPers! Vote for the next big RP! >=D

^ I'm in. That sounds pretty sweet.
However, try not to over-complicate the plot before it starts. The Alt. Plot was just the most basic of ideas to start with, and something amazing was made.

That's true. I think I'm gonna go ahead and make it and see if I can garner any attention. The RP won't be up today, as I'm very busy, but it may be up by tonight. If not, then Sunday for sure.
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guys, im sorry to end ur talk, but lets keep it on topic plz.
Kid I know you haven't been here long so I'll let you in on something. When a RP god posts, who cares what the damn topic is? :lol:

anyways, HOLY SHIZ ITS PHIL!!!one!!
Glad to see you like my ideas WMBQ, I feel... honered. *tear*

I definately remember Blueman, I was wondering yesterday if you two would ever show up again. :lol: And holy crap it's a small world. I just started singing for my friends band Chaos & Clockwork.
i'd rather finish Realms2 first before starting in another big RP. but people aren't posting :(

still, i like bodines' Zelda idea or WMBQs new idea.

@hero: in the board game section, its ok to go off topic. this place us essentially just a spam section. slightly different rules apply here
Alright so last night, I was toying with an idea similar to the Alternate Plot in which there is a world with a terrible, terrible villain, but no hero. This villain is perfect: he knows how to acquire loyal minions, he's clever and won't be stopped by stealth, and he's well trained in magic, swordplay, and any other combat devices he may need.

Now he takes over this world, but like I said above, there is no one brave enough or strong enough to take on the challenge. After a month of his terrible reign, a group of magicians build a portal to take in heroes from other worlds as a last resort. They choose only the best ones, and then these heroes would be forced to adapt to this new world and take on the challenge placed before them... like it or not.

So yeah it's a very basic idea that I'll develop a bit more if there's interest. I liked this idea because it doesn't require knowledge of a particular game to be a part in, so pretty much anyone could play. You could be any video game hero you wanted, so it isn't inclusive to only a specific group of people.

So what do we think of this? Yea? Nay? If I get enough positive feedback, then I'll develop the plot further.
Sound's good. I know I chickened out of the second Alternate Plot, but I've grown and I believe I've gotten better at Role Playing.
I like Time War. I dont like the intergalactic games one bc you ripped it off from Jimmy Neutron. lmao.
Try Ratchet And Clank: Deadlock.

And yeah, I read them all just because I'm nosy.. I have no contributions to make, sorry. :p
Sound's good. I know I chickened out of the second Alternate Plot, but I've grown and I believe I've gotten better at Role Playing.

If I recall correctly, I kicked you out because I used to be an asshole. Haha, one and a half years later, I'm sorry about that... don't put the blame on yourself. My fault. :)

Well I'm gonna get started on that plot in an hour or two. I had an idea that I'm really excited about last night which should spruce this role play up a bit...
I like Time War. I dont like the intergalactic games one bc you ripped it off from Jimmy Neutron. lmao.
Try Ratchet And Clank: Deadlock.

And yeah, I read them all just because I'm nosy.. I have no contributions to make, sorry. :p
Yeah, your right. It's okay to be nosy when your a Moderator.
Sound's good. I know I chickened out of the second Alternate Plot, but I've grown and I believe I've gotten better at Role Playing.

If I recall correctly, I kicked you out because I used to be an asshole. Haha, one and a half years later, I'm sorry about that... don't put the blame on yourself. My fault. :)
Actually I remember that you kicked me out, let me back in, and then I left because everyone else was complaining. But being kicked out did get me in the mood that people didn't like me. It's okay, I never stress over the past to much. Otherwise I would switch over to my alternate YouTube account and spam zerolucario's channel for blocking me. But back to WiiChat.
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I had another idea for an RP. Actually it's been stirring in my head for about two or three years now as a plan for a video game. Anyways, it's a Star Fox prequel, probably titled Star Fox Origins or something. Thing is I don't want to post it's details in the OP unless theres actually some interest in it. So what do you say guys? Sound like something you guys would like?
Actually I became a Star Fox fan from Star Fox 64. But sure. Why not?
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Well me too. :p

You're aware Star Fox 64 was a remake of the original Star Fox for the SNES?
Then that sounds good to me. But the problem is if WMBQ's idea becomes life, I might have to manage two RPs at once. Shouldn't be much of a problem.
I've found that the key to a good role play is focusing on something that everybody will be able to get involved in because they know what they're talking about. I once had a Pokemon role play on this website, but that failed after about 250 posts, so I brought it to a Pokemon forum, where it had some success.

That's also why the Alternate Plot was so successful. It was an amalgamation of Nintendo games on a Nintendo forum, which is kind of what I'm trying to do with the idea I'm currently developing. I, for one, know very little about Starfox. As such, if you start that role play, I will be unable to participate. I may be the only one, and if that's the case, then I am being selfish, and I'll let you do the StarFox roleplay without making a competitor so it can have success.

Because of that, I am against the StarFox roleplay. Mostly because I don't know anything about it. I'm not trying to establish success for the roleplay I have in mind, but I can see why it would seem like that.
I've found that the key to a good role play is focusing on something that everybody will be able to get involved in because they know what they're talking about. I once had a Pokemon role play on this website, but that failed after about 250 posts, so I brought it to a Pokemon forum, where it had some success.

That's also why the Alternate Plot was so successful. It was an amalgamation of Nintendo games on a Nintendo forum, which is kind of what I'm trying to do with the idea I'm currently developing. I, for one, know very little about Starfox. As such, if you start that role play, I will be unable to participate. I may be the only one, and if that's the case, then I am being selfish, and I'll let you do the StarFox roleplay without making a competitor so it can have success.

Because of that, I am against the StarFox roleplay. Mostly because I don't know anything about it. I'm not trying to establish success for the roleplay I have in mind, but I can see why it would seem like that.
Yep, that's it. Your inferring the problem with Bodine's idea, but it's really up to him.

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