RPers! Vote for the next big RP! >=D

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  • #16
Go with the Zelda one. Kickass. One thing, its not Golden Realm, its the Sacred Realm. lol. Sorry, im a stickler.

It was called both Golden Realm and Sacred Realm in A Link to the Past, I just picked one. :p
Ahhhhhh ass. lol. I forgot they said that in a Link to the Past... I thought you were only going off the OOT version of the story. :lol:
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  • #18
So it looks like it'll be Zelda FTW. We'll start on it after Realms 2.
I'm not a huge Zelda fan... In fact, the only game I own so far is Phantom Hourglass :p
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  • #20
Hm, should I wait for more votes or is this about it?
The Alternate Plot: War Amoungst Ourselves
With Tabuu gone, and the Majestic 12 defeated, the remaining heroes try to find peace once again, but one day shortly after the Majestic 12 ordeal was over, the Alloy Empire came knocking at the Smash Worlds door. What did they want? Peace. Peace that unintentionally brought chaos. The Alloys appologized for the outbreak of their brethern clan, their polar opposites, the Subspace Emissary, and offered the residence of Smash World their guidance and protection from anything like this to happen again. After consulting to the governmental leaders of the world, an act was passed. All of those involved in the plight to stop the Subspace Emissary & The Majestic 12, and all heroes and super-humans at that, are to register under the new governmental power the Alloys have made. Basically meaning they can enlist in their army or be fugitives. This begins the War between heroes. Mario leading the Pro-Alloy Act group, and Fox McCloud leading the Anti-Alloy Act group. (Inspired by the comic book series Marvel: Civil War)

The Alternate Plot: Band of Misfits
Picture this, during the Subspace Emissary story when everyone becomes trophyized, instead of saving the heroes Sonic is defeated and trophyized himself. Instantaneously, all the world other heroes are being trophizes one by one. With no one to save the world who do you turn to? The answer... the other guys. Yep, a makeshift team of heroes must come together in a halarious journey to save the world from Tabuu. The other guys I speak of are characters from games that really don't have any importance to their series at all. Like Tingle from The Legend of Zelda, or the President from Pikmin. Do these misfits got what it takes to save the world? Probably not, but they're our last hope.

My heart leaped when I saw these.

As the conceited father of WiiChat roleplaying, I'd like to be a part of this. Only with less conceit this time around.

I'll vote when it's not 2 in the morning and I can think straight... haha
I smiled when I saw the title of that post, Shadow... it's good to know I've been missed :)

My infrequent visits to WiiChat are going to become more frequent,for lack of a better word. For all my grammatical obsession, I can be redundant, especially at 2:30 in the morning. Even I'm a hypocrite sometimes, right?

My life has changed since you last saw me. I've gravitated away from video games and into art. I'm currently playing bass and singing for a band (One in which Blue Man plays drums for... does anyone remember Blue Man?) and singing for another, I'm doing a lot of drawings and attending an art class that garners college scholarships, and most importantly, I'm writing a book which was inspired by the Alternate Plot. It's already pretty long (currently at the approximate length of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, but I'm not even close to completion), but don't you guys worry: You'll all be listed in the acknowledgments if it ever somehow gets published.

However, despite my artistic leanings, I know that I'm here to stay. At least for now. I kind of deserted you guys, and I've been wanting to see where WiiChat roleplaying has gone. Good to see my old friends still active :)
well its nice to know you'll be active some more.
and i remember blue man. didn't his parents ban him from wiichat or somethin'?
i've written my own story to. i can give you a link if you want it. and once yours is finished give me a link. i read the one chapter you posted and i liked it.
It's part of the Raven!

But why?
Sweet! WMBQ is in? Then I'm in too!
Man, I miss the Alternate Plot. That was both the origin and the pinnacle of my roleplaying career. I've actually got a little "something" in the works now... If it ever sees the light of day, the faithful RPers of this site will be the first to see it. :shifty:
Alright so last night, I was toying with an idea similar to the Alternate Plot in which there is a world with a terrible, terrible villain, but no hero. This villain is perfect: he knows how to acquire loyal minions, he's clever and won't be stopped by stealth, and he's well trained in magic, swordplay, and any other combat devices he may need.

Now he takes over this world, but like I said above, there is no one brave enough or strong enough to take on the challenge. After a month of his terrible reign, a group of magicians build a portal to take in heroes from other worlds as a last resort. They choose only the best ones, and then these heroes would be forced to adapt to this new world and take on the challenge placed before them... like it or not.

So yeah it's a very basic idea that I'll develop a bit more if there's interest. I liked this idea because it doesn't require knowledge of a particular game to be a part in, so pretty much anyone could play. You could be any video game hero you wanted, so it isn't inclusive to only a specific group of people.

So what do we think of this? Yea? Nay? If I get enough positive feedback, then I'll develop the plot further.
^ I'm in. That sounds pretty sweet.
However, try not to over-complicate the plot before it starts. The Alt. Plot was just the most basic of ideas to start with, and something amazing was made.

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